Probation Period Under UAE Labour Law

Probation Period Under UAE Labour Law

?What is Probation period?

A probation period is a period when your employer scrutinizes employee on the job performance. Employees have to undergo a mandatory probation period in UAE after joining for a job.

?Duration of Probation period:-

As per UAE labour law, the probation period can be up to 6 months. It starts from the beginning of the date of your new employment relationship.

?Termination rules during probation period.

Under UAE Labor Law -

  1. Terminating an employee during probation period, must be done in writing 14 days before termination.
  2. ?Employees cannot be placed under probation for more than once by the same employer.
  3. Employers cannot extend the probation period for more than 6 - months
  4. ?Once the probation period is successfully completed, the contract becomes valid in accordance with its terms, and the probation period will be included as the part of the overall service.
  5. If Employee wants to change job within UAE during probation, he must submit 1 months’ notice to his employer.
  6. ?If Employee wants to leave the country during probation, must submit a 14-days’ notice.
  7. ?In the event that he wishes to return to the country and obtain a new work permit within three months from the date of departure, the new employer should pay the compensation, unless there is an agreement between the worker and the employer stating otherwise.
  8. ?If Employee leaves the country without notice during probation then the employee will be subjected to one-year employment ban from obtaining a work permit.

?**Article 9 (1) of Federal Decree-Law No. (33) Of 2021


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