Private Practice: Myths, Tips, & Boundaries
Sarah Fargo O'Brien, LCSW
2X CEO/Founder. Bestselling author. Podcast host. Trauma-Informed Consultant , Coach, & Licensed Psychotherapist. Subject Matter Expert & Leadership Strategist. Marquis Who's Who Honored Listee 2024-2025 |
1) Relationship Building 2) Private Practice Building 3) Trauma Informed Skill Building
Those are the three (3) content areas for The Timeless Therapist monthly newsletter.
1) Relationship Building
2) Private Practice Building
3) Trauma Informed Skill Building
Together, these 3 main topics comprise my Subject Matter Expertise in terms of trauma informed skills outside of clinical practice. I'm active in 2 practice communities to continually learn and grow in my trauma informed leadership skills.
Last quarter was all about relationships! This quarter we're going to dive into Mental Health Providers, Entrepreneurship and Trauma Informed Leadership.
This month's edition is focusing mostly on Mental Health Private Practice
And you're still gonna get some great wellness tips!
Let me tell you, I was worried about all the cons, too. 8 years ago when I started on this journey for myself.
However, after doing it for 8 years, making a profit, without ever hiring a lawyer or business coach, the cons are MYTHS!
Some of the biggest Private Practice Myths...debunked!
1) It costs a lot to start a business/practice.
2) It's always variable instead of fixed income.
3) It's a lot more work than being in an agency.
4) There's no paid time off.
5) I can't handle a crisis without team/agency support.
Working in Private Practice has improved my quality of life over the past 8 years. Let me tell you how...
1) Choosing when to start my day
2) Choosing my own clients & managing my schedule
3) More money than in my last agency job
What do all 3 perks of the PP job have in common?
That's right! The #1 thing starting my own private practice has afforded me: ability to set and keep boundaries that make sense for me and my overall wellness. This was NOT available to me when working for others in agency positions.
?Boundaries around times I work best.
Boundaries around emotional and physical limits.
Boundaries around skill and competency.
Boundaries around my worth and value.
Boundaries around the Social Work code of ethics.
?And the times I did say, "No, I don't have capacity for that" really didn't matter. Any of you out there in healthcare likely know what I'm talking about here! The lack of consideration for the PROVIDER in these positions really grinds my gears. I absolutely hate this for us! We deserve to be treated better. However, the system is what it is right now and no one person can change the whole damn thing, so let's move outside the traditional 'job' box and consider entrepreneurship. Your health and wellness should NEVER be compromised because of work. Period. That's my stance, anyway. Historically, and currently, social workers, counselors, therapists, mental health providers, have been over-worked, under-paid, and under-valued to a gross degree.
But it doesn't have to be that way!
If you feel EXHAUSTED. DISSATISFIED. DRAINED. And you're barely making enough to cover the bills, it's time to exit stage left, right, and center and embark on a new journey. One that will give you what you need in terms of balance and income.
If you want to learn more about Private Practice Start-Up, you can access a few options with me.
If you want to learn more about Compassionate Self Care, you can access a few options with me.
If you are looking for some interesting CEUs, consider this UNIQUE training opportunity:
Love Your Business: Increasing Capacity and Aligned Practices as a Business Owner <-- Click Here to register!
Ok, LEADERS out there...
Do you embody the skills and practices of Trauma Informed Leadership?
Hello! I'm a Dynamic Trauma Informed Professional-- at your service :)
Leadership today barely has any checks & balances. There's no accountability for poor decision-making...or the negative impact those decisions may have on the people they lead.
?If you want to be accepting...reduce harm...and maintain, or increase, productivity, then Trauma Informed Leadership is for you. Schedule a discovery call!
In addition to healthy self-care and healthy relationship development, I am passionate about healthy workplaces (especially for mental health providers) and healthy leadership development. I'm Dare To Lead Certified (Brene Brown's Leadership Program) and Certified in Trauma-Informed Space Holding (Katie Kurtz's CULITVATE Program), as well as, a vetted Subject Matter Expert for two Trauma-Informed Practice Communities--which means 1) learning 2) understanding fully and then 3) applying/demonstrating trauma-informed skills in real time with real people, including my psychotherapy clients, coaching clients, professional relationships & partnerships, & collaborations.
I have the training, the community, and the self-awareness about doing my own work ongoing to be an effective Trauma Informed Leader, and I can help you do the same. If you want to be on the foundational edge of a new wave of leadership, then schedule your free consult call and let's learn and grow make a trauma informed future...for all of us.
And! I've developed a Guide to get you started! This digital download product is a 20+ page guide (with exercises for practice!) in understanding and APPLYING trauma informed leadership skills. For just $49 you can begin your path to better leadership! Click Here
This month's blog post: Why it's a good idea to consider entrepreneurship if you're a mental health provider.
Thrive & Shine has officially OPENED their Red Bubble storefront! Find fresh & new, and tried & true products designed with positive mental health and self-view in mind. Access store by clicking button below. Thanks for supporting my small business endeavors! Click Here
Affiliate Products
Here are some affiliate products I happily endorse (and use)! Understand that affiliate means a portion of the proceeds from a sale using my link will return to me. Prices are not adjusted to accommodate the percentage given to me from each sale. FEEL FREE TO SHARE THESE AFFILIATE LINKS WITH FRIENDS, FAMILY, COLLEAGUES, NEIGHBORS, WHOMEVER!
CalmiGo: Multisensory Deep Breathing assistance device
Loop Earplugs:
Own Your Stigma: Mental Health Awareness & Affirmation Gear
Sending you boundless good vibes, hoping for a healed heart, & wishing you a peaceful nervous system. Take care of yourself, first and always. ??-Sarah O'Brien
**If you want the FREEBIES included each month, you have to SUBSCRIBE to The Timeless Therapist Newsletter directly on my website's homepage. You can find it here
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