Pro Israeli Groups support Violence at UCLA
Pro Israel Agitator confronts Pro Palestinian Woman

Pro Israeli Groups support Violence at UCLA

It's a been a long and draining 7 months for students fighting for justice.

Context is always important and as we all know, people frequently forget what actually happened. Here is a summary of events that led up to the LAPD shutting down the Pro Palestinian encampment at UCLA.

- Students are frustrated that UCLA is investing their funds with companies that support the occupation of the Palestinians so they decided to peacefully and legally protest. That happened for months and UCLA completely ignored the student requests. So the students at UCLA then decided to setup an encampment on the lawn. Yes, it was against University policies but it wasn't hurting ANYONE and UCLA wasn't listening!

- StandWithUs, Anti-Defamation League and other Jewish and Pro-Israel organizations throughout Los Angeles knowing that tensions are high provoked the students with a counter protest that cost thousands of dollars. They kept blasting horrific images of Israeli civilians that were killed on Oct 7th as if to suggest that the student encampment supported the killing of innocent Israeli civilians, THEY DO NOT!

- UCLA acted completely irresponsibly and for whatever reason allowed these organizations to setup their counter protest RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ENCAMPMENT. Why?!? Why would the administration and UCPD not look at this and say, 'Hey this is a student safety issue, the climate is not calm enough for this, we will gladly accommodate your counter protest somewhere else.' They put their own students at risk. They allowed outside groups to come to campus and create a nightmare scenario where Pro Palestinian students got hurt the most.

- The counter protest was an epic disaster. I've been protesting injustice since I was 16 and I haven't experienced the level of hate from violent thugs like that. There were legitimate discussions happening about whether the students support Hamas or the killing of innocent civilians or taking hostages... but those were few and far in between.

- The counter protestors (Pro Israel) became more brash and violent. They began to spit, shove, yell racial, religious and sexist slurs and I even got punched in the face by an older man for touching and removing his Israeli flag from my face.

- The LAPD and UCPD who were both on site, did absolutely nothing. The UCLA staff were beyond frustrated because the Administration essentially told them to be hands off. This went on for hours.

- The counter protest ended but we all knew that this was not the end of it. Pro Israeli supporters were emboldened and given carte blanche by UCLA and LAPD to do whatever they wanted without ANY repercussion. So...

- That night and the following nights, the stage and sound system were used to torture students trying to get some sleep in the encampments. They were blasting music and images all night. The most asinine things you can imagine happened. A Backpack full of mice was released in the camp. Illegal aerial fireworks were fired into the camp. Bear spray, pepper spray, mace were all used on UCLA students in the encampment. I saw a student who was protecting the encampment from thugs trying to destroy it get completely pummeled. He was shoved to the floor and repeatedly kicked by a group of students yelling "Am Yisrael Chai." A simple search on your favorite social media platform of UCLA Encampment will bring up all of this.

- By 2am on Tuesday we were all getting reports that the ER at Ronald Regan Medical Center was completely full and that we needed to take students to another hospital. The above needs to be verified, nonetheless, students were taken to the other hospitals. There was a medic and triage tent inside the encampment where volunteer doctors from the community were helping students that were injured. This was a scene from Mad Max. Mayhem, chaos, violence and lawlessness. We all watched it unfold in real time. The media outlets were there. LAPD , UCPD, California Highway Patrol , LA County Sheriff's Department, private security, THEY WERE ALL THERE. Hundreds of officers in full riot gear attire with all of the latest and greatest in military equipment, sitting on the sidelines. Not only did they do absolutely nothing to protect UCLA students, they kept everyone that came to protect students out. They watched the beatings, they watched the metal barricades get thrown into the middle of the encampment, they watched as Pro Israel extremists brought pipes and bats on campus. 4-5 hours roll by without a single law enforcement officer intervening. Their backs turned away from the encampment and whatever mayhem ensued inside was given a thumbs up by UCLA Administration and ALL of Law Enforcement in Los Angeles.

- WHAT THE HELL? How does our community move forward from this? The entire social justice community and Muslim community were essentially told, Los Angeles cares more about its Pro Israel community than it does the others. Not a single Pro Israeli thug was arrested. No investigations. As I was yelling at an LAPD officer for turning his back on students getting injured, a young man walks up to his friend in front of the Officer and starts to brag about how he "Bear Sprayed these Motherf*ckers" in the encampment. He honestly could have stabbed me right then and there and LAPD would have turned their back.

- UCLA Chancellor Gene Block met with the students to listen to their concerns and negotiate... great step forward right?! Well, when asked in a private session within the University, he told faculty and staff that the students wanted UCLA to help establish a Palestinian State. WHAT!? What a silly lie. The student demands were crystal clear and written in English. He didn't have to explain anything, he could have just shared what the students wanted. Instead he makes up some nonsense and then deflects about how he as a Chancellor doesn't have any power to do anything. The discussion and negotiation were a waste of time since he had already made up his mind and worked with Law Enforcement in Los Angeles to get rid of the encampment that night.

- Muslim leadership from across Southern California rallied like they did back in the anti-war protests in Iraq. Shuyukh (clergy), Board Members, political and religious organizations banded together to raise funds for food and medical supplies for these students in the encampment. We saw passion, fear and bravery from them. It motivated us to show up for these students like they are showing up for the people of Gaza.

- The students stood their ground peacefully but the outcome was over 170 arrests and a dismantled encampment at UCLA.

We are frustrated. We have been for over 70 years with our country's adamant support for Israel. We're frustrated with our Corporations that are donating and funding a terrorist state. We're frustrated that our institutions of higher education left us out to bleed. We're frustrated that our tax dollars are being given away as a gift in the form of a missile, a tank or a Bunker Buster Bomb to the state of Israel. We're frustrated that the American public could care less. Our values of Freedom and Liberty are applied to some, but not ALL.

To my colleagues and friends in the Jewish community... WOW! So many Jews have been on the front lines and leading the effort for a Free Palestine. So many have been inspiring the Muslim community to get up and fight for justice like our Prophet's Mohammad and Moses peace be upon them both. You've been spat on and shouted at by members of your own community and I can't tell you how honored I am to have stood next to you taking the heat. The Muslim community respects you dearly.

To the extremists and violent in the Jewish community... what happened to you?! Jewish Americans have been fighting for Civil Rights and social justice forever! How dare you attack our students! How dare you shout and spit at our sons and daughters! You got away with it once and it won't happen again. You've inspired an entire community to get involved and show up.

I hope and pray to Allah that our communities can move on from this. I humbly call on Jewish leaders in Southern California to condemn Palestinian hate and Islamophobia. Ending hate within your community starts at the pulpit and in the institutions.

Your Brother in Struggle,

Amir Mertaban

Raymond P. Dowd

Business Broker / Managing Partner, Eugene, Sun River, Lake Oswego.

10 个月

Why don't they teach students about Germany in 1939? History always repeats itself...


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