Problem Finders - Problem Fixers
John Smith
Leadership | Strategy | Coaching | Facilitating | Problem Solving | OpEx | Knowledge Sharing | Connecting People & Industry
As a leader you are limiting the capability of your organisation if you do not have a good ratio of problem finders and problem fixers.
What does that mean?
A lot of organisations talk the talk but few walk the walk when tapping into the employee capability within their businesses.
It starts with leadership. If leaders are solving all the problems and not proactively developing the problem-solving capabilities of their workforce then they are capping the organisations capability to improve by the amount of problems they themselves can solve.
If you are not measuring IDK’s implemented, then how do you know you are engaging the workforce? IDK stands for individual daily kaizen. Implemented means completed not just an idea. Implemented improves the business, ideas do not as they are just ideas.
"Kaizen Mindset" should be part of your business language.
If people in your business cannot construct a strong 5 Why with a good causal relationship then I challenge you to whether they have the skills to think through a problem effectively and not just use prior experiences or intuition.
As a leader if you cannot create an effective 5 Why or Cause Tree then how would you be able to coach and mentor your teams?
If you have these skills and are using them to develop your teams then you are doing fantastically well.
If you don’t, then develop a “Kaizen Mindset” and start. None of us are perfect so let’s keep moving forward with our knowledge and leadership capabilities.