There is a problem with hope
Hope sucks! Hope sucks you in or sucks you out. You get to choose!
Recently, while doing a mentoring program, I heard from one of the participants that there is a problem with Hope. I was intrigued and asked my fellow walker to elaborate on the topic.?
He explained that there is no visible Hope for a better future in today's world. He pointed out the lack of political leadership, the divisive society we are witnessing unfolding and (fill in the blank with whatever is sucking your attention and energy today).
He concluded by saying that the problem resides with most people believing they need to feel Hope to continue living. At the same time, he mentioned that no matter the content of your hope format, this is one of the most distinctive traits that make humans human.
The problem sounds like the music from the Clash in the early eighties. Should I stay or should I go? If I go, there will be trouble. And if I stay, it will be double.
We parted different ways after our walk, but to be very honest, I have continued to carry this thought inside my mind. And these are my findings after a few morning walks.
Hope is an optimistic state of mind based on expecting positive outcomes concerning events and circumstances in one's life or the world. Hope implies little certainty but suggests confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or longs for will happen.
Hope reduces feelings of helplessness, increases happiness, reduces stress, and improves our quality of life.
When one has no Hope, the possibility of moving forward and self-improving fades away. There is nothing to wait for; there is no perspective. Past, present, and future become one blurred image, and the probability of being sucked into something without your choosing is extremely likely to happen. But there is a catch!
Due to the pain a person can feel, selling Hope has become a Business.
From the snake oil salesman in the 19th century to deceptive marketing, health care fraud, or a scam of some valueless or fraudulent cure, remedy, or solution, we have plenty to look at. And we do not forget the cherry on top of the cake with questionable political promises and politicians.
If you follow someone's else Hope, you might find yourself in a lower position than your starting point and probably poorer.
But there is Hope with Hope :)
It would help if you became "obsessed" with the possibility of accomplishing something good for yourself and the ones around you. Like any good muscle, if you practice and practice and keep practising, you will get better at it. Even the tiniest action will improve Hope's muscles.?
By practising Hope, you can pull someone out through the force of suction, literally sucking you out of a bad situation to a better one. And that someone might be yourself.?
And how do you practice Hope?
There are three components associated with Hope:
- Goal-oriented thoughts.
- Strategies to achieve goals.
- Motivation to achieve your goals.
These are not subjective elements. You can get better at these things if you have a structured way to pursue them. We should be taught and trained in these things since the early days at school, and most of us aren't. And that is why we do what we do at the Walking Mentorship.
We cannot answer your questions, but we can help you ask the right questions to yourself and turn them into an action plan. And we do it with a twist, always walking and always in nature.
Hope sucks! Hope sucks you in or sucks you out. You get to choose!
And I Hope you choose well:)
P.S.* The picture portrayed on the article's cover was taken on August 2022 on the top of the Col Du Grand Saint Bernard, between Switzerland and Italy, a program we will repeat this year. I remember having a short conversation with the statue of St Bernard and asking where was the direction for a better World :)
A beautiful moment is waiting for you outside. It is time to pick up your headphones and walking shoes to listen to our new Keep walking with me podcast episode. Join us in a conversation with inspiring music with Francisca Prieto, founder of Indie not a Bookshop and Déjà Lu.
In late March, we walked again along Rota Vicentina in Portugal. The southwest coast of Portugal has become, in the last couple of years, one of our favourite places to do our Signature program, a one-of-a-kind experience for people facing great challenges in life.
Click on the image to watch the video.
Camino de Santiago | Spain 27 May - 3 June
Parents & Kids | Spain 22 July - 29 July
Via Francigena | Switzerland 26 August - 2 September
Walking Mentorship is a labour of love that helps you gain deeper insight and equips you to create a meaningful impact on your life and those around you. How can we work together? We keep things simple by offering Group, Individual and Corporate programs. Check the best fit for you. Until then, keep walking with me,