Problems with Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) & a Missed Opportunity by Immigration Policy as it Stands now for Investment and Job Growth.
By: Demian Hammock

Problems with Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) & a Missed Opportunity by Immigration Policy as it Stands now for Investment and Job Growth.

By: Demian Hammock,

Diploma of Advanced Studies, Human Resources Management.

Problems with Provincial Nominee Program(PNP)

The big problem with any Provincial Nominee Program(PNP) it’s not getting immigrants it is the retention rate that matters at the end of the day. Manitoba's Provincial Nominee Program(PNP) seems to be one that works well with retention rates of it's immigrate population.

Unfortunately what happens in a lot in places like New Brunswick (NB) one of Canada poorest Provinces it might end up footing the bill to help settle an immigrant then they leave for a wealthier Province like Ontario. Let’s face it a lot it is easier to get in through The Provincial Nominee Program's (PNP) especially a poorer Province that is desperate for people than going through the Canadian Federal Government for example.

There nothing forcing them to stay in a place like NB. The CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS and Mobility Rights.

Mind you this can backfire if that newcomer leaves the country and try to re-enter the country they can be asked for proof that they actually live in NB and not Toronto, ON. If they can’t prove they live in NB anymore in that case they can be denied entry back into the country. Though once one is a Permanent Resident this would not apply. 

A lot of immigrates do have a good understanding of one of our official languages but usually, their verbal skills are much better than their written skills. Though the written part is now a lot more difficult. Is this a realistic bar for newcomers to become a permanent resident of Canada?

“Failure rates for the new test, however, rocketed to about 30 percent when it was first introduced — prompting officials to revise the rules to avoid clogging the system with thousands of would-be Canadians who, because they had flunked, often had to plead their cases before busy citizenship judges.” The Toronto Star

Problems with the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

“Their status in the country rests on maintaining a collegial relationship with a specific employer. In practice, this means that, by virtue of the employer-driven nature of the program, workers endure the persistent threat of deportation. All of this occurs with no reasonable prospects of permanent settlement for most migrant workers” The Toronto Star

The Investor Immigrate

Here is situation my friend Lewie who is an immigration lawyer pointed to as a major problem with our immigration systems and how we are missing out on the potential pool of high end immigrate as investors to our country.

A lot of immigrates who want to come to Canada don’t want to work. They might be a Syrian citizen working in Dubai who is really well educated with a great job and a ton of cash/funds. These individuals are more than happy to invest in Canada and a place like NB and buy property etc…Sometimes they can do this by setting up a small business.

Though the way the immigration system is set up now it makes it harder than it should be for these individuals. 

Meaning that these individuals cannot place their assets or create jobs in a place like NB without basically living in NB. The problem is that this Syrian National working in Dubai though has a ton of cash/funds to invest. They don't want to quit their job in Dubai and move here and be unemployed to do this.

The reason why a person in this situation would very much like to invest in Canada and a place like NB is because they might, for example, be a guest worker in a place like the United Emirates and if that ends they have no choice but to go back to Syria. Some immigrants just want to park their assets-cash/funds in Canada just in case things go south. Or maybe a place to retire.

What would Canada and NB get out of this if they were more open to this concept? A lot more cash and jobs. 

Highly skilled Immigrants need to Due to a Reality Check List before coming to Canada even if get a job paying $75.000 a year. 

Reality Check for some immigrates. Sometimes highly skilled immigrants are better off not coming immigrating to Canada. So let's say you coming from a 'Developing Country'.In their country of origin, they were top of their profession and their pay scale for their profession. Though if they decided to immigrate to Canada that person might start off with a lower position/pay scale and in fact, they may have been better off in own country. They soon realize once one does an exchange e.g.dollar per dollar e.g. they have lost out and let's not forget the loss in status. 

Though to a lot Canadians they might find this hard concept to swallow as that highly skilled person is making a salary of $75.000 though back in their own country e.g. dollar per dollar they were making the $250.000 dollars.

Canada's Problem with Recognizing Foreign Credentials

One thing that Canada does very poorly is the recognition of foreign credentials. For example, places like Iran have an education system on par with places like Canada. Meaning someone from Iran who is a doctor could simply do a mentoring programme in a hospital but instead in many cases have to start from scratch. That if they can afford it. In many cases, they just need up driving a cab.

This is unfortunate as Canada needs more doctors. Canada spends so much time saying we are superior to the Americans on this issue of immigration that we don't look at are own flaws or what other countries do. For example from what I can see Australia does a far better job on this issue than we do. Why do we always compare ourselves to the Americans why not compare ourselves to places like Australia?

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"Québec’s policies on immigration and integration are different from the federal government’s common values of Québec society" ???

Why I am Not Mentioning Refugees in this Article. Refugees are not about Capital Gain for Canada it is Moral Issue and About our International Obligations. 

What is a Refugee?

“A refugee, generally speaking, is a displaced person who has been forced to cross national boundaries and who cannot return home” Wikipedia

I personally do feel we have a moral obligation to accept refugees in Canada. Also, Canada has a long and proud history of doing so.

We also have an international obligation as well like the 1951 Convention relating to the status of refugees and Its 1967 etc…Link - Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 

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