Lesedi R. Rammika
Partner - Complex Litigation | Public Law and Public Interest | Public Procurement Law |
i. Introduction
The Court of Appeal serves the role of scrutinizing judgments of the lower court and determining whether the reasoning is sustainable in the circumstances presented before it. To scrutinize a judgment, there must be a reasoned judgment delivered to begin with. In several instances the Court of Appeal of Botswana has encountered situations where the court below has issued an order but not given a reasoned judgment. In such circumstances, there has been a few instances where the hearing at the appeal proceeded, but in most instances the hearing has not proceeded. This dialogue pursues a deliberation to ascertain the grounds upon which justice is delayed, and the grounds on which it is not. Firstly, the commentary will cover the two forms of lack in reasoning, thereafter a consideration on whether there is a distinct treatment between matters from the High Court versus matters from the Industrial Court, and in close deliberate on why some matters are postponed where there is no judgment while others are not.
ii. Two Forms of Lack in Reasoning
There are two ways in which reason may not be furnished by a court:
In matters of the first instance, the Court of Appeal proceeds with the hearing of the matter and makes a determination with consideration of the lack in reasoning being part of a reason to deliver its own position which may vary from that of the court a quo. The point being highlighted here, is that where there is no reason over determination of a distinct issue within a judgment, the hearing of the Court would still proceed. This is because in substance, a judgment capable of subjection to scrutiny has been produced.
However, with regard to the second instance, the Court of Appeal has shifted between two approaches. The predominant approach being that the hearing of the Appeal be postponed and an order be issued directing the Judge in the court a quo to furnish reasons within a set period of time. The less adopted approach is to proceed despite there being no judgment at all.
Judgments which give an example of the first instance include:
With regard to the second instance, where there is no judgment at all issued save for an order, the honourable Court of Appeal has proceeded to deliberate in conflicting positions in the following respects:
?"Failure to give reasons for judgment was a misdirection, which presents difficulties to this Court in dealing with the merits of the appeal. It is not this Court alone which was disadvantaged by this omission. The Appellant was also highly prejudiced thereby particularly when formulating his grounds of appeal and seeking to comply with the requirements of Rule 18 (2) and (3) of the Rules of this Court. The Respondents too have been left in the dark with no reasons available.”
?“In the present case, in the absence of such a written judgment, the issue is not clearly focused, and so this court as a court of appeal is bound to consider the facts for itself and exercise its own discretion in the matter.”
This earlier judgment marks the confusion which becomes apparent in instances where there is no reasoned judgment at a hearing in the Court of Appeal.
To proceed or not to proceed? that is the question.
?iii. Acceptance of the established practice where there is no reasoned judgment
In a recent decision of THULAGANYO DAPHNEY KAUTA v B-TECH AND OTHERS CACGB-305-21 (unreported) [5th August 2022], Radijeng AJA, with Dambe JA and Garekwe JA concurring, accepted that the established practice in circumstances where there is no reasoned judgement issued is to postpone the appeal hearing to a later date and direct a deadline to which the court a quo should issue judgment. Reliance was placed on the Hitecon judgment and the approach adopted therein. In this instance, the court a quo had issued an order and delivered its reasons orally and the Appellant sought to proceed on the basis of what was stated orally by the judge. However, the court emphasized that it requires a written judgment and that an oral reasoning is as good as no judgment at all.
With this case, it is clear that the principal approach of the Court of Appeal is that the hearing must not proceed where there is no written reasoning. In the above Kauta matter, the Court of Appeal maintained that an attempt to proceed without a judgment is an attempt to rest the Court of Appeal with duties of a court of first instance which it is not.
This of course does not mean that the Court does not have authority to do so, but rather it opts to use such authority sparingly. This is notwithstanding the existence of Section 7 of the Court of Appeal Act which stated that “for all purposes of and incidental to the hearing and determination of any appeal, the Court of Appeal shall have, in addition to any other power, authority and jurisdiction conferred by this Act and the Constitution, the power, authority and jurisdiction vested in the High Court.” In BEATRICE MAKHWADE v UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA CACGB-308-21 (unreported) at para 27-28 and 30-32, the court maintained that it is not thereby, per section 7, granted liberty to be a court of first instance capable of determining a first instance interdict application. Utilisation of the first instance discretion through applications is available in instances such as that of STATE v MAAUWE AND ANOTHER 2006 (2) BLR 530 and later GABAAKANYE v PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA AND OTHERS [2016] 1 BLR 373 (CA).
Therefore, one can only move from the principal practice where there are some ascertainable exceptional circumstances.
?iv. Exception to the established practice
From the two precedents found by the writer at the time of preparation of this dialogue, there appears two exceptions to the practice of postponement of a hearing:
?“The absence of a written judgment or ruling notwithstanding, the issue before us is not significantly difficult to resolve. Returning to the question whether the substantive contempt application should have been heard and determined at a time when there was a pending application for directions, the answer to that question must be in the negative.”
?v. Conclusion
The established practice is that where there is no reasoned judgment at all, the hearing of an appeal is postponed. However, this lack of reasoned judgment must not be faulted from the parties. Where there is a window extended by the court a quo to request a written judgment, and an Appellant fails to utilize it, then the appeal will be struck out. Fault would be on the appellant. One can also conclude that the same fate awaits a cross-appellant who also fails to request a judgment in such situations.
Under exceptional circumstances, the Court of Appeal will depart from the established practice of postponing hearings. This is in instances such as; (1) where it appears to be redundant to postpone an appeal based on the nature or circumstances of the matter at hand, or (2) where the issue under appeal is narrow or primarily procedural. Despite these noted exceptions, the discretion of the court still remains exercisable depending on the facts and issues of each case.