Process Based Corrective and Preventive Action
Whether it’s a Sub Tier Supplier Rejection, an In -House Non Conformance, an Escape to the Customer, or a Customer Site Rejection, Process based Corrective and Preventative action is key to continuous improvement
First and foremost, Containment must be had, DO NOT SHIP more product until certain that the nonconformance does not exist on subsequent shipment
Perform a Review of Build Records, Stock Sweep, Work in Process, and prepare Disclosure for Potential/Known Delivered Non Conforming Product to Customer
So many times the misguided focus is on fixing the problem e.g., reworks, return to vendor, screen 100%, etc.
We can’t improve if we “keep repeating the same process and expect a different result”, Einstein’s definition of insanity
Operator Error and Training typically isn’t a true root cause or an acceptable corrective action, what in the system allowed this to occur? And how did it go undetected?
We must address the systemic issue, how did the system allow the issue to occur, and what is to be done to prevent recurrence?
Again focusing on the system failure, not the product issue, to determine true root cause. Keep asking Why! (5 Why) and use appropriate Statistical and Analytical tools
Next develop and implement a viable Corrective Action Plan
Finally, validate the effectiveness of the Corrective and Preventive Action Taken
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