PROCEDURA SELETTIVA PER TITOLI E ESAMI PER N. 3 ASSEGNI DI TIPO B "National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (HPC)
The USCE2QC project focuses on highly dependable, hybrid (classical-quantum) computing systems, involving devices, (physical and virtual) servers deployed in Fog/Cloud infrastructure as well as Quantum computers, enabling and exploring new avenues in the Edge-Fog-Cloud to Quantum (E2Q) computing continuum. E2Q architectures, patterns, offloading mechanisms, and dependability policies and strategies will be investigated by the researcher, with specific regard to:
- E2Q Continuum Architecture - Design and develop a distributed architecture for seamless and efficient resource sharing across the Edge-Fog-Cloud-Quantum continuum.
- E2Q Offloading Mechanisms - Design and develop intelligent offloading mechanisms for dynamic task scheduling across the Edge-Fog-Cloud-Quantum continuum.
- E2Q Dependability Policies and Strategies – Implement policies and strategies enforcing accelerated, dependable and secure processing in the Edge/Fog/Cloud-to-Quantum computing continuum.
Submit your application by September 22nd at
For further information, please contact Prof. Salvatore Distefano by email at [email protected].