Pro Active Planning
I am resurecting a service that I started in the 1990's but was too innovative for its time. It all works on agreed fixed prices at all stages and is aimed at small to mid range contractors who do not have a full time planner.
It works like this starting from the tender.
EDA prepare a tender programme for the works which is fully detailed bottom up level 4 programme with integrated M&E. The first invoice will be 25% of the agreed fee. 100% is invoiced only when you get the job.
During the works you will receive a weekly spreadsheet progress report and EDA will update the programme and issue a fully detailed report.
The impact on progress of any changes such as VO's and Instructions will be analysed and recomendations for reports will be issued.
In the unlikely event that you enter into a dispute EDA will be on hand to give you immediate support.
Email [email protected] for a full prospectus.