Proactive selection- The vision is to have a solid and evolving bench-strength of pre-selected candidates

Proactive selection- The vision is to have a solid and evolving bench-strength of pre-selected candidates

Companies often get in trouble and incur into high costs unnecessarily, due to the lack of a strong capability to replace people who leave critical roles open in the organization. That is when the cost of leadership disruption comes together with the high costs of selecting and recruiting on “emergency mode” plus the high risk of “compulsive hiring” arising with its long-term cost as well. Proactive selection, as part of a proper succession planning is neither too much hard work nor science fiction and yes, it is of great value.

The vision is to have a solid and evolving bench-strength of pre-selected candidates for a list of complex, senior roles, as well as for the so-called “one man band roles” that when empty would also have a critical impact on the organization’s ability to perform at the highest standards in delivering its market promises.

In fact, proactive selection should feel almost as a natural flow, coming out from a compelling employer branding considering external candidates pre-selection, in addition to a combination of departmental and job branding when we consider the internal candidates pre selection.

Proactive selection will avoid the wide range of disruption risks, but it should also in a different dimension, enable the organization to act ahead anticipating future capabilities needs, that might not be easy to fulfil with the current staff profiles. Proactive selection will create a proper discipline in terms of staff motivation, development and career management. Last but definitely not the least, proactive selection will get you out of the pressure, risk and cost of what we call “compulsive hiring”: when the role is vacant, with the inherent pressure to fill it, organizations often end up hiring the best candidate from an emergency poll …not necessarily the right candidate! Do you recognize this?

How would you execute proactive selection?

? First, there is the need to position it transparently among the staff as non-commitment, opportunities generation and staff development exercise.

? Second, you need to link with your internal talent management practices, do some internal head hunting and count as well as with your external selection and recruitment partner.

? Thirdly, you will run a truly independent, highly credible and appealing selection process.

In today’s labour markets, with no more jobs for life, with people willing to lead their own careers and with the critical importance of establishing and nurturing relationships, it is no major difficulty at all to get candidates under this context. In fact what we offer to the individuals: is exposure, opportunities, support and guidance to their careers and the chance to become truly competitive candidates when the opportunity arises. A lot of value really!

Do you wish to put the cheery on cake? Promise and deliver the pre candidates a professional high quality feedback from the process they have joined: on personal development, career management and interviewing skills.

Proactive selection as part of succession planning and talent management enables your organization to win by: looking far ahead, reducing pressure, reducing costs, creating further staff motivation and improving organizational capabilities, as you will get the right person for the right job, with options at the right time.


