?? Proactive for Climate Protection

?? Proactive for Climate Protection

Raise Your Voice for the Climate

As citizens in many countries, we have the opportunity to drive climate protection.

That is good and important! Because only with loud enough voices and active participation from the population will we enable the political change that is needed to stay within the 1.5-degree limit and to get ambitious climate protection measures underway.

Elections and demonstrations are good democratic rights to be heard in politics. More and more people are making use of them! What is still lagging behind, however, is awareness of the opportunities that legal leverage brings in the fight for climate protection. But something is happening here, too! Already in 2018, BUND in Germany filed the first climate lawsuit with success. In 2021, the court then even ruled that we must not live at the expense of future generations, thereby prompting a rewrite of the German government's climate protection law. A milestone in climate protection policy!

In this issue, read about other stories in which committed people are raising their voices for the climate, and find ideas on how you can take action yourself!

Climate Protection Is Increasingly Being Sued for

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The environmental organization Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) has filed a lawsuit against the German government for failing to meet climate targets in the areas of transportation and buildings. The aim of the lawsuit is for the German government to step up its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet climate targets. It emphasizes that it is technically feasible and economically viable to reduce CO? emissions in these sectors while still creating jobs. Read more here.

Also in Austria, a group of children and young people have filed a climate lawsuit against the government, claiming that they inadequate their future. The climate lawsuit is welcomed by environmentalists and many people, as it shows that young people are also committed to climate protection and are raising their voices.

The Climate Crisis is an objectively urgent Situation

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In November 2022, a Berlin judge rejected the prosecution's request for a criminal order against climate activists referring explicitly to the climate crisis. The judge described the climate crisis as an "objectively urgent situation" and the defendants' actions as "not reprehensible." The charge of resistance was dismissed, as sticking to the asphalt did not constitute violence. He also rejected the charge of coercion. Two other Berlin judges are also said to have rejected penalty orders. The decisions of the judges are a positive change and strengthen the climate activists in their commitment. You can read more about it here.

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Referendum on Berlin's Climate Goals

More than 200,000 Berliners signed a petition in 2022 calling for Berlin to become climate-neutral by 2030 instead of 2045 as previously planned. Now it comes to the referendum on 16 March! - But for changes to actually be implemented, 613,000 yes votes are needed! In concrete terms, this means that the Berlin Climate Protection and Energy Transition Act would then change and Berlin’s government would be obliged to reduce climate-damaging emissions in Berlin by 95% by 2030 - and this would in a socially just way!

Already 50,000 votes by mail have been received, but every vote counts. So dear Berliners, use your voice and go vote. There is even the possibility of a postal vote in absentee ballots. You can find them on this map!

Every vote counts!

And if you are not from Berlin... maybe there is a petition for climate protection in your city.

?? Number of the Week

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Friday, March 3, it’s time for another global climate strike! Since 2019, the strike initiated by Fridays for Future has been repeated at regular intervals. Also in 2023, thousands of people who want to engage in climate protection and draw attention to it will be on the streets. In Germany alone, more than 180 demos are registered. But it is not only in Germany or Europe that people take to the streets on this day. All over the world, in a total of 56 countries and 256 cities, people are demonstrating for more climate protection and a stronger commitment of politics in this direction.

Be a part of it and show politicians how important climate protection is for you and your future.

Check out here where you could go on strike.

?? Challenge of the Week

There is no Planet B

In line with the articles in today's issue, our challenge of the week is also about you being active for a good cause.

There is no Planet B

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Our challenge is basically about you taking action. Take part in a demonstration, petition or other engagement for climate protection. You can also join a group, an association or a party, the main thing is that you get involved. This way you can reach other people, make new acquaintances and even make a difference. And you'll see, activism can be fun too!

So do your small part to make a big difference in society.



