Prioritize Organizing-Junk Drawer
Do you have a junk drawer? Do you have more than one junk drawer?
By calling or “labeling” a space you will automatically use it for that purpose. So by labeling your drawer “junk” that is what you put in it. Today, start calling it something else!
At my house, we only have one drawer that is a kind of catch-all, but we call it the key and pencil drawer. It holds a little more than that, but not much. The space is somewhat organized with compartments for categories of items. This morning I timed myself while I reorganized it. It took only 5 minutes.
The little trays we use to separate the drawer space come from Amazon You can find similar containers at other big box stores. Make sure to measure your drawer before you go to the store and fit what you can (like a puzzle) to fit the space. The large trays, in the back hold pencils and pens and the more unusual office supplies items that we might need on a less frequent basis.
There are even trays for particular items like this Expand-A-Drawer or The Everything Drawer that we love. These are both from Amazon.
Continue sorting and purging each section, until you have gone through everything. It shouldn’t take long, since everything has an assigned place. When done you’ll have a jammin’ junk drawer!
What I have left over is usually a bunch of stuff from the tray my husband uses to empty his pockets when he comes home. I always find bits and pieces that are foreign to me.
We also squeezed in tiny trays for our car keys. They work perfectly, so no one wastes time looking for keys. This works very well for my family.? Organizing your junk drawer will not make a big difference, but it only took 5 minutes (I did it while I was waiting for my coffee to brew) and we will be able to find our keys and a pencil in a snap!
Try it – Prioritize Organizing-Junk Drawer in 5 minutes.