The Probability of Escape
Do you like Pina coladas? Getting caught in the rain? Actually, it's annoying to get caught in the rain. It probably fit the song. This is something I thought about at work. This song is old enough that people read the Personal Ads.
Rupert Holmes is in a relationship that is spinning its wheels. He doesn't cheat. He looks in the personals and finds an interesting ad. He responds, meets the woman and it's his girlfriend who was also tired of the relationship.
It's an interesting story. Back when songs told a story and lyrics meant something. Judging by Mr. Holmes's appearance- it predates music video. I don't look good enough for video and Ray Davies said The Kinks would not have been given the same opportunities if they had come up in the video era.
The happy ending was they found out they were interested in the same things. Why didn't they communicate this in daily life? Spoken like someone who has no relationships. I certainly won't find anything in what the personal ads morphed into. Internet dating either lands you the love of your life or fraud. There is no middle of the road.
Even women are ripped off. All they wanted was a relationship. I don't want to be disappointed so dating sites are not for me. What are the chances of answering an ad and it's the woman you are dating? Ryan O'Neal was once so out of it he started hitting on his daughter.
None of which has to do with the chances of realizing your date (they may or may not have been married) is also looking for something new. At least they realized they wanted the same thing and no one was hurt. In any divorce- I know way too much about this subject- one person is willing to stay and the other wants out. That isn't gender specific.
I cannot start a relationship without thinking it will end in-never mind. That did not happen in a pop song from the seventies. There was a country song where Divorce was spelled. Let's not revisit that.
It is unlikely you would meet someone you already know answering an ad. It happened and inspired a song. Stranger things have happened. Married women always say "You never know" or "You'll find someone". They do nothing to bring others together and the chances I shall meet anyone- who isn't already married- I'll believe it when I see it.