Private Investment Holding

Private Investment Holding


Almost a decade ago I had a dream to create Private Investment Holding. Unfortunately until now, partially due to actions of some powerful governmental related organizations it did not come through. I ( Peter Heim) have refused 1 or 2 offers from East (mostly China related ), since it could have been too much focused on OBOR and I rather wanted to create an independent and more westernized institution, which - although - has strong connections and roots to East and South, but is aligned with Western Values.

In the past, I have got two other - Western backed - offers, where "strangely" after everything has been agreed no delivery has happened - from US/Israel related teams - until now. I do not want to get in to details, since indirect negotiations are still ongoings, although we started to run out of time. They have asked me to sign the documents first and although we have agreed in everything, but nothing has happened (except, that some of my ideas started to be copied and realized (some of them are presented in Lords of House), hope it is just a Coincidence). The last official US/West backed offer has arrived at the beginning of 2021 against the Mission Statement of XION Foundation Ltd ( one of my former Private Company).

At the same time through some special operations (all important countries and their militaries have been involved) large funds should have been delivered under my direct control for asset management, but somehow those funds have been directed away (illegally) for other purposes and everything has been blocked. We/I were blocked to invest those funds into any of my/our Saving the Planet projects and even have been kind of blocked to get an access to our/my own funds (without giving any official/legal reason ) . Unfortunately some of these funds looks to be kind of stolen/mishandled by quite well known teams, persons, which create large problems in several areas as of now.

The half of the mentioned funds planned to be invested (has been agreed with the relevant authorities, people) into my/our saving the Planet idea/projects and at the same time we planned to create the largest charity organization. Unfortunately all of our parts and even our/my ideas has been redirected/stolen/hacked (well over tens of B USD worth of funds) or was given to others, who did not spend on proper projects. No money was allowed to be spent on our/my Saving the Planet type of Projects. Large part of the funds are still kind of missing or under the control of persons, who are doing more harm than good and I guess, that most of the current wars are happening because of this. I m sure wars will - slowly - dissipate, when funds will start to arrive for good purposes in a meaningful way and those persons will manage, who were/are carefully selected ( not those who are spending on private purposes) many years ago and now. One way or the other, but funds must be moved under one umbrella and not in an appropriate time, but now.

After this short description/preface I will describe the main idea and projects of PIH. One of the most important idea behind PIH is to create the most profitable, best managed, but environmentally most conscious Investment Holding, which takes care of ordinary people, when they are in dire need.

Main Concept of PIH, SDO

After these above mentioned events I decided to publish my basic concept in an extremely shortened version here on LinkedIn. For anyone's information, the whole detailed concept has been already sent to relevant persons/facilitators of major countries and most of them have likened the idea and said its is really special. It has already happened 2-3 weeks ago, but until now I did not get an official/written yes, just indirect answers. Some Eastern countries are very supportive, since the offer is coupled with some special elements, which could put lots of things under different spotlight and could insure access to lots of other things, but I'm still a bit more keen to work in Westernized Environment not in East, despite many unfilled promises of West. Probably I have spent too long time in East.

The offer, which is called Basic principles, Investment possibilities, Planned projects of PIH offers large profit participation to funding partners in an exchange of providing the necessary funds (funds can come from non special operations as well). The whole offer is a 106 pages concept, which contain 6 detailed project descriptions and several other highly confidential informations. The first part is focused on investment principles and on framework how such Investment Holding should be operated. The main document describes how a Vision should be created and how the world economy will look like and what kind of good investments can be generated with a perfect team. Selection of the right people is key and as important as the Strategy.

There is a concept how a Supranational Development Organization (SDO) can be built up and in which areas/territories should be organized. PIH is willing to put down major development concept for all of the mentioned territories (Central Asia, Middle-East, South East Asia, Latam, Africa, etc) in a detailed manner. At the same time PIH (newly created PRIVATE INVESTMENT HOLDING)wants to be the main organizer of an IMEEC related - mostly energy and technology - related project portfolio. PIH is willing to put down a detailed project plan and take responsibility for project management including engineering etc for each of the region. Nevertheless PIH main focus will be to build up its own profitable portfolio. PIH looks to organize its operation around three big themes.


Vision, project generation and project management area in the mentioned territories under a so called supranational development organization or under a special Project Company. PIH intends to get some cash funding for its service , but mostly wants to get sweat equity position for its participation and lead role.

2.) Finance related portfolio

2.a) Macro theme focused Hedge Fund (bonds, currencies other type of asset markets). PIH intends to get minimum 4 B USD (preferred to be more) to create a new Hedge Fund, which main focus will be major macro themes. Based on my (Peter Heim ) advises bond investors have earned large profit this year due to my bearish approach to US and global long bonds, even in a time of banking failures in March. I have advised to be short in bonds until October 23 rd and open large steepener position in US bonds at minus -100 bps spread ad advised to add on more at -80 bps. Advised to start to cut back steepeners at -35 bps and go curve neutral as of today. Another major theme for this year was long Gold, etc, which has paid off nicely. Immediate future of Gold depends on action of certain special arrangements (partially related to PIH and its private currency) from now onwards.

The Macro Hedge Fund targets 20-22 percent annual return on an unleveraged basis on a 5 years horizon.

2.b ) Creation of a so called financial Super-APP, which will make it possible to reach any meaningful financial institution (both locally and globally) and purchase products of those. Ideally the app will be able to act as a private banker, if the client requires it. The APP will be powered by the most advanced AI and the client can decide whether he/she want to rely on the advises of the APP and let its own funds automatically to be invested or the client will act on its own by using all available information on the APP. The APP will do all KYC and documentation electronically, practically meaning, that a client can invest into any kind of financial products/instruments through the app in a legally acceptable manner. The APP plans to offer legal services and even trade deals can be executed through it. In its most advance version a client will be able to bring its own trade deal to the APP and could get financing for its well prepared projects or trade deals by the help super-APP.

The whole development takes about 15 months and costs up to 1 B USD initially, additional 4 B USD will be needed to implement and operate it in 40 different countries in its first full year. The super-APP plans to be connected to social networking sites, preferably to WeChat/Alipay team in the Eastern world and to Facebook or/and Twitter on the Western side. At the same time we plan to build alliances/partnerships with the largest technological companies ( Nvidia, Google, Apple, etc) to achieve our goal to be the most advanced, best designed and fastest App. We intend to work with not more than 3 of them and selection will be based on the quality of their offer (financial, technological, support will be considered) Based on a basic business plan the APP will be profitable after 15-18 months of operation and its profit can reach close to 10 B USD by the end of this decade and its annual profit growth will stay around 40 percent until 2036-37. PIH is looking for an investor group which is willing to pump minimum 4 maximum 6 B USD into this project. PIH plans to IPO the APP sometime in 2026 at a 70-80 B USD valuation.

2.c) PIH plans to create a so-called private currency based on real assets and blockchain technology and at the same time plans to create a new Clearing House, which is able to settle commodity trades and some financial instruments through this private currency and or cryptos in an organized manner. PIH intends to team up with the largest commodity exporters in the Middle Eastern region to create such Clearing House, but even US can be interesting in case of they are willing to provide tax incentives and some other things for PIH.

The so-called ideal stable coin will be based on precious metals, some well tested cryptos, real estates and on some technological innovations. All part of the project is extremely transparent and the main idea is to create the most stable financial instrument in real terms. The projects could be supported by Central Banks as well (including FED, ECB, PBOC, BOJ, etc) and could show an example how a real asset backed currency should look like.

Alongside of a Clearing House a new ecosystem can be built up including asset management companies and trading houses, which are either able to get investments through such currency/cryptos or/and can trade the commodities or any type off bulk products in and through it. Developing the whole ecosystem needs an about 4,4 B USD, which includes 360 M USD for the private currency and 1,2 B USD for the Clearing House and the rest for asset management and for trading companies.

According to our plan the project will be deeply profitable even in its first full year of operation. We plan to generate close 1 B USD profit in the first full year of operation. Conservative estimation shows, that the ecosystem is able to generate roughly 20-22 B USD/year profit by 2030 and can be valued around 330-350 B USD as minimum. we would like to achieve, that in the second year a simple oil cargo should be tokenized and small investors could be able to participate in bulk commodity trading through our platform and preferably with the help of super- APP, if technicians will be able to connect the super-APP to the clearing house.

In an optimistic scenario the ecosystem will be connected to 20 percent of the global population by the mid of next decade and our new ideal private currency could be widely used all around the world ( it could serve as an example to Fiat money system) and can be part of foreign exchange reserves of central banks or portfolios of sovereign wealth funds not just private investors.

3) Energy related ecosystems.

PIH intends to organize several large gas, hydrogen, solar/energy storage, SMR related ecosystems. First is gas in an ecologically conscious way. PIH believes, that energy consumption will constantly grow and energy transition will stay with us. PIH intends to create such ecosystems in four different geographical areas.

a.) One in Middle-East in connection to IMEEC,

b.)Another in South Eastern part of the Mediterranean region

c.)The third one in South part of US in connection with the Caribbean region.

d.) North Western Australia (Close to Gorgon field)

In these areas gas reserves are abundant and solar radiation is high and in case of US an already substantial gas infrastructure has been built up. At the end all four ecosystem can be connected into one Giant one. The easiest connection can BE BUILT between US and Australia due to its close political and economic connections.

PIH intends to create a complete Vision, Project Plan including engineering and wants to be responsible for project management as well and intends to - mostly - get paid on a sweat equity basis.

In Middle-East our main partners/funders should/will be regional Sovereign Wealth Funds and some large oil and gas companies, who are interested in clean energy transition.

In the Mediterranean region private companies and EU should be the main funders, mostly through grants and debt contribution.

In a case of US the main partners could and should be Private Companies including large oil and gas companies, who are already invested in clean energy and willing to transform their business profile.

According to our calculation Middle Eastern ecosystem will be able to create 42-45 B USD annual profit and PIH aims between 15-17 percent share and a lead role in an exchange of not more than 6 B USD investment. In case of Mediterranean Region, PIH plans to invest not more than 3 B USD for the same 15-17 percent share. We plan to phase in all of our investments in an extremely secured way, so risk to investors will be largely mitigated.

A US related ecosystem is a bit different and can be able to generate much larger profit with potentially less physical investments, due to its well developed energy infrastructure in South part of US. Same is true for a somewhat smaller - planned - North Western Australian ecosystem. US related ecosystem can generate annual 100 B USD profit (lower transportation and infrastructure related costs and huge market) or even more by 2036-37 on a sustainable way.

PIH intends to invest substantial part of its newly generated profits to expand each of the ecosystem in a geographically well designed manner. MIDDLE-EAST and Mediterranean ecosystem can be connected, when political situation settles in the region and both can and should extend towards Africa to build same kind of ecosystem based on the abundant natural resources of the whole Region.

Initially, PIH is looking to raise between 20-22 B USD for its main projects including its new Hedge Fund , but excluding the American energy related ecosystem, which could require much bigger financing in a timely manner. PIH is fully prepared to start with its finance related portfolio latest by the end of October. PIH is able to get the necessary funds to its nominated US IOLTA account.

All projects are phased in and its funding needs are well described in our detailed and strictly confidential document, which can be shared with any serious, interested partners. Precise funding requirement of all Projects are well described in our main documents. All projects of the newly created Private Investment Holding are fully aligned with Mission statement of XION Foundation LTD.

We have several other well defined and prepared projects (our currently available project portfolio, including mines, forests, agriculture is well over additional 25 B USD) , but we intend to start with the above mentioned ones. All projects are carefully designed with a right focus on the Future of our Planet and on Energy Transition, but we take into account current economic conditions as well. Our main goal is to make exceptional profits for our main shareholders in an ecologically friendly way. Backers of PIH believe in a smooth energy transition, but at the same time PIH intends to be the most profitable Investment Holding (modern Berkshire Hathaway) which has ever existed.

Initial backers ( idea generators) plan to invest most of the profit to projects, which are aligned with mission statement of XION.

Initial backers (not funders) of PIH plan to put all of their share into a Special Trust for the sake of the Humanity and they plan to serve as Trustees/Managers. The whole concept is described in the mission statement of XION Foundation and in Final Basic Document of PIH ( can be shared with serious potential investors). Every investments

Backers of PIH believe, that time is an essence and any delays in funding will have serious financial repercussions.

We plan to raise money from any kind of investors (including private investors and/or Sovereign Wealth Funds) who accept basic principles of PIH and are aligned with Mission Statement of XION Foundation LTD . Our preference is to have some core investor groups, but real preference could be one large group, who is aligned with our main goals.

We think that our Finance related portfolio could require different kind of investors, than energy related ones, but the two themes can be connected to each other at a later stage. All other investments of PIH will be aligned with our Mission Statement and our principles.

I strongly believe, that this newly created PIH could be able turn things around and could be a perfect example how a profit oriented organization can help to rejuvenate the Nature and at the same time help ordinary people in their dire situation.

Budapest, 2023 October 23rd

Peter Heim

email: [email protected]



Alongside of its planned investment PIH plans to create a think tank, which will focus on economic analysis/provide research for management of PIH and at the same time will provide a workable template for new global financial/economic architecture. We have already prepared a reform plan for multilateral organizations. Additionally we have a peace plan for Ukraine.

All of these will be shared with our investors and we are willing to apport all of our previous - potentially related - agreements into this newly created Private Investment Holding.

Antonio Spann

Investment opportunities

1 年

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