The Problem with Firearms Instruction Today! Be the Bigger Man!

The Problem with Firearms Instruction Today! Be the Bigger Man!

As firearms instructors sometimes there is a lot of EGO involved whether you are a new instructor or one that has years of experience. My question is why? Is it marketing related? Is it actual skill set related? Also EGO seems to hinder training community growth so why have it? Being short sighted this is how I learned it this is how I will teach it, in other words "This is the way we have always done it and this is the way I am going to do it" No room for growth in that statement!

Here is the training demo video from the above comment! Real Police Training

Now this training was layered using the following for realism:

  1. The actual Police car
  2. Stationary targets in the background representing innocent bystanders
  3. Paint ball rounds against the car to simulate incoming rounds into the vehicle at the officer. -Cover Concealment using the car! We call this auditory exclusion detection as well.
  4. have 2 additional movers at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions - slowly bring them in while the fight is going on and see what effects of peripheral vision loss happens while under stress.

Here is a great video from Steve Fisher from Sentinel Concepts. This was aired on Trigger Time TV - click this link the only difference I see here is how we deliver or system using 3d targets, the cardboard target was used because the 3d target was all shot up! LOL!

At the bottom of this article: Who is honest enough to answer the questions in the comments section?

"If you train to use a firearm for self defense, combat or gun fighting, if everything is not moving you are doing it wrong"

"Now it is great to learn your weapon by shooting consistently on stationary targets but if you go to fight you better be prepared".

The above gentlemen that wrote this comment on one of my posts is now a life long friend, first and foremost I feel we have became brothers through training. Which creates an atmoshpere of sharing knowledge and training growth.

I wanted to share this article for a few reasons: not to beat my chest like a 1000 pound gorilla but to shed light on what this really means to us as Instructors and as Police Chiefs or department training leaders; in the constant battle to help save the lives of others through education.

The first thing as the comment states: is the admission of doing something wrong, and truly it is not that they are doing anything wrong - they are doing as they have been trained.

Let's Look at the reality of a threat situation and compare that to training.

  1. You look at 99.9% of training now on stationary targets is it or is it not learning your gun through shooting a boatload of ammo maybe in different positions to learn your gun in different positions?
  2. Is your training realistic? Before you answer this think about this statement If 99.9% of threats in real life are moving:
  3. Why do 99.9% of trainers only use Stationary Targets?
  4. Does your training have the potential to create a training scar? Read Here about Training Scars
  5. Can you realistically layer your training with an unlimited potential?
  6. Do you create new skill set classes (thus growing your business or training) or just run the same old shoot stationary targets class or MINIMUM LAW ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION STANDARDS? Here is an article on that topic
  7. When learning your gun with stationary targets do you realize that the entire dynamic changes as soon as the target moves? Your position, Your angle, Your Movement, Your Fundamentals!
  8. Would it be more productive to learn your gun more effectively on Moving targets? Thus building that repetition skill set to be more automatic and repeatable under stress.
  9. Are you afraid to try moving target systems for training? If yes, what are you afraid of honestly maybe we can help you overcome your fear? Keep in mind, this is not to discredit your "canned" training program but help you build a larger business or training model. Here are a few articles on that topic Building your training model - Building Your Training Business

Now let's address some other forms of training:

Hand to Hand Weapons retention is a great form of training but can have it's own liability attached to it through possible injury to the trainees. What I mean is simply stated from experience. We have seen and had injuries ourselves doing this training it could be a knee, arm, back, a muscle pull and nerve that gets pinched. These are all things to take into consideration doing hand to hand training.

Force on Force is also a great form of training but can have it's own liability attached to it through possible injury to the trainees. What I mean is simply stated from experience. We have seen and had injuries ourselves doing this training it could be a knee, arm, back, a muscle pull and nerve that gets pinched. These are all things to take into consideration doing hand to hand training. Also it seems funny but you must have protective gear so make sure this protective gear does not create a training scar or inhibit the peripheral vision. Next this seems to always happen any part of exposed skin on the body ends up taking a round which creates a cut, blister or abrasion on the trainee and if you have spent anytime doing this trianing you are probalby chuckling right now!

Addressing  the Trueller Drill- AKA the 21 foot rule: Now never in the history of any engagement have we seen a hostile announce I am going to attack now at 21 feet, this was designed to show you how fast it can all go down in a fight based on noticing the threat coming from that distance. NOW IN REALITY, no hostile ever makes an annoucnement and I would say most of the time the threat is much closer so what do you do?

This is training you can do everyday without firing a shot Build your repetition skills realistically with a pistol or tactical rifle/shotgun at zero then move out in distance. So this video above represents a migration from hand to hand and man on man weapons retention with limiting the liability of injury to the trainee and eliminating direct force from human on human fighting which cuts any liability in trianing in HALF!

Then we migrate to Zero to Hero Training which can be layered for unlimited training.

LE - Civilian

Zero to 30' Pistol

Zero to 100 yards - Tactical Rifle

100 Yards - 200 yards basic sniper and rifleman

200 to 400 yards advanced sniper and rifleman

Vehicle Dynamics

Cover and Concealment


Zero to Hero goes to 50 yards

Transition from Pistol to Rifle 25 yards to 100 yards

Combat simulation multiple moving targets

Move Shoot and communicate

Zero to 100 yards - Tactical Rifle

100 Yards - 200 yards basic sniper and rifleman

200 to 400 yards advanced sniper and rifleman

It is never bad to learn your weapon: When you view training by others say for example any course with a stationary target, look at how the dynamic changes as soon as the threat moves, think of ways to highlight your fundamentals while moving. Once you visualize this or do it you will quickly realize how quick things change in a fight! Bottom line build your repetition!

Thank you for all those who answered the questions let us know how we can be of service for your growth in Realistic Training!

Respectfully Submitted,






Wayne A. McGregor

CEO of Target Tracker Business Development Group & Moving Target Systems -

Law Enforcement Tactical Training System - Linked IN Group

NRA Pistol Instructor

Pinckney, Michigan 48169


[email protected]

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Kenny Sanders

Expert Witness & Private Contractor (Use of Force/Jails/Corrections/Wrongful Death/Law Enforcement Training)

8 年

Good article!


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