"Private Krankenversicherung" (PKV) your private health insurance
Alicia Aswani
???? Independent financial advisor for internationals in Germany . Real Estate Investment & Financial Planning
What is one of the things we need to take care of when arriving in Germany?
Our health insurance! In my case I was very happy with the health care in Germany, since the Spanish is not that good. In Germany we are very lucky to live in a system where we know, that whatever happens somebody has our back.
The years passed and I have been more and more involved in the social system as advisor. And since I became an entrepreneur (as someone who is self-employed you can choose freely if you want to be privately or statutory insured) I choose to be private insured.
I do not have an employer that contributes 50% to my health insurance, and I am literally never sick. And when I go to the doctor for a check-up, I definitely notice the difference. I get an appointment much faster, and I have more coverage of treatments if I needed to make use of it.
Lately I got many questions from customers and expats if changing from a statutory to a private insurance is the right thing to do.
Well this all depends on YOUR PERSONAL SITUATION, to give a few examples:
- Are you a single earner?
- Are you healthy?
- Are you planing to have 2 or more kids?
- How high is your income?
- Is your partner working?
- Etc. etc.
And if you change or not is always you own free decision.
The opinions on a PKV vary, either people see the private insurance as golden gate or as something which is is no better than the GKV. With this article I want to show you some important insiders when talking about the “PKV” I will use this term naming the private health insurance and use “GKV” for the statutory one.
This article does not substitute a proper consultation, so please get in touch with your financial advisor, or you can contact me.
The difference between GKV and PKV
Because having a health insurance in Germany is mandatory, you need to choose between either the GKV or the PKV. The amount of the contribution depends solely on your personal income and is not based on the personal risk of illness, such as age, gender or health status. In total your contribution is 14,6% of your income. It is a percentage that you and your employer pay 50%/50%.
Depending on how high your salary is this is a huge chunk, this is because Germany is a very social system. The statutory health insurance finances these costs by having the younger members pay for the older ones. The private health insurance, on the other hand, saves money for old age for each individual insured person.
GKV - Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung
There is a huge advantage for families: family insurance means that you can co-insure family members in the statutory health insurance. If you are a member of a statutory health insurance, your children and spouses are also insured free of charge if they do not have their own income.
The free family insurance also applies to life partners under the Life Partnership Act. You get a membership card and when you go to the doctor you have to show the card, the doctors will usually get the money your treatment costs reimbursed directly from the GKV.
But if the best health care is important to you, you should know that the GKV works with this principle:
If we are sick they have to supply the "Mindestversorgung" what means "giving the patient the medically necessary, but sufficient care". The hospitals have certain budgets for certain treatments. Once they go over the budget, the hospital not profitable anymore hence, they do not go over budget.
PKV - Private Krankenversicherung
The price of a private health insurance depends on the services that you want, your age and your personal health situation.
PKV, compared to the GKV, saves money for old age for each individual insured person.
So the advantages of private health insurance are actually obvious:
- The target is to give the "Bestm?gliche Versorgung". This means it is the goal to give the patient the best possible medical care.
- Significantly better medical care than in statutory health insurance, as well as preferred, i.e. faster treatment.
- The possibility of getting paid for medicine or therapies that are not even included in the catalog of benefits of the statutory health insurance.
- Single or double room in the hospital, faster specialist appointments, free choice of hospital, free choice of doctor, reimbursement of premiums or treatment by the head physician.
If you have a PKV and visit a doctor, the doctor will send you the bill and you forward the bill to your health insurance.
When do I know if I can switch to a private health insurance?
Students, freelancer and employers with a salary above the JAEG/"Jahresentgeldgrenze" can choose.
Whether an employee can take out GKV or PKV depends primarily on whether his or her regular wage is above or below the annual wage limit (JAEG).
In 2021 the general JAEG is 64,350 euros (brutto) per year. This also includes regular payments such as vacation and Christmas bonuses, but not special payments such as profit distributions (winnings, stocks). Once you are free to choose you will receive a notification from your employer or from your current health insurance.
If you are self-employed you can choose without any commitment. Students can choose as well but they have to decide before starting their studies.
Is the Private Health Insurance good for everyone?
The answer is definitely NO. Is the private health insurance useful, and makes sense for a certain type or group of people? Definitely YES!
Please know that this is not a promotion for or against private health insurance. Just an informative article for everyone who is in doubt to switch or might be able to switch in the future. As mentioned the private health insurance price depends on your age and state of health. This is why the switch is very popular and smart in younger age with a higher income.
On top of having a good coverage with the PKV, we have saving potential because you secure yourself a lower monthly rate.
ACHTUNG ACHTUNG! It is important that you have a feeling of where your journey is going. Are you planing to have 2 or more children and your wife/husband will be not working? Is your salary is just above the JAEG/"Jahresentgeldgrenze", the you might think about it twice because family members have their own contract in private health insurance. In this case you will pay double.
My point of view: the motivation of changing to a private health insurance cant be only money!
Does my employer contribute to my private health insurance?
Your employer contributes to your private health insurance with a tax-free grant. He will pay 50%, but the maximum employer contribution in 2021 is 385 euros per month. That means that your private health insurance fee can be 770 euros and you would still pay only 385 euros.
In case that you do not fully use this amount, privately insured family members (for example your child) can benefit if they were family insured free of charge in the GKV instead.
You have to show your boss the amount of your contribution by means of a health insurance certificate. He will then transfer the corresponding amount to you every month.
Financial Insider: the contribution of your company will be paid at the end of the month with the regular salary. The full rate of the Private health insurance will be deducted from your bank account from the insurance company. So the first month you might be shorter on budget!
Can I save money with my private health insurance?
Yes and No! The truth is somewhere in the middle. Fact is a good health insurance is not cheap. But because you can regulate more or less the services you can also regulate the monthly fee. Changing can be a very good idea If you are young , healthy and have a good income.
That means you have more monthly cash flow if you have been paying in the high regions of the statutory health insurance. These two factors can help financially to reduce the cost of the heath insurance and have more monthly cash flow.
Selbstbehalt: Deductible basically means that the policyholder has to bear a fixed part of the medical costs per year. The PKV only reimburses the costs that go beyond this "Selbstbehalt". The higher your Selbstbehalt is, the lower your monthly rate will be.
When you are employed this might not be very attractive to you as you have the employer pay for 50% of the cost. But it is good to have the option and knowing how to reduce the monthly rate.
Beitragsrückerstattung: It is a yearly premium refund, it pays back part of the insurance premium if you have not not submitted any bills for a certain period of time.
Depending on the provider, one to three monthly fees are customary in the market. Some insurance companies set a percentage reimbursement based on the annual premium - for example 15 percent - instead of the number of monthly premiums.
The prospect of a later reimbursement is intended to encourage policyholders to pay smaller amounts of therapy bills themselves instead of submitting them to the insurance company. Of course both parties have their own benefits and economic goals.
Conclusion: It is practical for routine doctor visits but if you have a a bigger health purpose you should definitely pass the bill to your private health insurance, especially if you expect to cross the "Selbstbehalt" amount.
Financial Insider: If you are lucky you will be saving money being private insured monthly or at the end of the year. Please choose wisely to invest that extra money which you save for older days: you can invest in mutual funds ETF or combine it with a BASISRENTE that you can enjoy as well tax benefits ! You are privileged be your own manager of your budget and maybe you can make use of it for emergencies or use it for older days. BE SMART!
I personally invest my savings (200€) per month into a Basisrente. I can tax deduct the investment and the money is being invested in mutual funds. When I am old and my PKV goes up, I have built my own reserves with this investment!
What happens If I become unemployed? (Arbeitslosengeld 1)
If you become unemployed, you switch to the GKV automatically. After the period of unemployment, you can immediately switch back to the PKV (if your salary is above the JAEG) or remain insured voluntarily in the GKV. There is one exception, if you have been in the PKV for 5 years already you can apply to stay. In this case the contribution to health and long-term care insurance remains unchanged for all insured persons during unemployment.
However, the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) assumes a part, up to the amount that it would assume if the person with a PKV had a GKV. The partial amount is transferred directly to the insurer. If you are over 55 years old you have to stay in the private health insurance.
Once I switched to the PKV I can never come back to the GKV?
This is not true, there is a way back but it is not easy. The legislator wants to avoid that policyholders benefit from the low contribution rates of private health insurance when they are young and later - with increasing age - switch to the possibly cheaper GKV.
Nevertheless, there are various ways of returning to statutory protection. However, these depend on whether the insured person is or was previously an employee or self-employed person, exempted from compulsory insurance or has exceeded the age limit of 55 years.
For employees, the way back into the GKV leads to an income below the compulsory insurance limit (JAEG). That means a regular gross income of less than 64,350 euros, variable salary components do not count here (especially variable commissions).
You can reduce the working hours for a certain period (Halbtags), cut the Christmas bonus or 13th salary, or change the income to a fixed salary plus commissions. From the moment your contract is changed you can return to statutory health insurance. Another possibility is to put part of the earnings into a company pension through the so-called deferred compensation.
As we have learned before, once you have been unemployed you also switch back to the public one.
It becomes problematic when you are over 55 years old and get unemployed or have money issues. The way back is more difficult. However, there is an exception to the inclusion in the partner's statutory insurance if your own income is less than 425 euros, or for a mini-job less than 450 euros per month.
This age limit was introduced in the course of the health reform in 2000 and has following purpose: Up to this point, people often switched to private health insurance at a young age (to save money) and in old age they went back to statutory health insurance. Since the costs for the PKV are significantly lower for young insured persons than for older people, this led to a strong additional financial burden on the solidarity community. With the introduction of this age limit, the legislature relieved the health insurers considerably.
Does my PKV contribution increases as I grow older?
That the PKV increases naturally because of your age or because you make use of it regularly is absolutely fake news! An increase of the fees in the private health insurance is only due if the actual health costs of an insured group deviate too strongly from the calculated costs. This is usually a result of inflation in the healthcare system and rising costs from medical advances. So both health care systems rise equally GKV and PKV.
To maintain the fees to a good level PKV in older age they set aside part of the monthly premium as a precaution. So you are paying actually more than you have to to cover your healthcare costs when you are young. In return, the contributions do not increase immeasurably in old age. This is required by law!
The contribution shares that are saved for the higher costs in old age are called "aging provisions". For the sake of simplicity, the shorter term retirement provision is often used. The reserves help to finance the insurance benefits even in old age - if possible without increasing contributions. The later you switch to PKV, the higher the proportion of reserves per month must be.
Because there is only a little time left to form a sufficient cushion for old age. Changing to from one to another PKV is not smart because you loose this mentioned provision for your older age.
If you recently joint a PKV and you want to switch to another company then it is not a big deal! If the monthly fee becomes too expensive for your personal financial situation in older days, you can always switch from one rate to a lower within your PKV.
You always have the option to switch to a "Basistarif" as Private insurers are legally obliged to offer the basic tariff. These are closely based on statutory health insurance - both in terms of costs and benefits.
Financial Insider: Invest your own savings from the PKV. Manage the money wisely and in older days you will be fine! Because when we are older we want to enjoy the treatments and privilege of being privately insured!
How can I insure my kids?
If both parents have PKV, the case is simple: They also have to insure their children with PKV - the kid has its own contribution. It becomes more complicated when one parent is PKV insured and the other parent is GKV insured.
In this case, the affiliation of the children is usually based on the insurance status of the highest income earner. Is the main provider in the GKV and one in the PKV you can choose where to insure your child. If the main provider is in the PKV, your child needs a PKV.
Children's insurance status is not fixed forever:
If the circumstances change, for example one parent earns more or less, it can happen that the prerequisites for free family insurance are no longer applicable or that you are suddenly entitled to family insurance. As a rule, private health insurers also offers special rates for children and young people. In contrast to the adult rates, no age provisions are formed here. So the rate is much lower. These rates are called the child and youth tariffs.
They keep on the same economic level until the child is 14 to 15 years old. At this age the child will switch to the youth rate and over 20 it become to a regular adult rate. Many insurances companies offer special rates for students as well.
Financial Insider: A child rate can have a monthly fee from 100-200€. (depending on your chosen tarif and insurance company) Remember your employer has to support an amount of max 385euros per month for your health care. If you are in a private health insurance and your monthly rate does not extend the monthly contribution of your employer you can add you child's plan to it! So in many cases your employer is supporting the rate of your child partly or fully as well.
Example: Your monthly rate of your PKV is 600€ per month. Your employer is supporting 50% means 300€ per month. If your child's rate is 150€ per month your employers contribution extra is 85€.
Your monthly contribution for you and your child will be 300€ plus 65€. It is a total of 365€ and still on a lower level than the GKV. In addition you also have the better services.
So what should I do?
If you are not able to choose between a PKV and GKV, or you simply decided not to switch because of your personal situation, but still better treatments are important to you and your family you can always upgrade your health insurance with "Zusatzverischerungen"! These are additional insurances that cover the dentist or ensure Chefarzt treatments etc.
There is one golden rule, if you are in doubt about your current insurance status:
Health insurance is very important so please seek support from an expert.
Contact me and book your free of charge online consultation today!
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