Problem? OR an opportunity?
It was May 2017 when my 7-year-old son would constantly feel like "puking" in the mini-van that I drove.
Any long drive, and we would need to give him Gravol to sustain the ride in the van. While it was convenient, it was nasty for him, since he would say he felt sedated and not in a mood to do anything other than to sleep.
Living in the Vancouver area, we only get 4-5 months when we can go on long road trips and enjoy the sun. However, that was becoming a struggle for my son.
Finally, we went to our family doctor and discussed the issue with him. He told us that this was a problem he often saw with small kids and asked us to do a steam cleaning of my van because a vehicle carpet is often one of the dirtiest places, that has a lot of dust mites and possible mold. And kids are often sensitive to this.
Now I felt guilty, of dis-qualifying the problem many times when my son complained and pumping him with medication to take care of the issue.
I promptly called all the interior detail shops in my neighborhood and soon realized that everyone would throw a lot of chemicals to get things clean (Shampoo), but nobody would provide steam service to take care of the underlying issue.
Now the frugal person inside me, decided to do a detailing for $200, The shop said 4-6 hours, and I had to take a bus from the shop to home, work, pick the kids from school and take them back to the shop by bus. It was a terrible ordeal and such a huge waste of time. - all for a shampoo.
But as soon as my son sat in the car, he was overpowered with the smells of all the chemicals and said that he felt like throwing up again.
I did some research on the internet and bought a commercial steamer, and cleaned my car myself. And behold, when my son sat in the van, for the first time he was ok.
The drive from Surrey to Whistler on the next weekend was awesome for all of us since we did not have to worry about sedating him or traveling with plastic bags.
I shared this story with some other parents over the months and a few of them told me they also had the same problem and did not know what to do.
So a business was born ... providing people with "mobile interior organic steam detailing service" while they spend time at home - doing what is important to them and we clean the vehicles out of the driveway.
We started operations on Feb4th 2018. And we are glad to say we have done over 25 jobs (working part-time on weekends and evenings). We are also providing part-time employment to 4 students to help them with their bills.
The most rewarding part of this job is "taking on the most challenging jobs that nobody will do and helping someone with their problems"
I have also partnered with a close friend of mine who is a licensed mechanic so that we can extend our services as "mobile mechanics"
Finally! here are a few links to our accounts, you can see the video links and see how we do what we do.
- Company page on Linkedin -
- Google page and Reviews:
- Facebook page:
- Website:
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