Prisoners’ Rights in Bangladesh

Prisoners’ Rights in Bangladesh


All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and respect for the human person’s inherent dignity.?The nature and extent of prisoners’ rights have been debated in courts and among professionals for a long time. To defend the rights of a prisoner the access to the courts ought to ensure. Every court of justice is to open to all citizens. Where the human rights of a prisoner, either under the establishment or under other law, are dishonored the writ authority of the court can and should run to his save. The court has power and liability to intervene and protect the prisoner against disorder, crude or subtle, and may use habeas corpus for enforcing in-prison humanism and forbiddance of harsher restraints and heavier severities than the sentence carries.

Prisoner and Prison

According to?Section 3(1)?of the?Prisoners Act 1984, ‘Prison’ means any jail or place used permanently or temporarily under the general or special orders of the government for the detention of prisoners and includes all lands and buildings appurtenant thereto.?Section 1?of the?Prison Security Act 1992?states that ‘prisoner’ means any person for the time being in prison as a result of any requirement imposed by a court or otherwise that he be detained in legal custody. So, a prisoner is a person generally confined in jail or prison under a lawful order of a competent court or tribunal for the violation of any existing law of the territory.

Laws Relating to the Prisoners Right in Bangladesh

·????????The Constitution of Bangladesh

·????????The Bengal Jail Code 1864

·????????The Prisons Act 1894

·????????The Prisoners Act 1900

·????????The Special Benefit for Women Convicted in Prisons Act 2006


Rights under the Constitution of Bangladesh

The specified Articles in Part III of the Constitution are the fundamental rights for a human being. Article 35(2) states,

No person shall be punished twice for any offence for which he has already convicted and be punished.

The accused also not to be subjected to a penalty greater than or different form, except mentioned in the law in force at the time of the Commission of the offence.?Article 35(3)?states that, persons accused of any criminal offence shall have the right to get a speedy and fair trial by a legally authorized body, a court. The court must be independent and will act impartially as well as without any interference from any sources. The court must also be established by the statute or by any law. The court will be open for all subject to the jurisdiction of a court. Article 35(5)?states, “No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment.”

?The Bengal Jail Code 1864

The Bengal Jail Code denotes that?the civil procedure code,?the criminal procedure code , and?the Penal Code, which relate to the confinement of prisoners, execution of sentences, prisoners’ appeals, and the like, must also be complied with.

Rights under Prison Act 1894

It is to be noted that prisons still follow the outdated statute books of the British colonial rulers which were framed in the 19th?century. The main purpose of the prison system was the confinement and safe custody of prisoners through suppressive and punitive measures.?Sections 4, 7, 13, 27 to 39?of this Act especially focus the sufficient facilities for prisoners. This Act contains the basic necessities of prisoners, separate rooms for various kinds of prisoners, employment for prisoners and medical facilities, etc.

Section 4?states that, the Government shall provide sufficient accommodations in prisons according to the laws especially as per the requisition of the Act considering the separation of the prisoners.

Section 27(1)?states that, the female prisoners shall be imprisoned in separate buildings or separate part of the same buildings in such a manner as to prevent their seeing or conversing or holding any intercourse with the male prisoners.

Section 27(2)?states that the male prisoners who have not attained the age of 21 or under the age of 21 shall be separated from other prisoners. Prisoners who have not attained the age of puberty shall be separated from the others, who have attained the age of puberty. It is the duty of the jail authority to separate the civil prisoners from the criminal prisoners.

Section 29?enumerates that a cell shall only be used for solitary confinement if it is furnished with the means of enabling the prisoners to communicate at any time with an officer of the prison or any authority and if prisoners so confined in a cell for more than 24 hours, shall be visited at least once a day by the medical officer or medical subordinates, whether as a punishment or otherwise.

Section 33(1) that every civil prisoners and criminal prisoners who are not convicted shall be provided by the Superintendent with such clothing and bedding as may be necessary. But this right is only being given to those who are unable to provide him with sufficient clothing and bedding. Whereas Section 33(2) says for the above provision, such a person or his representative shall pay the cost of those cloths provided to the prisoners.

Section 37?states that, if any prisoner seeks medical attention or anybody appears before the authority for him, the name of such prisoner shall be reported by the officer in immediate charge of such prisoners to the jailer.

Rights under the Prison Act 1900

This Act mainly focuses on the right of lunatic prisoners. If the Government has reasonable ground to believe that any person detained or imprisoned under any order or sentence of any court is of unsound mind or lunatic, then the government shall order his removal to a lunatic asylum or other place of safe custody within Bangladesh, to be kept according to the Government direction.

The Special Benefit for Women Convicted in Prisons Act 2006

Under this Act, a prisoner convicted for more than one year shall be entitled to special benefits after serving 50% of the sentence, including concessions. Conditional release of any prisoner, aftercare services by the Department of Social Services for the social rehabilitation of a few who have been trained in various trade courses while incarcerated, vocational training such as block or batik, embroidery, hair cutting, bamboo and cane work, tailoring science, fabric making etc will be considered as special benefits for women prisoners.

Prisoners' Human Rights

The rules of the prison were vague and unspecific and due to this prisoners are life form ignorant of their happy and therefore, not capable to make sure their neutral request of their human rights. The nature and extent of prisoners rights have been debated in courts and among professionals for long time, adjudicators are worried with defensive and conserve those principles, institutions, benefit and affairs winning which civilization is establish and naturally, are of course sympathetic to such institutions that uphold and enforce the law, such as prison .The UDHR states that every one person beings are natural free and identical in self-respect and rights. Like all other country the Government of Bangladesh and the people who belong to this cultured society never try to recognize the rights of the prisoner as a human being which are guaranteed for them by the state and international instruments. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which preserved the right of prisoner.

In the appear at of law, prisoners are populace not plants and fauna and Prison home are fraction of condition and the association cannot be detained at by prison bureaucrat and when Part III is appeal to by a illegal when a prisoner is troubled, the establishment suffer a upset To speak to the beginning of the prisoner lawful status three wide code can be pertinent: the human rights code, the normal of soundness and the code of proportionality .The human rights code establish the supposition that the Government, the decision-making and highly the judges respect person rights and the code of soundness and proportionality be pertinent in establish the legality of human civil rights limits or put one more technique they are the verbal message in which give motive for human rights control.


The rights of the prisoners are one of the unseen issues in Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh and the people of our society never try to recognize the rights of the prisoner which are guaranteed for them by the state and international instruments. Rights of prisoners must be implemented according to law.?Hope it may contribute to proper order within the prison system by reducing prisoners’ sense of injustice and satisfying states obligations under the law.

