Is the Prize worth the Price?
Frank Mckenna
Chief Executive & Group Chairman at Downtown in Business Ltd, the best in class business organisation providing connections, influence, and profile to ambitious companies across the UK.
I have been critical about the governments approach to the Covid19 crisis on the health, safety and care issues that they have been forced to address in recent weeks.
Equally, I have praised Chancellor Rishi Sunak for his handling of economic matters. His announcement this week about extending furlough was another example of him listening and responding to business.
However, we are now reaching a tipping point, where the interests of both the nations’ health and its economy will increasingly merge.
For many companies, a three-month shutdown is just about doable. I appreciate that this is a sweepingly generalised statement, but for the most part and having talked to dozens of DIB member companies, I believe it to be true.
Nonetheless, even furloughing, bounce back loans and the bonus of being able to play sports all day with your Grannie, ain’t going to change the facts that if lockdown goes into month 4, our economy is shot.
Many SMEs will throw the towel in – and by doing so millions of people will be thrown on to the dole. As much as the additional furloughing time is welcome, the fact is that the longer the lockdown is in place, the longer it will take for companies to be able to return to the same levels of income generation they were achieving prior to the crisis. For every week the lockdown stays in place, add at least a month to a company’s recovery plan.
This may be a thankless dilemma for the PM and an inexperienced cabinet to have to face. But face it they must.
That means a more honest, adult conversation about not just the implications of returning to work too early; but of returning too late.
It means a genuine debate about the short- term increase in deaths that a further spike in Coronavirus may bring as we relax lockdown measures as opposed to the longer term health and mortality impacts a lockdown beyond the Summer will result in.
It means a detailed spelling out of the cost of an economic meltdown that will most certainly come if we don’t manage to resume a semblance of normality before the end of next month- which begs the question, is it a cost we are willing to Pay? Is the prize of a reduced infection rate now worth the price of a long- term depression that will hit many millions of people for years to come? It means treating the British people like adults.
Staying at home for sustained periods, particularly for those who live alone, is already causing a rise in cases of anxiety. More profound mental health issues are being reported and the areas that are suffering most right now will be the areas that see unemployment and deprivation get even worse in their locality in an economic downturn.
It is an inconvenient truth that a weak economy will inevitably lead to weaker investments into those things that we value more than ever – our NHS, our care services and infrastructure.
Unfortunately, we have a leader, a key adviser and a government who were able to deliver victory through populism and sound bites. Can they change gear?
The underwhelming response to Boris Johnson’s latest address to the country on Sunday evening suggests that the ‘everything will be alright on the night’ approach to governance is fast losing its appeal among an increasingly restless electorate. To pull it off once over Brexit was impressive. To do it again would be remarkable!
The sooner the government is straight with us, the better. They need to tell us the truth. Another eight weeks of shutdown equates to many years of economic pain and health challenges. There are choices to be made.
Can we handle the truth? I think we can. Will we and the government make the right choices? We can but hope.
#business #politics #COVID19 #lockdown
Due diligence is essentiel for opening up again! In my opinion there should not be a total reopen all at once. We still need to keep our distance and sanitize handles, hands etc. That being said, it is vital that we work towards a more normal state of being. This can happen faster if we all chip in and take care of ourselves and each other!
Founder & Director of Sequoia Health
4 年Have to agree Frank. Great article.
Founder, Speaker and Host at Anything is Possible Group; Make Events Ltd and HM Events
4 年Having completely self isolated and being super cautious about going anywhere I have started to go to the shops; I’ve been on site for work and the world feels sort of normal again. Most supermarkets are not managing social distancing at all. People on the streets aren’t. Yet our economy remains at a stand still.... I know as a disciplined person I’m developing bad habits I didn’t have before. Drinking more. On my phone so much more. I hope I can break them in my release.
Group Non Exec Chairman, Non Exec Director
4 年Frank, this is my personal view; the safety of our people is unquestionable. Adapt your business to fully embrace social distancing, this is as much an individual’s responsibility as a business responsibility. The timing to ease lockdown looks right; death toll is on a downward trend, we have to ease the burden on our economy and halt the demise of cash starved businesses we are beginning to see on a regular basis. We don’t need the Government to make every decision for us we have to shoulder some responsibility. Initially we need the Government to invest in sectors that truly add value to our economy, we require our banks to support our businesses and our people repaying their debt for the bailout and we need to continue to support our superb NHS. If the R increases we should pause and re-plan not stop. Everyone has to do their bit!!!! Stay safe