The Problem with Polls
Sharon Goldstein, M.S., CPC
Resume Writer | Interview Coach | LinkedIn | Career Coach | No Fee Recruiter | Work/Life Balance Speaker | 2018 Fellow at Lead New Jersey
It is unusual to scroll through a LinkedIn newsfeed and not see a poll. And, in full disclosure, I have (a few times) used them for my own work/life balance research. I often wonder what the results are being used for (other than to gain engagement) and why the poster deems the answers relevant.
What is most troubling with the vast majority of the polls is the black and whiteness of it; there often is not one definitive answer to the questions posted but rather a combination of the choices offered. Seems to me that rather than forcing a black or white response, the best dialogue and learning occurs in the gray area. Forcing answers into neat little boxes eliminates the opportunity to explore perspectives and crowdsource ideas that such a platform can afford. Perhaps if we really do want to use the power of the LinkedIn community to explore such ideas and nuances, we should simply ask!
Let's commit to opening up, to sharing thoughts and ideas in a constructive way, and to supporting one another. There's an abundance of opportunity waiting for all of us!
Here's to a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2022!