Pro Tips #101:

Pro Tips #101:

Pro Tips #101:

“In basketball, the mental is to the physical as four is to one.” Bob Knight. Meaning, mental toughness is 4 times more important than physical toughness.

One reasons why Yoga for Athletes is so important is because it assists with cultivating Mental Toughness both on and off the court. Having a Yoga for Athletes practice forces you to be present and to focus your mind on the task at hand. Single Pointed Focus, or as we call it in Yoga, Dristi, is important on the court as it helps you keep your focus on the goal at hand while also keeping your energy contained and allowing you to play in a more controlled manner with purpose. It reminds me of a story Kobe Bryant tells about seeing Phil Jackson coach The Bulls. While telling the story, Kobe recalls how while watching the Bulls play, you couldn’t tell if they were winning or losing because they played in the moment and they were never rattled nor did they let their emotions cloud their execution. As an elite athlete It is vital to be Mentally Tough and Focused when on the court as this will also assist with keeping players on the opposite team out of your head while you play your game.

“Being Mentally Tough can give you the strength to achieve, to survive, to overcome, to be strong when others are not.”

To take thing’s one step further, Yoga for Athletes is not only what we do on our mats. Mental Toughness can also assist with the business side of the game such as dealing with trades, transition of roles as well as day to day life. One piece of advice I like to give, when a pose gets to intense or when someone wants to stop meditation early is, “When you feel like giving up, breathe deeper. That is when the mental toughness kicks in.” -Sajeedah Jones

In conclusion,

“Concentration and Mental Toughness are the margins of victory” - Bill Russell

It goes without saying that professional athletes have developed a certain level of mental toughness through training and playing at a certain level. The goal is to find the things that complement the current training of strength & conditioning, endurance, nutrition etc.. Yoga for Athletes is one of those thing’s.

Sajeedah Jones

RYT-500 Specialization in Yoga for Athletes


1on1 in Person or Via Zoom Off Season in person


