Problems with energy for mankind
Mankind can utilize vacuum-energy. A fundamental proof for the usability of vacuum-energy is presented on university level. In order to find a way to handy and powerful vacuum-energy motors, we published a theory of vacuum energy conversion. On the basis of this theory we developed the theoretical construction of a powerful vacuum energy motor.
Vacuum-energy is clean, does not pollute the environment at all, is free for everybody and is inexhaustible. Only if a majority of people ask for the clean and free energy, it will be possible to get enough support for scientists, that its utilization can be made possible. If people do not ask for clean and free energy, nobody will get it. The market only produces, what people are asking for.
For those branches in industry who have to buy energy, vacuum-energy will be a tremendous push for economic growth. This is the main part of industry. So we can conclude that vacuum-energy will bring many new places of work for many people. This is also a realistic goal: Everybody will have work if vacuum energy will come to be breakthrough technology.
Thus the way towards the sustainment of our planet is much easier than many people can imagine today: tell you friends what you have read now. Spread the knowledge of free and clean energy everywhere. When a majority of people will know about the free and clean energy, we will get it, and then we will not have to pay for electricity or gasoline any further, and not for heating of rooms. Than pollution of our environment will become a topic of history.