The Problem with Employee Engagement Surveys…and what to do about it
Joe Palm, CSM, KMP, OMEC
Author and Executive Coach | Leadership Development, Coaching
First, kudos to companies that are at least trying to listen to their employees. Even more kudos for the rare subset of those companies that are understanding responses from employee engagement surveys and are doing something about it.
First, full disclosure that I serve as Chief Growth Officer for a company called DaysToHappy. This article is a “white paper” of sorts because it ends by explaining the DaysToHappy solution and explains how it mitigates several vexing challenges with the current status quo regarding how companies "listen" to their employees: the employee engagement survey.
Here are some of my less-than-stellar experiences with these surveys from real companies I’ve worked for or with in my career:
Executives at a Fortune 100 company didn’t want to put anything on the next survey about burnout, since no action had been taken since the last survey that made it clear people were burned out.
Another Fortune 100 company’s executive team said, “Hey, we’ve never done an employee engagement survey before. Let’s do one!”
“Agreed!” said the rest of the executive team.
They sent the survey out to all employees and then sat on the results…for two years.
An executive said, “Hey, didn’t we do an employee engagement survey a while back? Let’s check out the data and act!”
The rest of the executive team was not on board with this. Too much time had passed, the business climate was very different, and given high employee turnover, it was almost a completely different workforce.
So, they did nothing. And employees wondered why they had wasted their time giving feedback to executives who didn’t care how they were doing.
Yet another company sent a survey out to all employees. Results came back and were distributed to leaders, who had no time to deal with it and were more expert at business strategy than the complexities of human psychology, so they did what any reasonable, stressed-out leader would do: they delegated it to someone in their organization. This designated stuckee joined all the other designated persons across the enterprise in trying to come up with plans that ended up not being effective and were not consistent with what others were doing for the same issues.
Nobody was talking to each other because they didn’t want others to know of the severe engagement issues in their organization. Truth, vulnerability, and collaboration were methodically suffocated under a heavy black cloak and nothing ended up happening…except that employees continued to wonder why they wasted their time filling out the survey in the first place. Many resolved never to fill another one out again, and many others simply left the company.
Gallup researched employee engagement in 2021 and found the first downward trend in ten years. Check out the following chart, which shows the adverse impact of COVID on employee engagement levels. Healthcare workers were impacted the most (no surprise there!) followed by managers, who had to deal with newly distributed virtual teams while not being equipped to manage them.
Let’s back up for a minute. Why should we care about employee engagement? I mean, don’t we all have a lot of work to do without getting into the highly complex, subjective, and time-sucking realm of how people feel about their work?
Fair question, I suppose.
Check out the following table, which, according to Gallup, are the business results of strengthening employee engagement. The book cover is shown here because, according to that excellent tome, one of the proven ways to have outstanding business execution is to focus on lead measures rather than lag measures. This means that if business leaders want strong business outcomes (the lag measure), they need to focus on serving and supporting their team towards stronger levels of engagement (the lead measure).
Okay, so we need to strengthen employee engagement. But first we need to measure it, right?
Naturally, we need to survey our employees to get their feedback, right?
Well, in a nutshell, here’s the problem with employee engagement surveys:
So, what do we do about it?
Let me tell you about one great solution.
In 2019, Corey Davis was VP of Global for a division of Intuit and noticed the powerful impact of strongly engaged teams and employees. However, he couldn’t find any compelling solutions on the market.
Asa result, he quit his job and started a company called DaysToHappy with the mission and passion to make one billion employees happy.
DaysToHappy is a next-gen employee experience platform that creates a constant conversation between leaders and their teams so everyone can share ownership of employee engagement. It enables employees to take greater control of their employee experience through an AI-driven experience platform and share real-time anonymous feedback with their leaders.
It then empowers leaders with consistent, actionable guidance to “move the needle” in their organization, nudges & activities to be more effective, and localized experiences specific to their organization’s needs.
DaysToHappy customers have increased employee engagement by an average of 20%.
In fact, one client was suffering 100% quarterly attrition in their restaurant operations and had no idea why. Rather than engaging a consulting firm to do focus groups, onsite observations and interviews, and submit their findings in writing several months later, they had their employees launch DaysToHappy on their smartphones and within a few days had detailed data and insight into where the problems were. Days...not months!
According to Gallup, this translates into:
18% less turnover
6% more sales
30% less absenteeism
4% more productivity
20% higher wellbeing
8% more profit.
Here’s a graphical view of how it works:
It’s important to note that this is on the smartphone platform, which is known to have a 97% engagement rate (not a 50% survey response rate). There are no emails, smartphone apps or other software to install, or logins. Once communication is sent out by leaders, employees can engage on this platform in a matter of seconds whether they have 10 or 100,000 employees.
Using it is as easy as 1-2-3:
1)?????The first part of the employee experience journey is to get introduced to Ava – our AI-based virtual coach – and start interacting with her. This is done by texting “Happy” to a client-specific code that is provided to each employee.
2)?????Next, real-time data is gathered about how each employee is doing and recommend three 2–3-minute activities for them to do each week. This is based on proprietary engagement DNA “eDNA” to learn how they are doing and what activities would have the most powerful and persistent impact on their engagement level. The experiences each employee goes through are short and fun…and can be customized with content from customers.
3)?????All this data is compiled and made anonymous, then presented to leaders on graphical dashboards that can be customized based on things like location, gender, subteams, etc.
No longer does the leader have to waste time developing strategies and methods to fix engagement issues on their team. DaysToHappy does that for them by providing a couple 2–3-minute activities that the leader can do each week. Again, this is based on data from their team and the science of employee engagement as baked into the DaysToHappy solution.
Let’s look at how DaysToHappy addresses one of the most common threats to employee engagement: burnout.
DaysToHappy knows what drives employee engagement (23 eDNA indicators)
The top reasons for burnout:
We also understand the science behind what to do about it:
If a company is trying to solve for burnout, DaysToHappy configures the Leadership and Employee Experiences with exercises from our vast exercise and activities database that are proven to mitigate this vexing issue.
Let’s compare the DaysToHappy solution with surveys:
Now let’s summarize the benefits of DaysToHappy over surveys:
Finally, let’s agree that just because leaders have solid data and specific, clear guidance doesn’t mean they will have the courage or resolve to act. Many leaders cling to antiquated dictatorial leadership paradigms and simply don’t want to change.
The DaysToHappy team equips them to take baby steps towards being the kind of leaders their team needs them to be and provides compelling motivation for them to do so.
Let me end with a great quote by Herb Kelleher, Co-Founder and Former CEO of Southwest Airlines:
“Years ago, business gurus used to apply the business school conundrum to me: ‘Who comes first? Your shareholders, your employees, or your customers?’ I said, ‘Well, that’s easy,’ but my response was heresy at that time. I said employees come first and if employees are treated right, they treat the outside world right, the outside world used the company’s product again, and that makes shareholders happy. That really is the way it works. It’s not a conundrum at all.”
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or use this link to schedule time if you’d like to discuss this further or see if and how DaysToHappy can help grow your company into its bright future!