The problem with opinion? Its an ar**hole; everybody has one!
#Harry&Meghan #racism #racist #media #sussexroyal
Meghan and Harry believe that the treatment in the media has racial undertones: Its not for the media to decide if that’s how they feel is true; it’s how they perceive their treatment that counts; not the opinions of others.
The problem with media is they all too often abuse their positions on responsible reporting; the tabloids have been found out how they have treated celebrities in the past; (remember phone hacking) some have paid for it and some still deny their complicity. The print media have seen their influence challenged by the advent of social media and the digital age. Sensational headlines is how they bolster circulation; it’s gossip; it’s idle; its’ toxic!
Everyone can see overt racism; whether they choose to call it out or remain silent is down to them; not everyone can see covert racism because of its very nature; its not seen in the open; if your awareness is hoodwinked by its delivery its because its not being directed at you; its targeted, its precise, its designed to affect an individual or group; its a smart weapon… its not indiscriminate!
Reporting on the facts gets lost on the comments, opinions and perceptions of others based upon speculation of the feelings of the victims of such behaviour; this isn’t impartial reporting its clouding the facts with speculation to muddy the water.
Some people know they cannot be overtly racist so the next best thing is to create a narrative that reinforces their opinions in the guise of freedom of speech; anyone on the receiving end will understand; those that have never been singled out covertly in public will never easily recognise it unless they choose to ignore it!
Racism is based on hatred, ignorance, & fear! Fear of the unknown; an unwillingness to accept the rights of others to be free from persecution; who believe that their right to say what they like without fear of repercussion is the hypocrisy and bigotry that underpins the racist!
A covert racist lacks the spine to say it how they see it; instead they hide in the shadows; hunched over cupping their hands with a sneaky grin waiting for a chance to strike; they create a ruckus and disappear in the chaos that ensues; to snigger in the shadows!
The best qualified to comment and judge whether racism is racism are the people that have had a lifetime of being on the receiving end of it. Sometimes a person does not even recognise their racism because they have never considered it to be remotely racist; sometimes its inadvertent and naive which is forgivable; the rest of you (the racists) are the worst of us!