Prioritize your Joy.
If we want more joy in our lives, we must be willing to make it a priority. Rather than allowing conditions to dictate its presence, we must create the space for its arrival. We have to want it enough to create access to this gift on a daily basis, no matter what obstacles may arise at any particular moment. It begins with radical appreciation. Appreciation is the doorway to gratitude, which provides us with access to true joy.
Let's begin with a question: what do you appreciate? What fills your heart with joy? For what are you grateful? Who/what do you love? Begin to make a list. For many, this can feel like an overwhelming task. If this is the case for you, look around where you are now sitting/standing. Start there. Make a declaration of that which you love which is currently in your line of sight. Declare your appreciation aloud. "I love my television. I love my couch. I love my dog. I love the warmth of my apartment. I love my mocha latte...." Keep going for as long as possible. Notice how your mood begins to elevate as you move deeper into appreciation. You are raising your vibration.
Do something that brings you great joy. It can be something simple like playing with a dog or cat, painting a picture, dancing, or singing in your apartment. Make an effort to stretch beyond your routine to discover new sources of appreciation. Have something different for lunch. Eat the dessert first. Take the long way home.
Speak to and compliment strangers. Perform random acts of kindness. Find more to appreciate by stepping outside of your routine.
Success or sabotage? If joy is a goal, it must become a priority. We regain our power when we refrain from playing victim to circumstances and resume our position as the primary co-creator of our lives.
Is this going to be an incredible day? What are you doing to ensure the results that you desire?