The Problem of a Knotted Heart
People have been talking to me about knots around their hearts acting as barriers to knowing what they want. Step 1 of my free coaching course, How Do You Get What You Want focuses on connecting with your heart and letting your imagination fly!
In looking for your heart's desire, it may be you are looking into your heart after a long absence. You may be seeing knots of past experiences, and the suppressed emotions, fears, resentments and resistances that accompany them. The knots are likely to be a sign of stuckness. Signs of a disassociation with the loving part of you who wants to be creative, abundant, successful and to truly participate in your life.
To undo the knots, first disconnect from the meaning the story of that painful knot gives to your identity. The fixing of certain stories in our identities seems to strengthen us and in the long run these stories will reinforce pain and guilt. These stories will reinforce a sense of identity like a shell around your heart.
You know that undoing those knots is a good idea. The question is when. Why not now? How much do you want to get what you want? Can you create the energy of desire to dissolve those knots which is greater than your fear of cracking the shell? This is warrior's work and the rewards are great.
Once you have acknowledged that these stories and their knots serve no purpose and with courage and encouragement from you, your friends and your support networks, the knots can dissolve pretty quickly.
Thank you for reading, liking and sharing. Once you have undone those knots you will feel amazing and alive ! Then maybe How Do You Get What You Want Step 1 is beckoning you?
If you are already following the course then watch out for Step 5 in the next few days - how to create not just any old goal but a really juicy goal.