Private Repositories to store the artifacts (Nexus)
Partho Das
I help businesses design and automate their cloud infrastructure, streamline software deployment pipelines, and ensure they scale efficiently and securely.
What is an Artifacts
Why do we need a repository, we can directly push the artifacts to our deployment server?
- Configure users, provide RBAC to controll the access control
- It helps to store or retrieve any build artifacts
- It helps to create different types of Repositories (`3 types` - Proxy Repo, Hosted Repi, Group Repo )
- Repository Manager helps proxy any remote repositories & caches its content locally for further use by the internal orgs
- Maintains a repo for its own internal artifacts
What are the different types of Repositories Nexus has?
- Proxy repositories: Acts as a cache for public repositories like Dockerhub for Docker images.
- The public repo url should be whitelisted in the proxy server
- Hosted repositories: Store build artifacts on Nexus, accessible only to the user with SSO, or Ldap or users from orgs. Not from outside world.
- Group repositories: Combines multiple hosted and proxy repositories into a single logical group,providing a unified view for clients.
Install Nexus on Ubuntu server
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless
sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --disabled-login --gecos "" nexus
cd /opt
sudo wget
sudo tar -zxvf latest-unix.tar.gz
cd /opt
sudo mv nexus-3.* nexus
sudo mkdir -p /opt/sonatype-work
sudo chown -R nexus:nexus /opt/sonatype-work
sudo chown -R nexus:nexus /opt/nexus /opt/sonatype-work
sudo vim /opt/nexus/bin/nexus.rc
Add the following line:
sudo -u nexus /opt/nexus/bin/nexus start
ps aux | grep nexus
Configuration of the Nexus Server
From the browser type this
Nexus_ip_address:8081 (Or DNS name, if the DNS entries are done with the org DNS)
User name : admin | Password - Need to ssh to the nexus server and find the password based on the location that the UI instructs.
What we can do with Nexus Repository and its facts?
- Support: Nexus supports various artifact formats, including Maven, npm, Docker, and more.
- Configuration: Configure specific settings for each format.
- Authentication: Configure authentication mechanisms like LDAP, Active Directory, or internal users.
- Authorization: Define roles and permissions for different users.
- Encryption: Protect sensitive data like passwords and credentials.
- There are two types of user we can create on Nexus
- 1. Anonymous user - They get only access to the repo contents (GET - Read only ), but they are restricted on other actions like create, delete, upload etc
- 2. Regular user - Each user can have different Roles with different privileges
- There are some default privilege available for Nexus see the lists here
- generally Jenkins integrations are pretty common, where we want the Jenkins to upload the artifacts into Nexus, so we have to create a user Jenkins and assign a role with privilege as create & read - but not delete
Is there any best practices to manage and maintain a private repository?
- Regular Cleanup: Regularly clean up old or unused artifacts to optimize storage.
- Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities.
- Performance Optimization: Monitor performance and optimize settings as needed.
- Version Control: Use version control for Nexus configuration to track changes and facilitate rollback.
- Backup and Recovery: Implement a robust backup and recovery plan to protect your repository data.
- Promotion of repository
- When we build an artifacts, that build does not get used in the production deployment
- First it stores itself into staging repository
- The tests are performed on the staging repo and if it passes all the tests, vulnerability tests,
- The artifacts gets promoted into production repository to be used by prod deployment
Let`s see an example of creating a private Repo for Docker images.
Create a Private Nexus Repo for Docker images
- Go to Nexus, click Create Repo
- Select Docker Hosted
- Update the Realm as active Docker Bearer Token Realm
- This is necessary for authentication when using Docker with Nexus.
To test the repository, we will mimic the stages of Jenkins
- This is often necessary when using HTTP instead of HTTPS.
- For production environments, it's recommended to secure the Nexus instance with HTTPS to avoid using insecure registries.
sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
"insecure-registries" : [""]
// "insecure-registries" : ["Nexus_URL:Port_mentioned_for_Docker_Repo"]
- Restart the Docker Daemon
systemctl restart docker
- verify the connectivity of client(Jenkins/Docker) & the Nexus
sudo docker login -u admin
- Enter the password set for the Nexus
Note : Make sure to log out of Docker if the login test with the credentials are done to avoid potential security issues. sudo docker logout
sudo git clone
sudo docker build -t .
sudo docker build -t .
# For Prod, its good to use version in auto increment
- Verify if the image creation successfull
sudo docker images
sudo docker push
The same above manual process can be automated by integrating Jenkins, and the declaritive pipeline can be somewhat like the below. I have added two more stages in that.
pipeline {
agent any #Good to add some agent to execute the jobs
environment {
imageName = "Give_Image_Name"
registryCredentials = "admin"
registry = ""
dockerImage = ''
stages {
stage('checkout') {
steps {
git url: '', branch: 'main' }
// Docker images
stage('Docker image') {
script {
dockerImage =
// Push the image from Jenkins to Nexus
stage('Push to Nexus') {
script {
docker.withRegistry('https://' + registry, registryCredentials) {
// Run the container - Stop the container if its running
stage('stop previous containers') {
steps {
sh 'docker ps -f name=container_name -q | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker container stop'
sh 'docker container ls -a -f name=container_name -q | xargs -r docker container rm'
stage('Docker Run') {
script {
sh 'docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --rm --name container_name ' + registry + '/' + imageName + ':latest'