It is a privilege to be alive and kicking
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
As far as I know - it is both a privilege and a right to be born given that you already are alive inside your mothers womb. Even if your mother does not have the necessary or sufficient ability (very common today, unfortunately) to neither want to give you your rights to be born nor wants you to live. The will of a already born person to kill you and take away this privilege and this right of yours - should in all manners speaking be unlawful. Just as it is unlawful to kill another human being that is alive. And a child in the womb is in fact a human being.
Why is life a privilege? Because you, regardless of the circumstances you were born under and with - can always have the grace to meet people that will help you, give you courage and good advice that propels you forward to your goals and wishes in life. People who think they are the oracle of Delphi and already count out others meaning of life like it is worthless and useless and therefor the “child must be aborted” have some sort of distorted view on the life of others.
It is a right because only you are in the possession of your own life and fait when it comes to protect yourself and your interests so that you can develop these according to your possibilities. Please understand that what you fight for is also what you can inspire other with - if your mother grants you life. And the latter should be unthinkable in a just world! No mother has the right to kill her unborn child because she desires it not to have the right to life. The right to live, to exist, to take the actions your survival requires free from interference, is the most basic right you have.
A privilege, on the other hand, is permission to act given by someone in a position of authority, such as a property owner. If you lived only by permission of your owner, that would make you a slave. Slavery, next to murder, is one of the most detestable violations of rights. No one expects to be born, everyone is expected to die. Wherever you are in the world, whoever is reading this, allow me in my humble opinion to affirm that the fact you exist is a statistical anomaly in of itself.
That being said, while privilege and rights are established amongst us as people and property owners, the universe doesn't discriminate, nor seemingly deliberate upon our daily deeds. In a purely utilitarian sense we are living vessels for genetic mutation and diversification, some last longer than others. In this sense the question is simply irrelevant. Many before us and even now believe that people are ascribed roles and destinies by a higher power, and that therefore, life is a privilege.
Even then, what we perceive as rights are only sacrosanct privilege. Our control lies in the privilege, I think, that is in our freedom to perceive our reality (and its absurdities) in the best light possible. For me, Albert Camus’ optimistic outlook rings true. Now, can be our time. Welcome to the world my friend, enjoy it while you have the opportunity. What funds each individuals life largely depends on circumstance. Certainty, the most profitable individuals may be privileged with better access to a longer and better quality life while the less profitable, less privileged receive less with respect to opportunity. People and institutions concerned with rights contribute funding in their own way and with respect to where their values are placed.
Organisms live and organisms die when an environment emerges that is capable of supporting life. Nature is was said “endows” inalienable rights but that though comes from a human mind. Nature giveth and nature taketh away, rather impartially, everything has to eat. Lately cutting-edge science is getting closer and closer to attributing consciousness to everything even out mineral companions. In case you would ask, I doubt the organization of the universe deals with the delicate niceties of privilege or rights and they may remain part and parcel of the human delusion or condition.
Life is beautiful and that appears to suffice, no matter what I might feel or choose. Let it be. no matter what it provides warmth and makes fine compost and nutrition. If you are in conceived, meaning not yet conceived, then you really have no rights, thus are given no rights. Life is a privilege that was given to us by our parents because, lets face it, we did not have to survive our conception, or birth, or anything after that, it was given to us in hopes that we would do something great with it. Thus, being given a life is a privilege. However, living life is a right that all humans have. Since we were given the privilege of life, it is our right to live it. So don't let anyone change that. Cheers!