Private Lender - “Intro to Credit Lines”
Cheril Lyn Muniz
?Forging connections between Business Owners & game-changing blue apple strategies?? ?Founder/CEO ?Leading in transformative solutions for business success???? ?Empowering entrepreneurs?? ?Published Author??
We often find?that certain aspects of our Program will come up repeatedly, in emails and calls,?and the facts are often a bit misconstrued, not a Client misconception. So this morning, we want to address this as clearly as we can, without getting too technical and causing further confusion. Understand that this will be an?"Intro to Credit Lines,"?and is nowhere near the exhaustive explanation of the actual inner workings.
Firstly, this discussion needs to be recognized as a brutally honest approach. If a Borrower wants to work with an?institutional lender?who sits on large amounts of capital and loans?in "Days", then a Bank is the place to go.? (note that the term "days" is one conveyed by Borrowers who never seem to qualify for the funds anyway).
BUT - if we are being honest, the following FACTS will apply;
1- A Bank will rarely, if ever, approve multi-million?dollar project loans for applicants with no money, and no proven record of building similar projects.
2 - A Bank will NEVER give you 3X your money as a credit line.
3 - A Bank will NEVER give you a Loan that doesn't encumber you personally and corporately, or allow your initial capital to NOT be encumbered.
4 - A Bank will charge you large upfront fees to go through the application process- with no guarantee of granting the loan after?3-6 months?of due diligence.
5 - Assume that the Bank will typically offer a 50% LTV, and will charge 8-12% for the capital.
Now, with our Private Lender, we are?NOT a Retail Lender?of course. They are considered to be a?"PRIVATE LENDER"?because we DO NOT lend out anyone else's capital. We do?NOT?have a "Pool of Investors" like a Hedge Fund or Family Office would have, which would serve as a lending facility. This is why we are able to issue Approvals within a day or two, on any file that arrives - because there is no "hierarchy" that requires sign-off. The approval starts and ends with our Private Lender!
Even if we want to believe that your Borrower is able to receive a loan from a conventional Lender within a week or two (as I hear all the time),?that is NOT how we operate, and for good reason.?
Because of our long tenured Bank relationships, combined with the fact that every Credit Line contract is backed by an equivalent amount of our Cash or Assets, we are afforded benefits that are quite unconventional. This enables us to deliver a 1x-4x Credit Facility to our Borrowers, at a preferred Interest Rate, AND with Terms & Conditions that are never seen in Retail Lending. These benefits not only allow a Borrower to get their Project moving forward where they would NEVER be able to do so using conventional sources, it ALSO saves them MILLIONS of dollars in the process.
So what is the "Tradeoff" Then??----? The Borrower must do it?OUR WAY.
This is a hard pill to swallow for many Borrowers because once we say "Yes" to their application, they mentally decide to transition their minds from?a Private Template, to a Retail Template. They immediately forget everything that we have laid out in the "FAQ", which they signed in agreement only weeks prior.
In order for our Private Lender to create the opportunity for the Borrower, the Borrower needs to understand that our Private Lender also has to follow a?very stringent set of protocols?that are laid out by our own Banks, Insurers and Regulators - because every step in our procedures are done under a regulated environment despite us being "Private".
"QC" (initial Deposit)?- Performed by a Bank and/or a Lawyer, with no involvement from our Private Lender.
Private Lender’s Insurance?- performed by a Regulated Insurer. Protects our Private Lender not the Borrower - because what risk does the Borrower carry????
Private Lender’s Credit Facility?- created and disbursed? by a regulated, Tier1 Bank.
What this means in real terms, is that the Borrower has to be more patient. They need to understand that the Banks that we work with have to "CREATE" our credit lines, and that these processes take considerable time - which is entirely out of our control.? The "Tradeoff" is extra time in exchange for incredible benefits. So, as a Borrower, you must ask yourself;
?"is this a reasonable tradeoff?"
Borrowers sign our "FAQ" and acknowledge that there is a?"60-90 day compliance period before disbursement",?but then proceed to call us daily to ask if it is ready yet. Understand that the Bank typically takes 60-75 days; however, if there is an international situation, it CAN interfere with timing. In our recent past, "Post Covid", we have seen issues in Russia and Israel cause delays in Global Banking, and now Honk Kong just released their infamous "Article 23," which is definitely going to make financing against Chinese/HK deposits a thing of the past ---? and could be the final nail in the coffin for China on the global stage.?
The message here is not one of concern or panic, but one of delivering good information and setting good expectations from the outset. We often hear from industry people almost "apologizing" for the time that it takes to get a loan out the door, yet it is actually often LONGER when you deal with larger, institutional Lenders - and they do not give anywhere near the benefits that we offer to the Borrower.?
So, we hope that this helps shed some light on the mechanisms involved. The message to the Borrower is that our Programs are worth the wait. We have mentioned this before, but we often tell the Borrower that if they feel that our timeline is "too long", that they apply for our loan, and then proceed to find their funding elsewhere. If, when our Credit Facility is ready, they have still not found other funding, they can proceed with us. We can safely state that in?nearly 100% of cases, the Borrower has no other sources of capital that want to give funds to their project.
Our Programs not only have the highest Approval Rate out of any other Loan Program that we have seen, but they deliver benefits that you will NEVER see anywhere else.
Have a project you want to run by us?
Cheri Muniz
Sr. Capital Consultant