Problems and Solutions
July 17, 2016
TO: All elected officials and law enforcement leaders
1. Reality (TRUTH): Not all law enforcement officers are bad. We are no different from any other profession. We have committed, good, honest law enforcement officers who are dedicated to public safety. Unfortunately, we also have a very few who are mediocre and bad.
2. Once again we must consider and weigh the positive and the negative;
A. Positive
(1) Law Enforcement Unions protect officers from false allegations, etc. They also help officers get the money (pay) they deserve to do the job (in a most hazardous environment) that they must do to protect and serve the public. They further assist with insurance, medical and dental benefits for officers and their families.
a) Written Policy and Procedures must be vetted and then reinforced.
b) There must be a balance between Unions and Law Enforcement agencies/departments for Law Enforcement to be effective.
c) These must be common, mutually agreed upon policy & procedures, which are designed for enhanced Law Enforcement service to its communities.
(2) Law Enforcement Training budgets must be maintained, to wit; budgets dollars must go up as the cost of training increase. There is no such thing as “FREE” training!
a) Law Enforcement Officers (LEO’s) will respond to their level of training (proven fact)
b) Quality and Realistic training occur due to “TRAINING ASSESSMENTS”.
c) Training dollars must focus on what is needed vs what is nice to have. Training needs to be focused on how to detect, deter, delay or deny threats to citizens as well as to themselves as a LEO.
(3) Law Enforcement manpower and officer SAFETY as well as Citizen Safety MUST effectively be equal. Unique issues facing officers must adequately be communicated to the public they serve.
a) Communications must explain that LEO’s need to be out in communities working with community leaders, churches, HOA’s etc., letting citizens know the problems we face – how we are actually treated i.e. disrespect, non-compliance, etc., and similar issues that a LEO faces daily in service to the citizens.
b) Local media is essential to assist in this and must work with Law Enforcement for the good of all citizens, not just to increase their own personal agendas and ratings.
(4) Create realistic and just salaries and benefits for those who risk their own lives to protect others.
(5) Appoint agency/department and union discipline review boards preserve due process. Unions MUST support firing of sub-standard LEO.
B. Negative
(1) Law Enforcement Unions frequently work at odds with Sheriffs, Constables and Chiefs, preventing them from taking appropriate disciplinary actions on mediocre LEO (purportedly to motivate them to improve) and terminating bad LEO’s.
a) Failure of Unions to comply and reinforce agency/department policy & procedures by their members.
b) Most LEO Unions are power-base driven, whereby some subordinate can become a Union President only for the power they are given, not for the benefit of their LEO members.
c) Unrealistic goals and objectives are sometimes established, providing a hindrance versus an enhancement.
d) Law Enforcement’s failure to properly mentor and train its current and future leaders in leadership duties, responsibilities and accountability. They may or may not have leadership characteristics or experience, but if they can pass a test and a review board, they can become a sergeant or higher rank.
(2) State, county and city elected/appointed officials must stop cutting law enforcement budgets. The first thing cut in law enforcement budget is training funds.
a) What good is it for anyone to have more officers to cover the myriad of diverse incidents, without proper training to deal with such incidents?
b) Stop paying for training from those who could care less about training and who are more concerned with how much they will be paid verses the quality of their training.
c) Training is focused more on simply meeting a set number of training hours annually. It is seldom focused primarily on the current threat(s).
(3) Lack of adequate funds to hire sufficient Law Enforcement manpower to protect, inform and serve our citizens.
a) Due to consistent budget cuts, we no longer have sufficient LEO’s to go into the profession and work with its communities to keep citizens protected and informed.
b) Why do elected officials consistently give themselves pay raises and benefits for their service to the public, while cutting Law Enforcement budgets of those who truly serve and protect the public?
i. Seldom ever are elected official killed serving the public, yet the number of LEO’s killed truly serving the public is growing exponentially!
ii. Who puts their life on-the-line every day to protect and serve the citizens? Think about this concept. It is rarely ever addressed.
c) Our local media is more concerned with highlighting the negative to improve ratings than to highlight the positive. So much for impartial, fair and balanced reporting. Putting Law Enforcement in a bad light does not serve the best interest of our citizens.
i. Media promotes and presents violence in a negative manner
ii. Public then responds in a violent and negative manner
d) Negative begets only more Negative – this is the reality. Why not change? If a LEO is wrongly accused and facts/evidence show he/she was innocent REPORT THAT TO THE PUBLIC. Conversely, if it is proven the criminal perpetrator actions were responsible for the outcome and the LEO acted justifiably, REPORT THAT TO THE PUBLIC. REPORT THE WHOLE TRUTH for a change.
(4) Salaries and Benefits are significantly skewed to reward those (elected officials) who are in a relatively safe, comfortable and positive environment, where they function under the guise of serving the citizens who elected them. At the same time, the LEO’s who are truly providing that safety, comfort, and positive secure environment with their very lives, are generally paid significantly less by comparison.
a) STOP funding personal and political agendas for the primary purpose of getting yourself re-elected.
b) STOP turning your heads from the real issues and lack of adequately funding your Law Enforcement agencies/departments.
3. We have some major problems/issues that need to be resolved. It’s no easy task but they are problems/issues we can overcome by all working together. (All meaning Federal, State, County and City Law Enforcement, government leadership and our Media). Common goals/objectives being:
A. Protecting our citizens and communities from lawlessness, chaos and potential armed insurrection by:
(1) Criminals
(2) Cartels (Drugs, Weapons and smuggling of insurgents into our country and crossing our borders)
(3) Human Trafficking (Slavery of today)
(4) Gangs
(5) White supremacist
(6) Black Supremacist
(7) Islamic Radical Terrorist
B. Restoring law and order across the country in our:
(1) Cities
(2) Counties
(3) States
(4) Country
C. Doing the “RIGHT THINGS” for the “RIGHT REASONS”, because there is no right way to do a wrong thing.
D. Properly funding law enforcement at federal, state, county and city level.
(1) Give Law Enforcement the funding they need to hire qualified agents/deputies/officers.
(2) Give Law Enforcement sufficient funding to provide their agents/deputies/officer realistic and quality training.
(3) Give Law Enforcement the funding they sorely need to provide;
a) Safety, protection and public service to the citizens they serve.
b) Safety for the Law Enforcement Officers; i.e. two Law Enforcement officers per patrol vehicle.
c) Provide dash and body cameras to record the truth, while simultaneously holding our Law Enforcement to the highest standards.
d) Public information to all citizens via websites, public/community meetings and similar venues.
i. Two (2) officer per community to provide information on crime prevention and inform citizens of what LEO’s go through during their service to the citizens.
ii. Creating Citizen Academies – They become a Force Multiplier by directly involving citizens.
iii. Create Support Division of accredited and properly structured Law Enforcement Officers whom want to volunteer (Non-Paid) to be a LEO for state, county and city as deputies/officers: i.e. reserve officers.
e) Promote rapid development of technology that will quickly incapacitate a fleeing felon’s vehicle, without causing serious accidents.
f) Provide funding for legal, authorized and vetted state militias, who are paid only when activated by the Governor. We need to provide the same for state assets not subject to federal government military elements i.e. National Guard, Reserves and Active duty personnel.
i. Provide them equipment to be effective.
ii. Provide realistic and quality training funds.
iii. Provide them weapons (armory).
(4) In Texas provide the Texas Commission On Law Enforcement (TCOLE) sufficient funding to ensure Texas Officers are the best trained, skilled and knowledgeable officer in the United States.
a) Ask TCOLE what they need do not give them what you think they need.
b) Make Texas the model for the rest of the country through TCOLE.
c) Citizens will pay one way or the other for the lack of law enforcement training. History and recent incidents prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.
d) You cannot expect law enforcement officers to maintain a standard in which they have not been trained to do?
4. We also need to use our funding and volunteer assets to clean-up the “Real Problems” the cesspools we have allowed to be created within our state, county and city communities to wit;
A. Ghettos
B. Housing projects
C. Sub-standard environments where children grow up lacking in proper role models and parental and societal guidance, such as;
(1) Respect not being taught
(2) Responsibility and accountability for one actions not being taught.
(3) Absence of any core-family Christian values being taught
(4) Fostering and nurturing of such environments by providing welfare without individual responsibility and accountability.
(5) Promoting and nurturing women having multiple children from multiple fathers, and lack of father figure to sustain a family, just to collect welfare and never work.
(6) Removing Prayer from schools. Really, if this country ever needed GOD’s help and Blessings, the time is now. Our founding fathers recognized this need. Why have the current politically correct so-called leaders of today discarded this essential element?
5. Stop worrying about offending a religion that is not native of this country. Speak in truth, not lies, half-truths and riddles. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
A. Do I really need to tell all of our intelligence agencies what is really happening?
(1) Who is promoting the destruction of this country’s constitution?
(2) Who are using the very rights granted every American citizen of this country to destroy it?
(3) Who is trying to destroy this country’s customs and cultural, mores, norms and values?
(4) Who is promoting violence and insurrection within our country?
(5) Can we no longer differentiate between a religion and a cult masked under the guise of a religion and see the reality?
(6) Who is promoting a war between Black and White Supremacist?
B. Islam is based on the teachings of Mohammed, one of the most violent, corrupt and self-serving men in history. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a FACT! The Qu’ran was interpreted by Mohammad. Listen to a former Islamic Woman. Hear the truth! (
(1) Who are the elements or factions that are supporting, believing in and following Mohammed’s teachings/interpretations of the Qu’ran?
a) Radical Muslims
b) New Black Panther Party
c) African American Defense League
d) Black Lives Matter Militants
e) How is this happening? Why are so many blacks converting to Islam? They are being lied to and misled; it is called Takkigah (It is ok to lie in the name of Allah according to Mohammed’s teachings.)
f) A non-Muslim born convert is called a “Djmmi” - translation “Useful Fool”.
g) The Muslim movement is called “Jihad in America -the Grand Deception”.
h) Muslims of America see for yourself Soldiers of Allah
(2) We went through this before where the Bible and Christianity was misinterpreted, abused and totally strayed from by the Klu Klux Klan leaders (White Knights of the KKK).
a) Bible clearly states in the ten commandments; thou shall not kill.
b) Qu’ran clearly states “Kill the infidel non-believers of Islam” as taught by Mohammed.
c) Islam: One faith or DEATH.
d) Islam demands homosexuals and bisexuals be killed.
e) Islam reduces women’s rights to that of a mother, who must share her husband with additional wives and who has no rights what-so-ever; unless for obfuscating the real truth of Islamic Law (Shira-Law).
(3) The same thing is happening again by the Radical Muslim (Mohammed) believers.
(4) Islam is not, I repeat NOT a Religion of Peace. Look at the history of the middle-east, and indeed the world. Muslims have been waging war, raping women and children and pillaging countless countries and continents for literally centuries. It is superior rule by false prophets where no religious freedom is allowed!
a) History of killing, usually by beheading, their own.
b) History of killing, also usually by beheading, non-believers.
c) Definite history of killing any who convert to Christianity.
(5) They are flooding this country under the ruse of being refugees, claiming to be victims of Islamic slaughter of their own kind. Jimmy Carter (a democrat of all things, but a fundamental Christian) saw it coming and barred them from entering our country.
a) Muslims proliferation, if not checked by enforced immigration laws, will become the dominate ethnic group, who will over-take our country by sheer numbers. This has already happened in Sweden, and other European countries are on the verge of it happening to them soon. America won’t be far behind.
b) We already have Muslims in elected political offices here within our Country.
c) We have six Muslims appointed by our President to oversee the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), some of whom have security clearance to top secret U.S. government programs.
d) Look at the 2009 Arab Festival in Dearborn Michigan. It was designed to promote having Shira Law within the United States. What about Americans right to ask questions? You can ask questions in any church within the U.S. So why the problem with Christians asking Muslims questions about Sharia Law? Watch this and understand why.
C. Bible is based on the teachings of Biblical prophets such as Moses, Abraham, etc. true prophets documenting history of our creation and followed by the teachings of the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, who gave his own life so we could be saved. The Christian religion…
(1) Promoting peace, tolerance and harmony.
(2) Equality for all regardless of race.
(3) Equality regardless of sex
(4) Forgiveness of sins for all
(5) Multiple Faiths
a) Baptist
b) Catholic
c) Presbyterian
d) Lutheran
e) Methodist
f) Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
g) Church of Christ
h) And more…..none of which are Radical
(6) Presently, Muslims can convert to Christianity (Apostate) and not be killed for it here within the United States, meaning not all Muslims are bad, because they saw the bad side of Mohammed’s teachings and converted to Christianity.
(7) America has never been a country of Jews, Muslims and Christians; it was founded and secured to be a nation of Christians. Let us obviate the real truth “Endowed by their Creator” means GOD as referenced in the Holy Bible, not the Qu’ran.
(8) Tantamount and most important is to understand we are not a nation of White, Blacks, Browns, Yellow’s and Red’s……we are “Americans.” (Period)!
(9) It was the U.S. Government that created the individual ethnic groups (Races) as identifiers!
6. Islamic Radicals want to replace our Constitution with Sharia Law. They are already trying to do it now. It is no secret. Here is the proof.
A. Known Radical Islamic Groups within the United States:
(1) Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
(2) U.S. Muslim Brotherhood
(3) Muslims of America (Check them out diligently)
B. Known Supporters
(1) New Black Panther Party
(2) African American Defense League
(3) Black Lives Matter
(4) Bloods and Crips Gangs
7. Some question(s) that need to be addressed:
A. Why does the media and government attempt to hide the religious beliefs of those perpetrating the real atrocities?
(1) If it is a Christian say it!
(2) If it is an Atheist say it!
(3) If it is a Muslim, then say it!
B. Why do the American people keep electing self-serving politicians versus electing people who will truly serve the American people, follow our Constitution and preserve our American culture.
(1) Could it be to number of illegal aliens that vote for the party offering them sanctuary?
(2) Could it be the extremely rich are running our country (forgetting it was through a republic they became rich)?
(3) When did we become a democracy in lieu of being a republic?
(4) Who gave congress the right and/or power to access and use our social security funds for purposes other than which it was originally intended?
(5) When did elected officials stop becoming Statesmen, first and foremost doing what is in the best interest of the country as a whole, but instead promoting their own ideology or that of special interest groups?
C. Why do we not aggressively enforce immigration laws, to keep our country from being overrun?
(1) Our immigration laws were designed to prevent any one ethic group from outnumbering what our country is capable of supporting.
(2) It is a process that includes background and vetting.
(3) It was originally designed to teach and reinforce to all immigrants and citizens the Pledge of Allegiance and hold them to it. Final Accepted Version 1954: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
a) Original Pledge 1892: "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
b) Revised 1923: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
(4) Illegal immigrants allowed to stay must be compelled to serve a minimum of four (4) years in U.S. Military, where they can learn from their service what it means to be an American, as well as individual responsibility and accountability for one’s actions.
D. Why are we reducing our Military (Armed Forces) in a time when they are sorely needed?
(1) Why not use our Military to secure our borders?
(2) We fund countries that hate us! Why?
(3) We fight wars for the world that only American People pay for? Why?
(4) We refuse to fix our broken welfare system and continuously fund programs that do not work! Why?
E. Why are we not putting Prayer back in School, and stop taking references to GOD off our historical buildings? Muslims are allowed to offer their prayers in schools. Why not Christians?
8. Why are we doing nothing but moving towards Martial Law? That will suspend our Constitution, our forthcoming elections and our real freedoms?
A. Could one of our Political Parties be responsible for fear they may lose the election?
B. Is that why no real proactive measures are being taken to restore justice and equality for all “Americans”.
C. Is that why we continue to cover the numerous negative actions of people that are Islamic or have converted to the Islamic Religion?
D. Is that why we are on the brink of a civil war between White and Black Supremacist, so our President can declare Martial Law?
9. Americans - A crime is a crime. We have laws for a good reason. It does not matter what the race of a person is, it is the law to protect all citizens that is violated. Everyone should be respectful to Law Enforcement Officers and if you feel you are being wronged file a formal complaint or bring it before a jury of your peers. That is how justice works.
A. No one person’s right supersedes the right to negatively affect the rights of others to be safe and secure in their person, place or effects. Sound familiar?
B. Laws are made to prevent lawlessness, chaos and mayhem; to protect the rights of all.
C. Support your protector of law not the violator of law. That is merely common sense.
D. To disarm Law Enforcement, or indeed the general law-abiding public, is to promote and encourage lawlessness. This is NOT what Americans need or really wants.
E. We have laws for a reason:
(1) Both an accident as well as human or government error can contribute to or cause death.
(2) Running a STOP Sign can kill the driver or an innocent person(s).
(3) Speeding can kill the driver as well as an innocent person.
(4) Armed Robbery can result in death of victims, LEO’s who respond and/or the perpetrator.
(5) Illegal drug use/abuse or prescription abuse can cause death or contribute to death of innocent person(s).
(6) Theft, as simple as it can be, can cause death of victim, perpetrator or other innocent person(s)
(7) Assault, Aggravated Assault, Sexual Assault, Rape etc., can cause death of innocent person(s)
(8) So you see - we need laws to protect us!
10. Statistics do not lie Statisticians sometimes lie or exacerbates the truth. Stat’s may also not be accurate due only to people not properly reporting everything. Therefore, it is important to look at the stats from vetted, responsible, and accountable statisticians. Accurate statistics show the following:
A. More Blacks are killed by Blacks than by law enforcement officers of any ethnicity.
B. More law enforcement deputies/officers are killed by Blacks than by any other ethnicity.
C. All ethnic groups violate our laws; but the fact remains more Blacks violate the law than any other ethnic group. Why?
(1) We have done nothing to clean up the cesspool breeding grounds that produce criminals.
(2) We have allowed gangs to step in and offer children a sense of belonging they did not have.
(3) This then causes generations of criminals - a serious criminal multiplier.
(4) Black families promote the language of hatred, projecting themselves as perpetual victims, that young black youth buy in to and pass on to future generations. Something must be done to break that cycle.
a) Role models for children in poor Ghettos areas are criminals
b) Role models for fatherless children are in gangs
c) Honestly what do you expect? Reality dictates that if you want to eliminate the problem you need positive focused goals and obtainable objectives.
d) Strategic Plan. Here is a thought! In lieu of focusing on individual elected official self-serving agenda – think about helping and saving current and future generations by fixing the real problems we face.
11. Slavery of African Americans in this country ended with/by the civil war and actions by leaders such as Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Lyndon Baines Johnson and others. We became a country of liberty and justice for all. The slavery that exists today is that of Human Trafficking.
A. Slavery of old started with Civil War and ended in 1960’s for all practical purposes;
(1) Who of you owned slaves that is alive today?
(2) How many generations have passed since families of former slaves have since been born free?
(3) Why does any ethnic group today owe another ethnic group today for something the first was never a part of, condoned or sanctioned; i.e. slavery? I know! Reality! What a concept!
(4) Does the United States today (folks, lets live in reality here) promote, condone and/or sanction any American being a slave to another? Answer: NO we all are covered by our Constitution and our “Bill of Right’s guaranteed for all Americans.
(5) That is also why we now have Human Trafficking Laws to prosecute those Criminals within our country for such.
B. Slavery Today is Human Trafficking and here are the violators – perpetrators today:
(1) ISIS – Middle east is one of the leading cults in Human Trafficking today.
(2) Mexico CARTELs second.
(3) Far east: Malaysia, China, Japan, Philippines.
(4) European countries: Russia, Czechoslovak, Romania former Communist Bloc countries run by Russian Mafia.
(5) United States of America by criminals:
a) #1 Blacks,
b) #2 Hispanics and
c) #3 Whites. Documented Facts folks.
(6) Other third world countries
12. Time for us to:
A. Get back to being a Christian nation
B. Get back to being One Nation under GOD with Liberty and Justice for all.
C. Get back to our American customs, cultures, mores, norms and values, united again.
D. Enforce our immigration laws and Constitutional Laws.
(1) Federal
(2) State
(3) County
(4) Local ordinances
E. Fix welfare assigning responsibility and accountability.
F. Spend funds to clean up cesspools, and give all races an opportunity to assimilate to our American customs, cultures, mores, norms and values.
(1) End teachings of Racism and STOP cold all promoters of Racism!
(2) Give our children a chance to become responsible citizens, not gang bangers or criminals.
(3) Expel all who are not willing to assimilate and become American Citizens but who instead continue to practice their old country’s customs and/or who refuse to obey our Constitution and our laws. You know America. Love it or Leave It……literally.
G. Teach and hold all Americans to be responsible and accountable citizens. Bring back the D.A.R.E. America community-based Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Programs.
(1) Teach their children to do the same.
(2) Teach their children:
a) RESPECT for Law Enforcement,
b) RESPECT for our Country and
c) Their responsibility to obey its laws and to be accountable for their actions.
(3) Use existing assets such as elderly (AARP) and/or our military veterans of this country to help teach/mentor those children without fathers.
(4) Use of Churches to help mentor/teach poor children.
(5) Create an environment that supplements formal education to ensure our children learn.
(6) What ever happened to the “Scared Straight” program? It was working, but lost funding!
H. Take care of our elderly, and our veterans (Put veterans in-charge of the Veteran Administration).
(1) Allow those who have served to make the decisions.
(2) Use Disabled Veterans to handle all VA Claims; let them work from their homes.
I. Keep our Armed Forces Strong and a ready deterrent to protect and defend our Constitution and keep our American Freedoms secure.
(1) Instead of focusing exclusively on the size of the defense budget, policy makers should instead examine what these dollars are intended to preserve;
a) Safety for our Country
b) Security for our Country
c) Stability for our Country
(2) In other words, look at the complex outputs rather than simple dollar inputs.
(3) Our Nations interest have not diminished, nor has policymaker’s appetite for employing those in uniform to deter aggression, shape events and if needed, win conflicts.
(4) You cannot do more with less. That is the reality.
(5) The military, like law enforcement, is currently truly underpaid for what they are called on to do in times of crisis or threat to our Country or when it is attacked.
J. Properly staff with funding for appropriate manpower, for equipping our agency/departments and for training of our Law Enforcement Officers, who truly protect and serve our American citizens.
(1) Federal Agents, U.S. Marshal’s, Border Patrol
(2) State Police
(3) County Sheriffs
(4) County Constables
(5) City Chiefs
K. End Violence by supporting and working with Law Enforcement.
L. Dismantle and dissolve gangs by working with Law Enforcement.
M. Control criminal elements by working with Law Enforcement.
N. STOP all Terrorist foreign and domestic by working with Law Enforcement.
O. Preserve our Nation, Constitution and Government by working with Law Enforcement.
P. Hold our Media responsible and accountable to fair, impartial, objective and factual reporting under their Freedom of Press Rights.
Q. All of the above clearly state working with, NOT working against, our Law Enforcement Officers, including our Media.
R. Vote only for people who will support all that has been stated herein.
S. Increase standards to become Law Enforcement, not lower them.
T. Properly train our law enforcement officers and their leadership. “If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it”. Use it!
(1) F.B.I. National Academy
(2) F.B.I. NAA Command College
(3) F.B.I. LEEDA Advanced Supervisor Liability
(4) F.B.I. LEEDA Command Institute
(5) F.B.I. LEEDA Executive Institute
(6) F.B.I. LEEDA Supervisors Leadership Institute
(7) F.B.I. Professional Standards and Ethics
(8) F.B.I. Leaders without titles course
(9) F.B.I. Managing Internal Affairs Investigations
(10) F.B.I. LEEDS Course
(11) To name a few and to advise Mrs. Lynch DOJ of assets she can use to assist local law enforcement. Develop and deploy Mobile Training Teams (MTT) from Federal Agencies including Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)
(12) Train our law enforcement officers to a standard and then hold them accountable to maintain that standard.
Credibility of Author: This is based on personal experiences of a law enforcement veteran of 45-consecutive years of honorable service as a military and civilian law enforcement officer. This is also from a kid that grew up during the 50’s and 60’s in Memphis, Tennessee, who heard about and watched the aftermath of Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas on live TV, lived in Memphis when Martin Luther King was assassinated and whose mother and father were both in law enforcement; father as a volunteer Deputy Sheriff and Mother who was a Memphis City Policewoman. The same young child who saw a black man who was left hanging from a tree while traveling with his parents during 1960’s in Arkansas. The same young child who was also raised by a Black Christian Woman, Susie Ranson, our housekeeper (more of an adopted family member with her daughter Gloria than a housekeeper/maid). A human being whose heritage and ethnicity is 75% Cherokee Indian and 25% Sicilian. The same man that saw his country attacked from within by Radical Islamic Muslims on September 11th, 2011 (9-11). The same man that has seen countless incidents of genocide and murder being committed by the same radical today.
We came together as a Nation and put a stop to the White Extremist to wit; KKK and other white militant groups. Now it is time for us to put a STOP to Islamic recruited and converted Black Militant Groups. To include Black Lives Matter which is nothing less than a recognized hate group, definite anti-COP group and very controversial promoters of “Death to White”. Here is a thought for all, “ALL LIVES MATTER” remember red, yellow, brown, black or white they are all precious to HIS (GOD’s not Mohammed’s) sight.
We only loose when we give-up, quit, politically correct capitulate and/or surrender. Then everyone loses.
I hope all of you elected officials (Senators, Representatives, and Federal Government Leaders) as well as State, County and local elected officials and law enforcement leaders read this and take it to heart. We can still save our country, our heritage, our customs, culture, mores and norms by and with positive action to detect, deny, delay or deter any insurrections or open threats of/by any race or religious cult. Now in lieu of just talking, I have identified the Problems and have provided Sound Logical and Realistic Solutions to fix the problems; before this destroys us all.
Sincerely and Respectfully
George D. Little, digitally signed
George D. Little “An American who loves his country, served his country (actually still serving as a 100% DAV) and who refuses to go silently into the night doing nothing to divert violence and create positive change”.