Problems Are Like Windshields
Have you ever been driving and suddenly noticed splattered bugs on your windshield? Or a chip or crack in the glass?
When you notice these things, you are looking at your windshield.
These things become minimized or oblivious when you are looking down the highway or at the turn you are about to take.
When this is happening, you are looking through your windshield.
When you are looking at your windshield, you can lose sight of where you are going. Things ahead of you can become blurry. You can lose your depth perception. You can begin to drift, heading towards the side of the road or the center divider.
The longer you look at your windshield the greater your chances become of you not reaching your desired destination. The longer you fixate on your windshield, the more you notice things wrong with it! You may start by seeing one bug’s demise. Soon you see another and another. You may notice a chip in the windshield in front of you or a crack on the passenger’s side.
However, when you look through your windshield, peering at the road ahead, you see there is a lot of clear glass. You have lots of clarity to see the cars ahead, the animals in the fields, the upcoming off ramps, the road signs, and so much more.
You can even see oncoming obstacles such as potholes, the highway patrol officer watching for speeders, the slow car in the fast lane, and the tow truck driver loading the broken-down car on the side of the road. Looking through your windshield gives you opportunities to adjust your speed and path to continue towards your destination.
Your problems are just like your windshield! When you look at your problems, they become bigger and more apparent. You begin to lose sight of your goals and what you are trying to achieve. You begin to notice other things that are wrong. They too, become problems!
When you look through your problems, you can still see where you are headed. You remain focused on what you are trying to achieve. You can speed up or slow down. You can move one direction or another and still see where you are going.
Looking through your problems allows you to see more. You can see possibilities. You can see solutions. You discover who can help you. Looking through your problems gives you proper perspective. There is no concern over blurred vision or perception. Clarity of purpose remains strong.
Looking at your problems puts your focus on weaknesses, just like the chips and cracks in the windshield. Looking through your problems puts your focus on your strengths, like your ability to maneuver in traffic, while keeping your eyes on the road ahead.
Whether you’re looking at your windshield or problems, your thoughts drift away from what you want to accomplish. You begin to think about needing the car washed, what it will cost to fix the chip in the windshield or if your insurance will cover the cost of a new windshield.
When you’re looking through your windshield or problems, you can focus on gratitude. You are grateful you have a car, and the wind is blocked from your face. You’re grateful you have somewhere to go and a way to get there. You’re grateful you have fuel in the tank. You’re grateful for your mechanic keeping your car on the road.
When you look at anything, it limits your vision, your perspective, and narrows your options. When you look through anything, you have a bigger view, a broader perspective, and expands your options.
Whenever you find yourself with a problem or in a situation without any idea of a good outcome, realize you are looking at the problem or at the situation. Some may tell you to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. You don’t need to step back you simply need to look through the problem or situation.
As you begin to look through your problem, you’ll be able to see people that can assist you or advise you, just like you can see the tow truck driver or highway patrol officer on the side of the road. You’ll be able to see ways to maneuver around obstacles. You’ll see off-ramps to avoid issues and on-ramps to get back on track.
Most importantly, as you begin to look through things, you begin to see reasons to be grateful. It’s hard to be grateful while looking at problems. It’s also hard to look at problems if you are grateful!
By living with gratitude, you see better opportunities. You can see solutions. You can see how things will be when the problems are behind you. Once you’re able to see your problems in the rearview mirror, you’ll realize how far you’ve come. You’ll also have the experience of knowing when you look through problems the support, the guidance, and encouragement are all out there. You only need to have a big enough view. The biggest view always comes from looking through a problem not at a problem.
Remember, there is greatness within you. You must choose greatness. It won’t develop on its own.?I believe in you!
“What you look for, you will find.”
Take Action Today!
If you would like assistance with looking through your problems, I can help you. We can meet by phone, on Zoom, or at a mutually convenient location. Whether you choose me or someone else, a coach will expedite your results.
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Published by Bryan M. Balch, Results Coach
Helping Individuals and Businesses Achieve Desired Results