Probable Effect of postponement of CA exams on Nov 2020 candidates
I personally feel that this notification stating the revised exam dates for may attempt candidates won't be amended furthermore and likelihood of postponement of May attempt to November attempt is very minimal.
Despite of icai stating on faster declaration of results, practically it might take minimum 30 to 45 days.So, it's probable based on past experience that results for may attempt candidates might be out on second week of October. Also if faster form of checking mechanism is adopted, there might be a high chance of the hastiness causing improper checking which might even be detrimental.
November exams are mostly commenced from first week of November.So if result are declared in October , or even in second half of September, the repeaters will get very less time to prepare.A lot more complications involving exam form filling and requesting the institute for re-evaluate the answer sheets might emerge.
Supposing the lockdown extends even after June, than it would be difficult for candidates to complete Advanced ITT and GMCS. Considering the fact that, second half of March, entire month of April and May no ITT/MCS batches were/will be conducted, the batch capacity would be less than the number of students.
Most students with November-20 as their first attempt do not possess Material of institute yet. If courier services do not get resumed by June, students will receive their ordered material late and it will affect their preparation.
Articleship Training tests are pending. If due to covid crises November attempt students miss the tests, their marksheet will contain “Not Appeared” remark for Practical Exposure Test.
Even if they provide relaxation for AITT, GMCS and Articleship tests to students appearing in November as their first attempt, there is no way they can give justice to those who will fail in exams conducted in August; that is at least 90% of the total students appearing in Final, at least 80% of students appearing for Inter and more than 40% of students appearing for Foundation.
Hence it seems to me that ICAI will postpone November exams as well, at least by 1 month; so that repeaters will get time to apply (forget prepare) for November attempt. So all these factors indicate of November exams being conducted in December. But, every one having exams in November may prepare considering November month being the exam might until final notification isn't out from the Institute.
Would urge institute to have a look on this and a review on the students and tutor's opinion posted seeking details or clarifications for the benefit of everyone within the fraternity.
Also requesting every ca aspirant and fellow professors to provide their view points so that it might help the concerned authority in forming a collective form of decision.