Private Logic Gone Amuck

Private Logic Gone Amuck

?? How do you think about yourself??

Many of us unconsciously think less of ourselves than we do of others. Unknowingly, we allow people and experiences to shape us. We pass judgments about ourselves and solidify a private logic which becomes “our truth,” repeating it over and over to ourselves. And, as we do, we regularly undermine and disempower ourselves.

This could look like:

?? Not being able to see and celebrate our own strengths and successes as much as others’.

?? Magnifying our failures and weaknesses rather than our successes and strengths.

?? Consciously or unconsciously minimizing and undervaluing ourselves, our abilities, and our contributions.?

?? Overworking to prove we are enough.

???Comparing ourselves to others and putting them down or criticizing them to feel better about ourselves.

Remember Proverbs 23:7? “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.”

Our heart, a combination of our spiritual and physical heart, is the seat of our identity.?Our unfiltered feelings, thoughts, and words about ourselves give us a window into our self-perceived identity. These are generated based on our private logic (inner belief system) that not only influences our own actions, but also communicates energetically to the world around us, affecting how others treat us.?

When we have a poor self-image, our self-worth is low, and our self-confidence suffers. We repeatedly project to the world around us that we are not worthy or capable and that people can take advantage of us. We often settle for less than we could achieve or have, and we let people treat us poorly. And all the while we may be oblivious to what we are doing.

??The root problem lies in our inaccurate self-perception.??

By divine design, we were meant to look outside ourselves to gain a healthy self-image. Created in the image of God, we were intended to seek our sense of self and worth from our Creator. Through a close relationship with God, who values us above all else in the universe, we were to discover our identity and comprehend the central role we were meant to play in overseeing all things on Earth. ???

Unfortunately, due to a significant deception, humanity was led to believe they were not created in God's image and likeness. People began to see themselves as less than what God declared them to be, lacking the dignity and worth He bestowed upon them. As a result, they made choices and judgments that distanced them from the very Source of their true identity. This led to a profound impact on their self-image, self-worth, and self-confidence.

Why was there such a profound impact on Self-Image and Self-Worth??

Because human beings continued to look for their identity outside of themselves. However, instead of getting it from a healthy, safe, loving relationship with God, now they began to seek validation from flawed human perspectives.?

As children, we look to our parents and other influential adults in our lives to develop our identity. If we are fortunate to have parents or adults in our world who have a renewed and healthy self-image and self-worth, we too can develop that. However, when a child is brought up in an environment with those who are struggling with a wounded self-image and self-worth, that child will struggle with the same. ???

And that wounded self-image and self-worth becomes the private logic or a “truth” that defines them in adulthood.?

Unless something changes.?

Jesus Christ came as the logos, the logic of God, to show us how God thinks and what he values. In every action and interaction, he showed the value that God embraces people with.?

His invitation wasn’t just about accepting a new destiny, but about adopting a new identity based on a new logic. ???

This is both personal and practical.?

Until I renew my mind by exchanging my way of thinking about myself with the truth about what God says about me, I will continue to be influenced and conformed to a lesser version of myself. My identity will be based on

?? the accumulation of my life’s history,

?? the people who’ve told me who I am,

?? the private logic I have adopted.?

Learning to Think

As we consciously seek to create a life we love, it’s key to learn how to use our thinking and reasoning to help us, not hurt us. In Romans 12 we are told to not be conformed (shaped, molded) by the viewpoint of the world around us but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

No one can do this for us.

Renewing our mind is a daily, moment-by-moment activity based on personal intention and choice.?

It really is your choice how you respond...

?Is it time to learn how to think differently about yourself? ??

?Is it time to arrest your private logic that is keeping you stuck in an identity that is less than you are designed for? ?

?Is it time to have a shift and practice renewing your mind and persuading your heart to believe a different reality about yourself? ??

I'm here to support you! ??

Lois Zehr is an outside-the-box coach who believes life is to be lived from a wholistic perspective. She is passionate about practical spirituality — helping people partner with God to take control of their lives, discover options outside the status quo and develop strategies for whole life success.

Lois' mission is to Heal Hearts, Resource Breakthrough, and Grow Individuals?to express their full God-given potential, consciously creating vibrant living and a life they love.


