“The life of a monk ought to be a continuous Lent… in other words, let each one deny himself some food, drink, sleep, needless talking and idle jesting, and look forward to Holy Easter with joy and longing.” (RSB, Chapter 49)

A continuous Lent is a rather interesting way to define our time in prison.? Purgatory would seem a bit more fitting, I would propose, though I’m uncertain if its ever quite as bad as that. (At least from the books I have read concerning Purgatory)...? A continuous Lent seems much more appropriate.? A preparation period.? We each have our cross to carry, each our own penance to complete.? But all in preparation for what God has in store for our future. In or out of prison, our Good God has plans for each one of us.? Over the past few months, we have discussed how to live out our Oblation within the confines of prison. I’d like to spend some time examining the value of our oblations.? I received my first 5 year set back from the Parole Board August 28, 2006. A devastating blow for sure. I had already been in prison for 12 years.? I had been report free for over 5 years, and managed to work my way from a maximum-security prison, all the way down to a minimum restricted prison.? After receiving the set back, I was immediately placed in Segregation, and regressed back to the maximum-security prison. They told me it was a custody issue, that I was no longer eligible to be at an MR because I had over 3 years to my next parole eligibility.? At this point in my life, all I had left was my Oblation. I was bitter, frustrated, alone, and in such a depressed state, I could hardly eat.? My routine played a huge part in pulling myself back together and pressing forward.? Beginning the day with Lauds, praising God for yet another day.? I would then dive in to my Lectio after breakfast. (At the maximum security prison I was housed, it was 3 months of 23 hour lock down before I was eligible for a job assignment.) After Lectio, I prayed my Rosary, and then organized the rest of my day around contemplation (contemplatio) and meditation (meditatio).? Vespers was right before chow from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., and of course, Compline was right before LIGHTS OUT at 9 p.m.? I do not share this with you to honk my own horn, “look at all I am doing”. Quite the opposite.? At this dark and dreary time in my life, there were many days when I felt completely cut off, and alone. As if I were simply going through the motions--even while praying my Rosary, which, is dearer to me than any other discipline.? Nearly 13 years has passed since then. I received a second 5 year set back in August of 2012.? It didn’t sting nearly as badly as the first one. This gained strength, was from maintaining my discipline, and focusing not on self, but on my promise. Not from feeling, but from duty. My duty to God, to fulfill my promise to HIM.? Becoming an Oblate is an offering of yourself to God. Trusting completely in Him, and overcoming (your) SELF, regardless of what you are facing, and focusing your every breath on HIM.? I spent countless hours focusing on Jesus and His Passion. The Way of the Cross became a daily meditation for me, which is still a tradition I do every day of Lent, every year.? A sort of commemoration for all HE brought me through, and all HE suffered for me, and for us all.? Nothing in this life is permanent, and very little in this life will ever go exactly as we hope or plan.? All of which is OK.? Stay your focus on JESUS.? Continue to put HIM first and focus on exactly what is in front of you. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.? Celebrate your life as a continual Lent.? It IS a gift.? Every sacred breath.? I have been released for some years, now, and am off paper, but, I think of these days occasionally to maintain my discipline.? Thank goodness the Prison Oblate program exists, as it carried me through difficulties and continues to do so!

May God and Mary be with you!


Oratio Devota

(said “Oar-AH-tsee-oh / Day-voh-tah”) is where we take a little Latin, the ancient and sacred language of Holy Mother Church, and apply it to our daily lives.? This month’s phrase is:

“In te, Domine, speravi; non confundar in ?ternam”

(said:? Ihn / tay / Doh-min-ay / speh-rah-vee; / nohn / con-foon-dar / ihn / ay-ter-nahm)

This gem should be familiar to all of us who pray the Office.? It is Psalm 70:1 and translates: “In Thee, O Lord, I have hoped; let me never be put into confusion”.? Given Lent ended on 31 March, Easter Sunday, reflection on amending sin and expanding virtue should not be “shelved” until next year…Blessed Easter to you!? He is Risen!? Truly Risen!? There seems to be a lot of confusion and rather incredible/illogical attitudes in our modern world.? (Now, some of you are thinking:? “Hey, Fra Heinrich!? What about your old default quote ‘Nothing new under the sun’?? Okay, you got me...HAHAHA!)? The use of electronics to spread misinformation/disinformation accelerates this distribution so much so that truth gets lost in the chatter.? Some examples off the cuff include:? Murder has become a fad with regard to abortion to the point they want to re-write the Colorado State Constitution to make it a “right”.? More disgustingly, some advocating for euthanasia of the elderly to “decrease their carbon footprint” (which is crap and illogical, so Aquinas, himself is spinning in his tomb.)? Add to this people who have no business being in public office due to lack of competence getting elected, rigged elections, new public attitudes sanitize sin and “make it o.k.” when, the clear thinking person knows that it is not...HAS THE WORLD GONE NUTS?? Where did all this confusion come from?? The answer is simple:? Satan.? You see, Satan hates mankind as we are creations of God.? Further, Satan doesn’t want any of us to go to Hell, as we would be there with him.? So, why are people in Hell?? Because Satan hates God more!? Satan would rather not one soul go to Heaven just to thwart God, even though he hates mankind!? WOW!? What an awful way to exist!? I was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm, am still unemployed (since last April) a result of the change in medical status, and I am reading Purgatory by Fr. Schouppe.? [Some of you are thinking “This guy is the cure for happiness”, perhaps??? HAHAHA!? This book was assigned to my wife, originally, as reading from one of the priests at our parish and then “expanded” to my radar...]? My reflectio yielded the following:? aneurysm-accept and detach as you can’t fight genetics and just keep your blood pressure under control and follow the lifting restrictions.? Keep looking for a job, no matter how discouraging it may be as construction is no longer your occupation.? I have several friends for moral support, yet this is still difficult.? I do talk a lot of religion, however, and was talking about Purgatory with a Protestant friend of mine.? They do not “believe in Purgatory”.? I chuckled and related the running joke my esteemed co-author (supra) and I have of “Race you to Purgatory, brother…”? Just because someone “doesn’t believe in something” you must drill down on that to see if that conclusion is founded on truth rather than feeling.? So, how to address this misinformation by applying the above verse in a charitable manner?? One of my first recollections is of the sermon I heard during a Requiem Mass.? The part of the sermon which directly applies is this:? “By praying for the repose of {person’s name here} soul. This ancient tradition so well exemplified by the Maccabees and the sacrifices they had ensured in the Temple for their fallen comrades, is carried on to this day. And this practice of praying for the dead assumes that there is a purgatory. Dr. Samuel Johnson, a famous Protestant man of letters, was asked by his biographer James Boswell about the subject of purgatory. Their short exchange went like this:? Boswell: “What do you think, Sir, of Purgatory, as believed by the Roman Catholics?” Johnson: “Why, Sir, it is a very harmless doctrine. They are of the opinion that the generality of mankind are neither so obstinately wicked as to deserve everlasting punishment, nor so good as to merit being admitted into the society of blessed spirits; and therefore God is graciously pleased to allow of a middle state, where they may be purified by certain degrees of suffering. You see, Sir, there is nothing unreasonable in this.” Boswell: “But then, Sir, their masses for the dead?” Johnson: “Why, Sir, if it be once established that there are souls in purgatory, it is as proper to pray for them, as for our brethren of mankind who are yet in this life.”? I found it fascinating that a protestant would defend Purgatory, as that was a most inconvenient aspect of Catholicism for Martin Luther.? You know, the guy who deleted those seven “pesky” Bible Books like 1 and 2 Maccabees, which tells us in the Church Militant (we, down here on earth) to pray for those souls in the Church Suffering (Holy Souls in Purgatory).? One of the hard realities when one becomes more steadfast in the faith:? worldly attitudes, errors in thinking and logic become more alarming and pronounced.? I laugh about this with friends, but, the older I get, the more I become like my grandfathers!? [Yep.? “Get off my lawn, ya d@$n kids!”...]? Brothers and sisters, we must be vigilant with guarding our souls.? Reading Purgatory has magnified my own efforts and I strongly encourage you all to do the same.? Persevere in prayer, take time out of your day for silence, reflect on where you need improvement and encourage others around you to do likewise, so, no matter where you may be in life now, you are not put into confusion!? To consider your surroundings:? who have you catechized recently to remove any confusion?? We must also pray for those who are in a constant state of confusion, that they may receive clarity.? So, there is a tall order for all of us.? As Oblates, we are called and pledged to act-- ora et labora!? I will close with a quote from Fr. Schouppe’s book: ”Some of the saddest souls in Purgatory are Protestants, as they have so few to pray for their release.”? Hopefully that quote will inspire you to catechize???!!!? May God reward and bless you all and know that you are in my prayers during the Office.

Pax + Domini sit + semper nobis+cum!

Book of the month:

Purgatory by: Fr. F.X. Schouppe?

ISBN:? 978-0-89555-831-2

Prayer Intentions and Requests:

For regular access and participation in the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church.

For the continued growth of the Benedictine Oblates in and out prison.

For continued strength to endure and grow from all our challenges

Prayers of Thanksgiving for a Blessed Easter.

For the healing of all wounds in Holy Mother Church.

Important Dates in April:

1-Easter Monday; 2-Easter Tuesday; 3-Easter Wednesday; 4-Easter Thursday; 5-Easter Friday (You can have a steak!); 6-Easter Saturday; 7-Divine Mercy Sunday/Low Sunday; 8-ANNUNCIATION OF B.V.M.; 11-St. Pope Leo the Great; 13-St. Hermengild, Martyr; 22-Sts. Soter & Cajus, Popes & Martyrs; 24-St. Fidelis, Martyr; 25-St, Mark, Evangelist & Greater Rogations; 26-Sts. Cletus & Marcellinus, Popes & Martyrs; 27-St. Peter Canisius; 29-St. Peter of Verona; 30-St Catherine of Siena.

Do you have questions or comments about the Prison Oblate Program?? Write to:? Fr. Matthew Habiger, OSB, Director of Prison Oblates, St. Benedict’s Abbey, 1020 North Second Street, Atchison, KS.? 66002.? Share this newsletter with a friend, prayer partner, or fellow parishioner, wherever you may be located.? If you wish to contribute financially to this ministry, make your check or money order payable to: Oblates In Prison and mail it to Fr. Matthew at the address above.? For those of you who already contribute, THANK YOU!? We cannot do this without you.


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