Priority Management
Grant Herbert
Empowering today's great professional services technicians to become exceptional leaders | Executive Coach | Team Coach | Leadership Trainer and Mentor | Inspirational Keynote Speaker | Mental Health Advocate
Do you continually get the things done that you want to get done or do you feel like you’re always operating out of what other people want you to do?
Hi, this is Grant Herbert, International Influencer and Sustainable Performance Coach, and today, I want to have a conversation with you around your priorities.
So, last week we kicked off this conversation by talking about the fact that there’s no such thing as time management. We’re not able to manage time, there’s 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week. And that’s not up to me or to you to change. What we can change though are three key elements and that is our priority management, our environment management, and our energy management. So this week, I want to go a little bit deeper and talk about priority management.
So if I was to drop in right now and have a conversation with you and look at your calendar, would I have a clear picture and understanding of what your priorities are?
A number of weeks ago when we were talking about setting boundaries around our priorities and what was most important to us and what our values were, we looked at the fact that what we invest our time in as well as our money and other things is a clear indicator of what’s really important to us. And the reason why in productivity we need to get this priority thing right is that:
when we are working outside our priorities, not only aren’t we going to be getting enough done, we’re going to feel like an impostor. We’re going to feel inauthentic, incongruent because we’re not actually giving focus to those things that we say and we truly believe are most important to us.
So, what I want to do is just give you a few tips, a few hacks, a few things that I’ve learned to do from great mentors over the years that I’ve implemented in my own life to help me to get back and stay on track...
Grant Herbert describes himself as an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and 5 amazing kids, who has a passion to help people escape the performance trap and regain their authenticity in every area of life. He is an international influencer, sustainable performance coach, the founder of People Builders and the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence Asia Pacific. Visit to find out how you can connect.