The prize and the cause of our labour.
Ladies & Gentlemen,
It's been a couple of days since my most recent news article and since I have just recently gained access to the Star Alliance Senator Lounge access, world-wide, at Dubai International Airport, en-route to Vienna, via Munich - and later on to Egypt, I felt so free to just share my thoughts in this very and most recent published article.
When I'm on the way to airports, or even up in the sky, there are a lot of thoguhts to be gathered, and yes, a lot of things actually occured during one of my trips to Vienna, at the Renaissance Hotel, as part of the Marriott Group, where I was offered welcome drinks, and was still being charged for such. Thins happen and billing mistakes happen, however, trying to convince me that I would ever ever ever have received any vouchers, just calls for a rethink and constant action: always take photos of meals, vouchers, and other important key data and files, otherwise - while taking things far too casual, you may just end up as casualty.
Just recently I purchased a new property, "At the Palm" in Dubai, and even though it has been a pretty good investment opportunity, I did spent quite a fortune. Truth to be told, when looking at Dubai's land, Dubai Marina, Jumeirah- / -Lakes Towers, JBR, The palm, those are "tip-top-locations", however, "The Palm is Number 1". What is and always have been quite odd in the UAE - that while being in of the hottest places on planet earth, it is still not being considered to build proper car parks, even without shades / out-doors. I'm not talking about some shady properties, but rather quite decent luxury developments.
This is awesome, the Germans are doing better now - enjoy with caution:
The German stock market, are to be compared with a six pack of beer and a few sausages and Pretzel, enjoy those, but with due care. Even though certainy firms such as, Zalando, Porsche, Rheinmetall and Detusche Pfandbriefbank have become one of my favorite firms to trade with, I have to warn you: take your gain and walk out, day by day, none of those firms offer any sort of stability and believe me, been there, done that: keeping stocks and to just "hang in there" until those will soar like an eagle, absolutely no way, you will be deep in the red. Take what you got, and be in the blue, and lose the battle to win the war: as soon as stock drops by a few mili-points, sell and get "the hell out of there". Those firms that - in my opinion and based on my experience- should stay away from are, Telefonica Deutschland and Deutsche Bank and Sartorius AG, including Vonovia, Bayer, Covestro, BASF: those are just and only short term trades, and their shares are definitely not worth to invest. Firms such as Covestro don't even offer any dividends, meaning: they are not doing well at all. RWE Group, there a few short trades possible, however their shares are simply unpreditable.
The prize and the cause of our labour:
Go ahead and ask around, how many earthlings actually are aware of how much it costs to run a household, utlities, food and beverages, cleaning materials, and mantainance, et cetera cetera. Living in homes, not having to purchase properties, laundry always being taken care of, the fuel tank, the fridge always on the top, those are the basics of life we were never been taught at school, and believe me: it's not my educational background, or about the elementery-, middle-school, I went to, this is common, that kids are just only being taught to be a good employee, and good at their studies, but there is no way we are being guided into a rather and more money driven direction.
Within the past few decades, I have to admit, especially while running several businesses on various continents and cities, it is hard to predict and overlook the running cost of a firm, and there will always have to be reserve funds in palce, for "just in case" if there are any unexpected costs, that's for sure.
Many folks did ask me, on several channels, or even offline, how I can actually manage to setup firms and keep track of running those enterprises, this is something called the "sixt sense" and I'm rather not getting too worried or nervous about such. If we are lack of something, or someone, this can easily be resolved through various options, solutions. Overall, don't be afraid of setting up your own entity, you won't have to be a millionaire in order to do so: just enthusiasm and will-power will do the magic.
Being at DXB T1 tonight, heading to Vienna, and looking forward of being in Vienna, and later on in Egypt, by the first week of April already returning to the City of Beijing, those are all journeys I'm rather looking foward to. At the moment, I'm still not quite sure, how I'm going to add this next upcoming "en-route" to the US, again, it's been over a month since I was in Houston, and New York, and yes, there are a few transactions to be completed in Los Angeles and Chicago, so, let me do the "chess-thing" and move one stet at the time, there is no way, to win an entire game just within a move or two.
Stay tuned!