Privacy is a Privilege not a Right!
Privacy didn′t exist 12,000 years ago. It rarely existed, if it did 5,000 years ago. Somewhere around 3,000-4,000 years ago Privacy came into existence with the rise of Chiefdoms and later on States. To where these terms come from, Jared Diamond′s Guns Germs, and Steel refers to 4 organizations of human co-habitation. Bands, Tribes, Chiefdoms, and States.
You never had a moment of privacy in your Band as you were undoubtedly moving about with this almost constantly and erecting hammocks or very shaky structures. With a Tribe you might have been more permanently settled moving at most a few times a year and with more stable structures. However, those palm branches or sticks had slits that most definitely did not provide privacy.
With Chiefdoms privacy could finally exist with completes strangers existing under the same organization, neither knowing or knowing of the others. Additionally, solid walls made of stone or brick closed the gaps and encapsulated the first vestiges of privacy. States built upon this by allowing this to grow exponentially with people of all statuses priveleges to the privacy that the wealthy and elites enjoyed previously only in Chiefdoms.
Now when privacy didn′t exist people knew the person or knew of them. The prior being the only one in Bands while Tribes added the latter as another relationship that groups of humans may have. This is not to different in small town America today. You either know the persons/persons or you know of them. However, you do NOT know a lot about them without knowing them.
Knowing ABOUT someone without knowing them or knowing of them is what has changed dramatically starting in this millennium. Starting with the FBI, TSA, and NSA. The government knew certain characteristics about you with knowing you. For instance, your race/ethnicity, religion, gender, and age. This became more advanced to know about your connections and how you were connected to them, where you/they have traveled, etc. The final expansion was what Snowden showed the world with warrantless wiretaps on on all phone communication (calls and SMS) and advanced screening of e-mails as well.
However, Big Brother government aren′t the only ones Big Business and more specifically Big Tech know a lot about you. This started with Target knowing you were pregnant before you did. Then became supercharged in tech with Google′s Adwords and Google Now adding a more predictive layer based on past experiences. While some companies may be behind by predicting the future is the same as the past, Amazon. Others while defending your privacy well also take away your right to choose, Apple. One of the strangest ones actually may get to know you while also knowing about you, Facebook. One tech giant of the previous Millenium seems to be neutral in this although this may be to their detriment, Microsoft.
I′m not exempt from this while I type on my Chromebook, with my Android at my feet, missing my Chromecast, and thinking about going full Google and getting their new smartphone. Some would say I prefer choice over privacy. I might say that with rarely any privacy left I at least want a choice!
Privacy didn′t exist 12,000 years ago. It rarely existed, if it did 5,000 years ago. Somewhere around 3,000-4,000 years ago Privacy came into existence with the rise of Chiefdoms and later on States. To where these terms come from, Jared Diamond′s Guns Germs, and Steel refers to 4 organizations of human co-habitation. Bands, Tribes, Chiefdoms, and States.
You never had a moment of privacy in your Band as you were undoubtedly moving about with this almost constantly and erecting hammocks or very shaky structures. With a Tribe you might have been more permanently settled moving at most a few times a year and with more stable structures. However, those palm branches or sticks had slits that most definitely did not provide privacy.
With Chiefdoms privacy could finally exist with completes strangers existing under the same organization, neither knowing or knowing of the others. Additionally, solid walls made of stone or brick closed the gaps and encapsulated the first vestiges of privacy. States built upon this by allowing this to grow exponentially with people of all statuses priveleges to the privacy that the wealthy and elites enjoyed previously only in Chiefdoms.
Now when privacy didn′t exist people knew the person or knew of them. The prior being the only one in Bands while Tribes added the latter as another relationship that groups of humans may have. This is not to different in small town America today. You either know the persons/persons or you know of them. However, you do NOT know a lot about them without knowing them.
Knowing ABOUT someone without knowing them or knowing of them is what has changed dramatically starting in this millennium. Starting with the FBI, TSA, and NSA. The government knew certain characteristics about you with knowing you. For instance, your race/ethnicity, religion, gender, and age. This became more advanced to know about your connections and how you were connected to them, where you/they have traveled, etc. The final expansion was what Snowden showed the world with warrantless wiretaps on on all phone communication (calls and SMS) and advanced screening of e-mails as well.
However, Big Brother government aren′t the only ones Big Business and more specifically Big Tech know a lot about you. This started with Target knowing you were pregnant before you did. Then became supercharged in tech with Google′s Adwords and Google Now adding a more predictive layer based on past experiences. While some companies may be behind by predicting the future is the same as the past, Amazon. Others while defending your privacy well also take away your right to choose, Apple. One of the strangest ones actually may get to know you while also knowing about you, Facebook. One tech giant of the previous Millenium seems to be neutral in this although this may be to their detriment, Microsoft.
I′m not exempt from this while I type on my Chromebook, with my Android at my feet, missing my Chromecast, and thinking about going full Google and getting their new smartphone. Some would say I prefer choice over privacy. I might say that with rarely any privacy left I at least want a choice!