Be The Pro … Not the Amateur in your business.

Be The Pro … Not the Amateur in your business.

Building a Super Team

It’s quite alarming when we come across those, who term themselves ‘Jack of all trades’; and hate delegating. Many of these people feel that delegating is meant for losers, and they incorporate it into their Real Estate investing.

Amateur vs the Professional

Take a look at every Real Estate guru that has succeeded, he or she has a wonderful team because Real Estate Investing is indeed a Team Sport. Don’t be the one that groans and complains, bearing the thoughts that if you don’t do it yourself, it won’t turn out well. Who told you that? That’s the thought of an amateur in the game. In the case of a pro, he or she understands that he can’t be an accountant, lawyer, money partner, contractor and every other person that is needed to make Real Estate Investing lucrative. He understands this and delegates the duties to professionals.

A smart Real Estate Investor knows that if he tries to be everything by himself, the likelihood of him burning out and getting little or nothing done is high. What does he do then?

The truth remains that Real Estate Investing is meant to be fun, but when you are everything, doing the tasks of everyone because you refused to delegate, there is a great chance that you won’t enjoy it at all.

One sad reality is that a lot of real estate investors do this to save few pennies, and that’s why they keep orbiting in the realm of amateurism. To upgrade to the world of professionalism, and earn yourself large bucks from real estate investments, you have to delegate.

When delegating, should you run a hands-off operation like some Investment gurus? Hell no.

Some of the Questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Are you the best person to handle the job ? (given the resources that you have)
  • Are you doing the job because you can, and you think it is faster to handle yourself rather than ask for help ?
  • By handling the job on hand, are you making the most out of your time, resources. For example, if that is an activity you can do to make $20,000 an hour. Are you filing you own taxes because you want to save the $1,500 for the accountant bills, and missing the sale of making $20,000 with the client?

Managing Your Team Is Key

While creating your real estate team, it is important that you don't feel you are losing control by delegating, hell no. You will benefit from the expertise of these professionals, and reap much more than expected if you had merely decided to get the work done yourself.

Doctors are known to have nurses. One would have wondered why a doctor with his or her immense knowledge needed nurses while working. Doctors need their work to run smoothly and be perfect, hence the need for delegation.

While a dentist works, he uses the help of a hygienist, why is that so? Why doesn’t he do everything himself? This is because he needs to be efficient, and delegation breeds efficiency.

What of engineers and their technicians? Or lawyers and their paralegals? We could go on and on about professionals that need assistance to work efficiently. Why them do you think a real estate investor shouldn’t have his or her team.

It is important that you are present, helping around or managing your team. Don't be the real estate investor that runs a hands-off approach to investment.

That’s not all; you should be involved in overseeing the finance and marketing. Though you may have financial advisors or accountants for those, never remove your eyes from there. On your team, there is the need to have mentors, who you can run to when you need advice, and partners who help in running the business.

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