The problem, however hard it is to accept is becoming ever more apparent.
The latest in a campaign of misery. How many more will die before the problem is assessed for what it is. The problem, however hard it is to accept is becoming ever more apparent. Liberals and Moderates now serve as a springboard for such atrocities and acts of terror and do so through the refusal to name the problem at its core, even when its at its most obvious. Its about time we listened to the people detonating the bombs, shooting the guns and committing the acts. They are acting in the name of ideology. A proven recipe for both peace and disaster but one that when embraced to its full, sends its adherents off the charts in either direction.
Its Volatile and at its most literal, incompatible with western values and law. At its most diluted its proven to coexist beside varying faiths with relative ease But its important to note, "relative" and "Diluted". The oddly effective and entirely overused "Islam is a religion of peace" is record that stubbornly insists on replaying and shows no sign of slowing.
It is not a religion of peace for the EXACT same reasons it is not a Religion of Terror. To simply state that " Islam is Peaceful due to majority data" is simply not good enough and perhaps would be if we were talking fractions of a percent, but we are not. Thankfully when it comes to terrorism we ARE talking a fraction of a percent, but that does and should not detract from the wider chains of thought within communities surrounding topics such as, Homosexuality to name one. It is NOT "peaceful" to suggest wrongdoing or punishment for any reason other than breach of said "peace". And in this example like many others, A seemingly circular "breach" can be felt, as the only issue lies with your "offence" to an act your told to be offended by. The list of examples is endless. Now these values have a right to be held but not enforced. And it would seem that that, is how we currently and very worryingly, differentiating between a radical and a peaceful adherent. Personally, to meet my criteria of peace large sections of every holy book must be ignored. Perhaps i'm unique in my definition, numbers suggest i am.
Obviously faith is not something as trivial as a vehicle, but below through analogy i attempt to demonstrate my line of thought regarding Islam as an ideology and its role in terrorism.
1000 people purchase the same car, make and model. 10 of the Cars, unrelated, unconnected and separated by land and ocean Explode into flames killing passengers, driver and other road users. Logic dictates that the car is now assessed, for all the evidence suggests that the fault lies within the design as opposed to the far LESS likely probability that 10 mad men and women by coincidence alone, tampered, sabotaged and neglected their vehicles. And by sheer inexplicable chance managed to recreate the exact same outcomes down to a tee. Now the other 990 people may love their cars, adore them even and they may work just fine. But the fact that you love your car, however much is a disgusting reason to blindly overlook potentially fatal flaws in its design. Especially considering no one knows the car better than the driver, and an unbiased assessment could be invaluable. If all 990 drivers did this lives could be saved. Something easier said than done when truly believing your car a perfect, unchanging and unalterable model from a manufacturer of both the vehicle and the oxygen inside it.
Crude analogy granted
Its important not to conflate race with ideology as it would seem too may are clueless as to where to draw the line. My issue is not with eyes, lungs and hands but with words, ideas and actions and if we cant scrutinize and criticize them, then what the fuck is left?
Making Change Happen
7 年I think we need to be careful; we shouldn't necessarily get religion mixed up with terrorism. Islam is a religion of's the terrorists who've hijacked it to try and gain momentum for their cause. It's very similar in a sense to Northern Ireland's past troubles where religion became inextricably linked with politics. The answer as always is education and dialogue but let's make no mistake about this, our Foreign policy and position at the side of the US has brought the war to our streets...
Owner, L Wallin
7 年This is without doubt a complex problem. But where does one begin to get into the mind of a terrorist? It's best to start by just considering Islamic countries. I worked in Egypt many times over 2 decades and militants there killed very many Egyptians, mostly Muslims. So whats making militant Muslims kill other Muslims and how did the militants differ from those being killed? I had a very long conversation with a fringe-militant who ran a photocopying shop in Alexandria. He told me of the hardships in his life and how he had come to love the Quran. When I asked him what parts of the Quran he felt were important to him is was those parts of the Quran which contain the bits that he considered were Alpha-male (strength/dominance) constructs. I asked him his view on women and he said "a woman is a vessel for my semen to make children" Move forward 20 years to a conversation I had on Fratton bridge in Portsmouth with a budding terrorist (later killed in Syria) and he held very similar views.
Unceremonious Freethinker and Writer
7 年Fair points, however if 10 people drove into a wall with their only connection being the Car (Lets not forget the drivers are screaming "im doing this for the Car") and drive into walls it prompts investigation as to what connects these identical dots. Your quite right to poke holes in my analogy for it was a poor one. My point would perhaps be clearer when talking literally. Islam is the common denominator in each breach of peace, its logical to assume Islam plays a role in said breach.
Asset Management Strategy Manager
7 年That is a sad analysis, filled with short sightedness and yes crudeness. I respect your right to express your views but sincerely hope that not many people agree with you. I will give you a counter-analogy that, in my view, better reflects the link terrorism has with Islam. The analogy is that of a car (which I think might work well with you) and a driver. A manufacturer makes 1000 wonderful and well-designed car. 10 drivers decide to drive them head-on into walls. It will be those particular drivers to blame for the destruction of those 10 cars, not the manufacturer, nor (remotely even) the other 990 drivers. Hope that helps. Peace! :)