Arguably the country’s nastiest obstetrician, gynecologist and abortionist (the terms are often used interchangeably these days) complained on RTE recently that an Order of nuns was preventing him from providing the full range of “reproductive rights” in a hospital built on land owned by the Catholic Church and that the Vatican was supporting the nuns in their efforts. The first thing that should be said is that it is passingly strange that RTE, whose defining symbol is the Christian Cross of Saint Brigid, also known as Saint Mary of the Irish, should be the broadcasting station of choice upon which abortionists, and terrorists, should descend to express their murderous, treasonable and treasonous views. The second thing that should be said is that the murderous abortionist doctor is expressing opinions which should lead him to take his discarded and disused Hippocratic Oath from his socks and lead him to recognize that everything he said in his interview clearly amounts to and constitutes “monstrous homicidal lies”. Just because he is not prepared to stand up for the lives and the souls of unborn children does not mean that there are no other people who will take up this righteous fight and noble cause. Killing unborn children in their mothers’ womb does not take much, if any, medical skill at all. The same result can be achieved using the bullet of a well-directed Colt 45. It is said that “Murder will out”. It is even more truly said that “Murder, no matter what the circumstances, remains Murder”. Abortion, in any shape or form, no matter how frequently, habitually and murderously performed, no matter how cruelly and criminally repeated can never amount to or constitute a right of any sort and certainly not “a reproductive right”. The sole purpose of abortion is to deny “reproduction” by ending totally, decisively and with absolute certainty and finality any hope or chance there might ever be of reproduction, of the new life implanted by the Holy Spirit in a mother’s womb growing, developing, being born and seeing the light of God’s Day. There are many things that might be said about this doctor’s dangerous delusional abortionist propagandist rant. One of them is that the doctor should listen to himself. His tone, language, expression and sentiments bear a striking similarity to the up and coming Adolf Hitler reading a passage of “My struggle” aloud to himself. Of course, abortion did not begin with the Nazis, it is just that they made the practice the most horrendous and horrific activity of the 20th Century and now of the 21st Century. Interestingly, and the doctor under discussion doesn’t seem to realize this, by giving interviews of the sort referred to, the abortionist in question leaves himself open to a criminal prosecution before the Criminal Courts of Justice in Ireland (where upon conviction on indictment he can be imprisoned for up to 14 years) or before the international criminal court in The Hague where his encouragement of and incitement to abortion, to procuring abortion, to aiding and abetting abortion and in conspiring to commit abortion and aid and abet abortion will be prosecuted as Genocide and sanctioned as a Crime against Humanity. The doctor should not forget the maxim “He who laughs last, laughs loudest” and that in criminal cases “Time never runs against the Prosecution or the State”.

It may be that the doctor and some of his medical and journalistic colleagues attend too many “Abortion Victory” parties, despite Leo and Simon’s hugely sincere efforts to stem the popular fervor. It may be that some of them 1. Never having opened a law book in their life; 2. Having mislaid their copies of the constitution of Ireland and the Eighth amendment to the constitution of Ireland as well as innumerable Criminal Law Statutes and reputable Case Law; 3. Mistakenly read and being fooled by the Supreme court’s judgement in “King Herod’s case”, being under the blood-thirsty murderous impression that abortion and all its constituent and accompanying ills were now lawful, legal and constitutional in Ireland. They may have been reinforced in this totally mistaken impression by the Corporate Tax lobby (who hope to make huge tax-deductible profits out of killing unborn children – and perhaps their mothers as well) by anti-life RTE and the ill-informed tabloid press, notably the Irish Times and the Irish Independent.

Time being of the essence, it may not be possible to examine in any great detail all the lawful legal nonsense, as well as all the nonsense full-stop, put forward in the Abortion referendum campaign, which in its hateful unthinking legal and legislative haste resembled the Charge of the Light Brigade, with pretty well equally disastrous consequences. If our very prominent abortionist doctor feels that he has been let down or misinformed on any of these salient points and thereby deprived of a whole load of ridiculously easy money (tax-deductible), he should sue his criminal accomplices. There is nothing that makes the life of a well-paid abortionist more frustrating than sloppy research work by his criminal accomplices – sometimes also called “co-conspirators”! But to dispense with the kernel of this matter fairly quickly, the constitution of Ireland prohibits the Irish Parliament from debating, introducing adopting or passing any legislation that would authorize the legalizing or legitimizing of abortion in any way. Premier Leo, Minister Simon Harris and the “so-called” Attorney-General will no doubt be in the words of the late Archangel Gabriel “delirious, delighted and surprised” to learn that this constitutional prohibition on abortion also extends to and covers the holding of any referendum on abortion. This means that the Government’s perjured and perverse efforts to organize a referendum with terrorist support as well as renegade members of the Soldiers of destiny led by arch-traitor Martin were in the words of Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan “illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional, void and of no effect from the beginning”. The abortionist doctor should sue all of them too!

While we are at it, we ought perhaps to take a quick look at King Herod’s case in which the supreme Court sought to hold that pretty well any one you like could abort babies for ever and ever! Two things were particularly striking about this case. 1. The decision by a Divisional Branch of the court that they would not listen to the arguments of the Society for the Protection of the unborn child, ruling that it would be a complete waste of time as they and the State between them had all the information, opinions and advice they needed! Famous last words as you might say! Fast-forward to the case itself. A lot of time has been spent – not without reason – examining how the supreme court managed to distinguish a long line of weighty and compelling precedents drawn from previous judgments of the court. I would argue that they could not and that they did not. However, I have the advantage that I was a student of Chief Justice Clarke once. He would recall, if he checked his lecture notes, but unfortunately he never used or kept any lecture notes, that no Court may decide or predict the law based on the outcome of a referendum, if that referendum has not either taken place or in fact even been sanctioned (both cases apply here). This principle is hugely reinforced, to the point of being both unbreakable and incapable of being dislodged, if the referendum in question (such as a referendum to allow or to legislate for abortion) is unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional. Even without notes, Chief Justice, it was one of your better lectures although it means that what I politely refer to as the supreme Court's judgment in “King Herod’s case” must fall by the wayside in its totality and be struck for ever from the record!

Maurice James, Barrister at Law, United Nations Counsel       



