The problem with charitable organizations.

I have been following the industry and I mean the industry quite closely for several years and it is quite clear that sooner or later is going to implode. Now I do not want to generalize as there are many honest dedicated none profits operations. But many times, they are the ones also struggling financially to survive. ?But I am talking mainly about the big boys controlling the industry that generate hundreds of millions in funding from the government and the private sector. Have fancy offices generate beautiful reports such as the one included. They can even identify the issues that we are facing. But if you are not part of their so-called inner circle then good luck to you. Just try to reach out to one of them and see if you can get through without a pedigree.

You can’t build a house starting with the roof and neither can you address the issues we are facing, especially in the minority communities from the top down.

Crime and other major social issues cannot be addressed if healthcare issues are destroying the family structure.

?There are hundreds of millions dedicated by the private sector and government to address the escalating healthcare issues in these minority communities. And even though most of the large healthcare delivery systems in the country are in the center of these communities the healthcare issues are greater than any other none minority neighborhood in the country. Several studies have indicated the disconnect is due to the lack of trust in them the community members.

But read through the enclosed study with extensive references and explicit charts. But when you read their requirements even by their admission a small and viable community none profit could not even afford to hire a grant writer with the necessary pedigree to apply for it.

So you ask yourself who is going to get these funds? Well, you do not have to look any further than a recent?$100 million donation by the Bloomberg Foundation to Hopkins to address the critical ussies in the inner cities whereby their admission there is a major disconnect with the members of the community.

Or even the recent $15 million donation by Humana to Jefferson for the same reason and then following what it was allocated for. Or not to mention the list of unhealthiest counties in the US with Phildalphian on the list even though several of the most renowned teaching hospitals are located there.

The interesting part is like on page 14 they do state the lack of expertise by the small community none profits operators is a major issue. But if you look for a solution they would implement you will find none.

When we tried to reach out to several of these organizations with a solution that was developed to address these issues where not only it can deliver preventive services the community generates jobs and even a business opportunity. But at the same time act as the conduit to eliminate the distrust by the community. But you guessed no pedigree.?

Actually, if you log into their site and try to interact with them it is impossible even to get a simple email to any of the names in the study.

So the question is what is the solution? Quite honestly I do not know. But one thing I am sure of is that as these things are going to escalate out of control we better find one or the roof will cave in.



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