It is a privilege to help the saints.
…For I testify that they gave according to their ability and even beyond it. On their own accord, they pleaded earnestly for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints.
Did you know that it is a privilege to help the saints? Question is, who exactly are the saints?
Basically speaking, a saint is anyone who has received Jesus as their Savior. They are Holy because God is Holy, and they are saints because of Him and His Sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary.
A sign of a regenerated persona, a saint, is that they love to help the oppressed. Saints also love to help other saints. They love to give to God and to one another. They want to because it is a privilege. No one has to give anything. They want to.
A friend of mine always said, "once you become a Christian you can do anything you want." That is true, because what you want to do changes. You want to be a blessing to others.
We are all sinners that need a savior. A saint is just someone who recognizes that fact, and receives Him into their heart.
It does not matter what denomination we are in or what dogma we cling on to. Politics have absolutely nothing to do with it. Neither does race, ethnicity or nationality. The faith of your fathers is as unimportant as your riches or lack there of. God doesn't care about your profession either.
All lives matter to our beautiful Savior.
That being said it is a privilege to help the saints, as they try to help others, to make even more saints.
I was reading about Gideon. God chose to use 300 people to defeat a huge army. I am looking for a Gideon's 300 to beat the enormous army of bad influences trying to kill the at-risk children of Nicaragua.
We are looking for 300 normal people who really want to defend these children. Pure Heart needs 300 people to really commit to donating a minimum of $25 a month or 77 cents a day, as long as possible.
This tax deductible donation, along with all the other donations to PureHeartChildren'sFund, go exclusively to help at-risk children. Every penny of every dollar goes to the kids. We believe if 300 people give the minimum, consistently, we can increase our impact on these young lives by 500%.
Five times more kids, and five times more effectively. All with better results.
We welcome you to accept this privilege of helping the less fortunate, to have a better life. To give hope to the hopeless.
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Pure Heart's Ni?a of the Week
Our Ni?a of the week, Arieli, goes to our Pure Heart Preschool and she's a little sweetie.
She is 3 years old and her favorite color is lilac. We asked her what she likes to do after school and she said clean! Phew, we have a bunch of hard workers at our preschool.
For fun she likes to play and she loves riding around on the scooter. When we asked her if there was anything that scared her, she said, nada, nothing. What a brave girl!
Please help us reach our goal of 300 sponsors by clicking
Our mailing address is:
Pure Heart Children's FundC/O Denette Lauer
PO Box 60
Milford, MA 01757