Proactive Communication Wins
Jeff Weaver
Owner Quick Results Marketing. Retention and Loyalty programs. These strategies have not been affordable until now for small business. I also look to connect with marketing agencies for reciprocal referrals.
If you’re like most, we don't keep in contact with our clients enough. Sure we communicate with those that request a task to be done, or call us, but how often are we proactively communicating with the ones that we don't necessarily hear from on a monthly basis?
Do you have clients that you invoice monthly for a service that you haven't talked with in months?
It’s very important to send out electronic or printed newsletters to your clients, as well as all of your prospects and referral sources. But, in our day to day operations we’re usually busy dealing with issues and completing other tasks within the business. This keeps us from proactively touching our clients.
Have you reviewed what your clients are purchasing from you to see if there is anything else that you offer that they likely need? I bet that you could increase next month's sales simply by doing this one thing.
The most important reason to keep in contact with your clients is because you should care about their businesses and their success.
I am as guilty as everyone else at staying so busy that I don't take care of the small things, like making these touches. In fact, it's easy to simply lose track of where all your clients are at and what their needs are.
Take just about 30 minutes per day to quickly review some accounts and touch base with the ones you haven't talked to in a while. You will be surprised at how good you’ll feel and your business and your clients will thank you for it.