The PROBLEM with Reverse Engineering & the FAILURE of present MATHEMATICS
Mark Alan Bartholomew
Applied physics.(JOIN ME) the work presented here is entirely new
It's like the movie Armageddon... when Harry Stamper, played by Bruce Willis, tells Quincy, played by Jason Isaacs, "well, that's because your cams are all wrong,.. Mr. Wizard."
Let me see if i can unravel this.... Presently, we use functions, to describe relational values of one to another.... (that doesn't exist in nature) with variables that are incomplete & unidimensional, each of them.... using mathematics that incorporate items like zero, infinity and one, (that do not exist in nature)..... with physics that is miserably short sited, i.e. that are incomplete in their understanding of nature,.... in laboratories, setting up the observations to form the relational equations, that are UNIQUE,... (unique in the universe and can never be duplicate,...ever),... (which is ever so important to realize).... and algebra's that incorporate rules that do not exist, and are incomplete in understanding... with finite mathematics that fails in the aforementioned way, .... and a calculus or summing technique.... that fails to describe nature.... but oh yes... describes our functions just fine.... And all of that and we overvalue,...values...
And... the problem with reverse engineering... is that you are one... using this failed understanding of nature.... and second, playing with mathematics that are incomplete.
The mathematics... of our universe.... is comprised of two things... character and reference....
Any thing,... that is anything....has two things..... Character.... and reference. Texture... and size.
How does this look mathematically?
Like a Christian cross, with some translation between,...(unique translation)
Now, in our quantum arenas,.. we are using probabilities... and of course functions and variables... all incomplete.... in a number of ways...
Let's get over ourselves... and realize that the specific relational values,... developed in these laboratories... explaining the behaviors, in graphic terms...of possible outcomes.. or solutions,.... based on input of values and variables... that are incomplete.... ARE YES.... correct, for a very unique part of nature... for THAT VERY UNIQUE position, in our nature,... or universe,... for that given instant,... given the very unique atoms that are both present.... and oriented.... with respect to each other... to one another.... YOU WILL NEVER REPRODUCE THIS... ever again..
Understand that kinetic .... IS NOT... our universe... NOR is anything KINETIC.... in our universe....
And,.... the mathematics... is so very dull and painfully incomplete in its description of anything...
Our universe is elastic.... communicating.... creating something.... from nothing..... every time....
MOTION... is generated,.. when anything,... that is any.... thing.... entangles.... Then it moves... in one speed,... in one direction.... with its' fancy little texture and size... moving all down that road... THEN IT STOPS......
CAN ANYTHING move in a different way than this?
YES. Why?
Because there are four different species of entanglement....
And, the fields produced,... FROM NOTHING... BUT FOUND SYMMETRIES...
behave DIFFERENTLY.....
Some fields are moving... some are generating densities or textures... and relative sizes... that are GROWING.... in speed... or rate/density...
Some of the fields.... are moving very fast.... some relatively slow.
Some fields.... ARE SHIFTING.... existing back and forth,.... back and forth....
And,... THEY have geometries... THAT ARE UNIQUE to the very specific entanglements that create them...
OUR mathematics... of nature..... IS OBSERVATIONAL..... (repeat.... say it ten times...)
What does this mean?
It means that when we look at anything in nature.... with our current mathematical description..... using unidimensional or one dimensional variables... lacking both character,.. reference...and translation between (christian cross with unique translation) .... TO DE-MATHEMATIZE.... this space... this relational solution(s) to some observed event.... WE HAVE TO REWRITE THE CALCULUS... THE FINITE MATHEMATICS... THE ALGEBRA.... to describe... we arrive at some GAP.
What does anything look like... (anything,... that is any... thing) when we try to unravel our current mathematics..?
It looks like an exponential relationship,... of itself... to all other things... with respect to any one observer.
So,... To make things linear,... so to speak... we have to first,... look exponential... or curved.. in a relational all other things? YES.
ANd,.... we have to understand... that in most of our equations that we use today.... we have two things... some relational value in A/B:C/D,.. and we have some constant or constant squared... WHY?
Because when NATURE TRULY WORKS.... it is entangling.... producing a field.... FROM NOTHING..... which then is available for 'things' that already exist... like atoms.... (dance of elastic psuedo-waves) to then ENTANGLE... AND TO MOVE. And, it does so,... or moves.... in a pythagorean way.... the resulting velocity is seen to be the resultant of two things.... the rate/densities... of the found symmetries... to create the field,... in which to then entangle.... AND... the distance... between the two entities or fields that created the newly formed... or "found" field.
Thus the constant squared.... or you might see this as dot product.... or imaginary function....
This pythagorean quality of generating fields... and observed motion,... over some distance.... that is incorporated into formed fields.... from symmetries that are "found" in nature... by two entities... that share the same orientation in some space ....AND... the SAME rate/density.... makes most of our true natural observations today... in our failed mathematics...NON-LINEAR.
CURRENT understanding... of energy.... and collisions... we are missing the fact that all of our observed energies.. are one and the same phenom, occurring over different distances.. generating motions and movement, like a symphony,... that is in a different "key." in other words.... when you create energy, in a different distance class.... you are then creating densities/rates.... rate/densities... that are much greater or less... i.e. unique... and then you entangle.... and create motion... from some very unique things.. or in unique ways.... with parts of the natural world that is comprised of "systems..." of motion... like atoms... You will communicate with different parts of the atom...... when you generate energy.... or fields... at different distances...(GET IT ??????????)
THIS WILL GET YOU STARTED.... on your short journey... to STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING..... and so we can HAVE AN ABUNDANT FUTURE.... without disease... and with energy in four new forms..... plentiful...abundant ENERGY....
SEE THE LINKS BELOW... to read the articles on the physics of it all.. the math portion is at the bottom of that paper... in it... there is an equation to transpose our current functions.... TO VISUALLY see what is occurring in our functions... and to separate some GAP... or G.... over some space... O... (for cartesian)... over some DISTANCE .... D,.... to elicit the very unique portion of each entanglement... and natural event.... GOD.
I would be most honored for you to visit my work and to join our most informal discussion.
One Principle?defines nature;?ONE, Robust Entanglement. Nothing truly collides. (It's in the math, but you can see it everywhere, in nature.)
?I would be most honored for you to visit my work and to join our discussion.?
One Principle?defines nature;?Robust Entanglement.??
Nothing truly collides.?
Understanding nature in this way allows us to realize energy in four new ways; to experience atomic interactions, chemistries, mathematics, physics in a new way; to educate our children and adults better, as we come to understand the human condition and nature better; and finally, to understand the physical connection of me to you, you to me.?
Now would you to please join me and 185 distinguished faculty, academicians and theologians, and industry professionals, some of which are listed below.?There are five discussions you may join: physics & mathematics; and four discussions "downstream," ?including theology, diet & disease, aging & evolution, education and cognition, in light of this one principle.
Entanglement becomes this process where symmetries form in space, from some tension that exists, forming specific and unique fine structures or energy, that incorporates the distance into the flux formed, although temporary only, and lasting only as long as the symmetry holds; yet forming three more different species of fine structures within the formed field, one atop the other, with slightly different properties only because the fields formed in the secondary, tertiary and quaternary creations, have fields that are moving and growing, allowing each newly formed field to grow in density at an even? much faster rate and helping to contribute to both the nonlinear observations in nature, but also the vast complexity of what we see.
Entangled atoms behave differently, within each field because the rate densities or "flux" is behaving differently; i.e. either stationary, or growing? in density. Growing densities will lose their entangled atoms quickly.? Stationary fields, or primary fields, will hold on longer.
Four unique species of fine structure formed contribute to our observation of nature.? But not only are there four unique species of fine structure, each field formed in some space is unique as it includes a unique distance into its formed field, from the shear distance between flux's or rate/densities, generating the found symmetry; generating a most unique and complex array of observations within nature, as only the very same unique flux's or "rate/densities" may form symmetries, and thus create fields or energy, if only but temporary, as long as the symmetry holds.?
Atomic motion is derived completely from entangled events.?
However, if an atom is entangled in a fixed rate field, then the entanglement lasts, and we see. motion.? If the atom is entangled in a more complex field, say secondary or tertiiary of quaternary field, then we see a more inelastic observation occur as the atom is more or less "grabbed" in space, then as the field disappears, the motions stops.??
Atoms themselves are comprised of newly formed fields from elastic communications or entangled events, repeated over and over again, helping to create frequencies we see in nature. A model for the formation of matter, providing for the geometries we see in our periodic table, helps us to see the two pseudo waves generating the iterative process creating the? temporary fields we see, not intra-atomic particles, behaving in some kinetic environment.? That picture was incomplete.
Because the fields formed include the distance in some pythagorean relationship, nature is non-linear.?
But it is more than this, i.e. each field formed within a field, is growing in density but at a much faster rate than the already established field.
Because atomic motion is described entirely from being entangled in one of these fields, temporary fields, then we see two things in each equation in our physics, a constant or constant squared and some minimum relational value.
For it is the flux formed that is so derived from a pythagorean relationship of the rate/density or field forming the field in some found symmetry, and.... the distance between the fields forming the said found symmetry; whether stationary in value, or growing, or growing at an alarming rate, or growing at an alarming rate and shifting in space.? (A quaternary field formed baffles us even further still as it shifts back and forth, back and forth, in addition to having a field that is growing in density, at an alarming rate.)
Conservation of energy, mass and momentum are merely properties of an elastic universe, communicating, and not colliding.?
Waves are simply phenomenon of this elastic universe, communicating over any distance "instantly."?
The four energies we see are simply the very same entanglement phenomenon occurring over different distances or "classes."
Energy, mass and momentum are then not conserved and each is formed and disappear as symmetries form and disappear.
The math has to change as only two processes occur in this natural state, adjudication and comparison, leaving our operators * / - + ^ all but to simply describe two things, an "applying" of some flux over some distance to create a new and unique flux, and some comparison to find the distance, unique in each entanglement.
The calculus changes as zero, infinity and one are not truly found in nature.? And since much of the atomic motion in primary fields are discrete, then the calculus adopts an integer, and discrete format.
Acceleration does not truly exist in nature, as most atomic motion is discrete or "one velocity."? The phenom we observe is simply a conformation of communications, as systems develop and entangle to make larger and larger contributions to motion and thus our visual observations.
But there's so much more.
Most?reverent,?kind regards,
Mark Alan Bartholomew?
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Discussion of this new work in the physics.
link to?discussion & article?on A WHOLE NEW APPROACH TO EDUCATION in light of new?science:?
For a detailed summary of work, and links to additional discussions, including links to discussion of theology of science in light of this new work, please visit the research website:
Discussion members in article on new physics & mathematics above:
A few names listed above have been denied a stay in this discussion due to corporate interests and surveillance technologies, information?technologies, and fields therein.. A hundred names were rejected?entry and do not appear. ?Listed are a few members that?were?allowed to remain for a day or so and to read and download works. ? It is my intention to use this public presence to denounce the?corporate form of conducting business. ?It will be my goal to suggest that we return to the farms, of old. ?Work, being ever so important. ?Sharing interests across borders does not seem good, right or just. ?Providing energy to do unlimited work in this manner will be?possible, presently. ?There is much to say on this matter, and?I will?address this when the time comes. ?
Today, you are among?seven churches to receive this work?..... Jews, Baptists, first and second,?Lutheran, Methodist, Catholics, Presbyterians and Episcopalians.? I know there's a lot to digest here, but there's more. There are no references to previous works. ?There is only Faith. It is important for you to understand what is possible, and how this work was created.?
Over the past?forty years,?this work has been presented to the scientific community.?First,?it was Dr. Nicholas Samios, the former director of the Brookhaven Laboratories for High Energy Spin Physics, in 1984. ?I was a boy, seventeen. ?He contacted me directly, over the phone after sending him this work. He was very animated. ?We spoke for thirty minutes. ?He left me with kind letter. He was, for me, a saint; Saint Nicholas, for he confirmed what I already knew. That my work violated all aspects of our physics, including the standard model, conservation of energy, mass and momentum, and more. ?Then, it was sending eighty pages and paperback books to members of the national Academy of Sciences, over the next thirty-five ?years. ?Finally, over the past three years, it has been in the way of twelve?thousand?emails, inviting researchers to read this work and to join a live discussion with explanation. To date, no one understands this work. ?
I have attempted to build a relationship with the president of the National Academy of Sciences over the past four years now. ?After our initial ten emails back and forth, with her vehemently rejecting my work or talks of meeting for lunch or for lecture to her staff, she has had a?change of heart,?and joined this live discussion in the past year. ?I do not know why.? Now, after one year, she has rejected again, this work.? After inviting a fellow NAS member, from Colorado, in geology, informing him that FAITH, becomes the sophistication of science,? she has left.? Mad as a hornet. I attempted to apologize, but i can not. deny how this work was generated, in faith.? There are no references.? There were no texts studied.? This work was written in faith.
This work promises energy in four new forms, forming freely, for?some grand, new abundant future.??This work promises clean environments and restoration of climate, as atomic motions are understood and able to be managed and manipulated. ?This work promises to alter the events of our lives in the way of?ridding our bodies of disease and the affects of aging.?But there's more.
Should you wish to see this work, it comes in many forms, in live discussion of the physics and mathematics, or in live discussion of a new understanding of diet and disease, or in live discussion of a new understanding of cognition, or even the theology of science. Finally, there's a discussion on educating ourselves, our children, in light of this new work. ?You will merely need to generate an "academia" account, anyone can join, and then you will have complete access. ?Each of the faculty listed above had to generate an account.
I hope you will participate in this good news and help to spread the word. ?I know you are terribly busy. ?This is work that may be accessed and viewed in your leisure. ?Although it is a live discussion, it is ongoing, for the next three years and more perhaps, as long as it takes for everyone to hear of God's presence in our lives and environment and science.
I know this comes at you from "nowhere." ?There truly is no good way to spring this on someone. ?And, this work will never see the light of day in our news medias for many reasons; it replaces our energy sector, it finds faith to be an intrinsic part of man; and it replaces our scientific method. ?Each of us now will have to walk that walk with God, or deny his or her physical self and be denied by all others. ?Each of us will have to acknowledge our connection to all things, to one another. ?In short, love defines this new understanding, as described in our bible. And, yet there is a physical presence that is associated with this "connection" to all things, to one another; a temporary, real physical presence. ?The fancy term is called?robust entanglement.?Symmetries formed in a quaternary fine structure shift back and forth, back and forth, giving us the notions of life itself; or Holy Spirit, as defined in our bible. Forty years this work has been denied. ?And we hear nothing. ?So, I come to you now, directly, planting seeds. ??
Let us discuss a few truths that have been sealed up for a few thousand years. ?Again, this is a bit technical, and it is very intense. And we address many of our scriptural metaphors.
Our predecessors told us that things collide. ?They told us that there were a hundred principles to describe nature, including multiple dimensions and more. ?They divided the phenomenon in nature into cute little packets of understanding. ?They told us there were four forces; including gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces; ?they told us about energy and matter and said that neither can be created or destroyed. ?They said energy and matter and momentum were conserved. ?And they were wrong.
I. ONE principle defines nature. ?
All things communicate, forming what we have understood in the past, to be some body of Christ, physically describable in both physics and mathematics. (The ten dollar word is "entanglement." ? God tells us to love Him with all our heart, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. ?Well, this is what nature does; ?It loves, or "communicates." ?Theoretical physicists call it entanglement. ?YOU, ME, OUR RELIGIONS call it LOVE; a new science calls it robust entanglement.)
II. Nothing truly collides.
III. Two natural principals exist in nature, in our universe:
? ? ?A. Comparison, eliciting some Distance, for which we then may find and apply,
? ? ?B. Adjudication, or judgement, where we apply over some distance, texture and size, found in some symmetry in space
IV. Here do we find the Christian Cross, as comparison and Adjudication, when we mathematize these concepts, become two planks of unique length, in directions not to contribute to the direction of the other, are then separated by some translation, or circle that does not meet back on itself, giving life to ?plank's constant, in some robust plank's constant, making all these, describing each thing, to be some unique presence in nature, in our universe.
V. Faith, becomes the sophistication of science, replacing scientific observation (as we understand the cerebrum to breathe back and forth, back and forth, a systems wide manifestation of single quaternary fine structure creations, formed out of atomic interactions in robust entanglement, forming energy from nothing, in four new forms, giving us the notion of life itself; ?defining life, itself.
VI. Here in some quaternary fine structure creation, we find a shifting presence, giving us the notion of life itself, and in this formation of living things, or living systems, a bicameral presence develops, giving us the notions of entanglement havens, or heaven.
VII. And, in this elastic universe, where all things communicate, finding symmetries, forming four new forms of energy, from nothing, for some grand new abundant future, we find that these things occur instantly, across any distance great or small.
SIN, becomes this physical presence within living systems; ?called AUFI, for advanced undetected floral innervation.
The human cell lives for some "relative" time frame of "forever." It is only in the presence of SIN, or AUFI that life needs nourishment, or energy in the way of ATP, as energy forms freely within each cell. ?And, as we come now to understand this human cellular condition, in the presence of SIN, we may now extend life for some relative time frame of forever, beyond imagination; ridding ourselves of disease, aging and death for any foreseeable future.
Disease, aging, death, are all a product of SIN, or AUFI.
Evil, becomes this phonetically evolved understanding of Evolution, or SIN's influence on life forms, and systems evolution, describable in a mathematics and physics; bringing to life what we have understood in our bibles as 666; ?whereby four groups of six arrangements or permutations of special natural variables, form three groups of unnatural events, and one group of six describing an actual natural event.
I know this is overwhelming. ?And yet we have misunderstood nature for so long. ?It is so very frustrating that we never quite had answers for anything it seems. ?Especially when we, ourselves ?were/are sick, and we sought/seek the advice from our doctors. ?We were and are at the mercy of science and technology companies and hence corporations for so long now. ?And we have come to this place of complete tyranny, with displays of tyrannical behaviors not seen since the time of the Romans.
Capitalism has now turned on its' people. ?
If this work does nothing else, it will relate to you the true nature of prayer, and the ?true nature of a body of Christ, real physical entities. When we pray, we create a fine structure, temporary fine structures, what we understand to be energy, in four new forms. Those of you that pray have felt "a movement," have seen a movement. ?In these fields, do we then entangle, and move. There's so much more to reveal. ?Please join me. And, may God bless you.
Technical Lead/Software Engineer/Data Scientist - Rust Enthusiast, Web3, Data Science, Cryptography
1 年So profound
Applied physics.(JOIN ME) the work presented here is entirely new
1 年For a more comprehensive presentation of this new understanding, please join me, and 184 faculty, from our most prestigious universities in science today, including Berkeley,....Harvard, Yale, MIT, Cambridge, Stanford,... and 150 more. Nothing in nature truly collides. Yet, we build billion dollar colliders. All things exist to form and find symmetries, forming energy, in as many as four new forms. Our mathematics, unravelled, becomes this form of symbolic language, deficient in one or more faculties, in character & reference; or simply missing both. When we examine metals, fallen from space; without understanding just how our universe works, we miss the essence of nature, and we become destructive again,... building ever more powerful weapons, and devices to harm nature and societies... in an effort to propulse, and motivate atoms to do things that they could easily do... if we simply understood nature better. To attempt to present complex work to lay people, in layman's terms, is all i am trying to do here. And it is easy. For we misunderstand and misuse both our physics and mathematics today. Walk with me. As I AM,..... connected to YOU, .... you me. This is the way of things. Now. MARK applied physics
Research Scientist in AI & Quantum Physics
1 年This reads like a chatGPT response to the prompt “write a long article about the pitfalls of physics in the style of schizophrenia. Oh, and through the Christian cross symbol in there too”. I don’t disagree that there are problems with reverse engineering, but that’s the only option when trying to learn the laws of physics. I’m not sure what the point of this article is.