Proactive: taking action by causing change, and not only reacting to change when it happens.
Reactive: reacting to events or situations rather than acting first to change or prevent something.
Which do you believe makes more sense?
To react to a situation that may be harmful to you and/or your family, or to prevent the situation from happening at all? If you answered prevention, then you will want to check out how you can prevent, or vastly minimize 3 problems you could be experiencing in your home.
Instead of breathing in polluted air within your home that causes respiratory problems and allergies, why not breathe in clean air that has 99.9% of airborne contaminants removed?
Instead of drinking tap water, or bottled water that can contain poor taste, odor, and clarity, disease-causing micro-organisms, or 140 potential health-effect contaminants, why not drink water that is 99.9% pure, just like nature intended?
Instead of purchasing herbs, greens and leafy vegetables from your grocery store that provides little nutritional value or shelf-life, why not grow your own herbs and greens in your very own urban garden indoors all year round? It's so easy to do. You can literally create a salad in less than 5 minutes knowing that your salad will be the highest in nutritional value and freshness. Plus, think about what you can do with a smoothie!
The "Healthy Home Living Package" from Bowie Bear International addresses the above 3 scenarios. Your home living environment is under attack from a lot of different sources. Create a healthy living environment instead of reacting to an unhealthy one. Take control of your environment with the “Healthy Home Living Package”.
Visit us at or call us at 403-366-0850 to discuss this further.