Prioritizing with Intention
Shreya Prasad
Accomplished Product Marketing Manager | Engineering Background | Expert in Enhancing Customer Experience, Proactive Communication, and Cross-Functional Collaboration
Good morning/afternoon/evening,
It's been a while since I posted an article. What have I been up to?
In the middle of this "normal busyness", I took time for me. While it was a quick recovery, after carpal tunnel surgery, I still needed to disconnect and limit typing for a few weeks. It was both hard to type (hurt) and hard not to type (disconnect) for a couple weeks. Interestingly, I noticed I was more intentional with where I spent my time. I considered:
I was intentional, with what I could manage in a day, maybe with a little grace to reprioritize if needed. So, why not incorporate that same sentiment into a typical work day routine?
It's good to start with a plan. Maybe you like to write to-do lists and feel good when crossing things off (I do). But, it's also important to give yourself grace to reprioritize as things arise- whether it's in your work, or personal life.
Every day is different. Your focus may be different. Or maybe your energy level is different. As I say in my yoga classes- show up for yourself every day. Each day you may feel different in your body, but you can adjust the practice to suit you.
Similarly, you can adjust your daily schedule to suit you. Build in breaks throughout the work day. Set times to walk, stretch, eat, etc. Hopefully by doing so, you will not only foster balance but also succeed in your work day.
How do you incorporate your intention into your work day?