PRO - 12


?Introductory: The intestine is one of the largest organs in the human body and is largely responsible for well-being and good health. The human gastrointestinal tract is inhabited by hundreds of thousands of bacteria. Probiotic bacteria can be divided into over 400 different strains. The microbial balance of the intestinal flora helps maintain the health of the body. Dietary supplement PRO 12 provides the intestinal flora with beneficial bacteria, thus strengthening the body's defenses.

The patented microcapsule preparation process protects bacteria from reaching the intestine intact.

Components :

PRO12 includes a total of 1 billion. probiotic bacteria per capsule which are divided into 12 different strains. It also includes a supportive prebiotic needed as food for probiotic bacteria.

Uses: Probiotics are microorganisms (friendly bacteria) or ingredients that help improve the environment of the gastrointestinal tract. In essence, they help to restore the balance between friendly bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, so as to create a healthier environment in the intestinal tract. When bowel function is normal, friendly bacteria outnumber pathogenic bacteria. But given the modern way of life, especially in large urban centers, chronic stress, poor nutrition, changing environment and frequent use of drugs and antibiotics, the balance we have described is upset for the benefit of pathogens. The consequence of this is to create an unfavorable condition, called intestinal dysbiosis, which is the substrate for the onset of many diseases.

PRO12 enhances the proper functioning of the intestine, helps to repair the cells of the body that have been damaged by toxic radiation and reduces the levels of fats in the blood.

Also, scientific research has shown that probiotics are a good remedy in cases such as: diarrhea, constipation, colitis, vaginal fungal infections, indigestion, and flatulence.

Dosage: One capsule per day Packaging: Box of 30 capsules.

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