The Printing Industry Destroying Itself Globally!
Colin Thompson
Managing Partner Cavendish/Author/International Speaker/Mentor/Partner
Companies that do not change to fit the needs of the customer and if they do not take on board the right business models and skilled/experienced business people, plus investing into training people will go-bust! Plus, if Print Associations/Federations globally ignore business models/skilled and experienced people/investing into training to help their members their Associations/Federations will not be around in the future!
Times are generally tough for most Print Businesses globally
Also, the reasons for the demise of print companies was/is probably weak management, no formal business learning, no people skills, lack of management accountancy information, no business models in operation, lack of adequate response to change, over trading i.e. the BIG project and high gearing plus normal business hazards and investors pumping money in without understanding the changing market place. The Print Industry requires excellent business models developed by skilled and experienced people who understand how to operate a successful company. If companies take on board excellent successful business people with knowledge, then the Print Industry would be in a better position to survive and be successful.
Successful businesses are lead from the top, in maximising prosperity for all.
My vision over several years as allowed me to be a successful Managing Director, managing companies to increase turnover, profit and effective/efficient business communications. My winning attitude leads to success and making businesses really fly and taking action to stay in business with my Plan for Success is my professional challenge, it is my special focus, my business, sharing management concern for a commitment to excellence, profit and positive cash flow.
The future is about offering solutions to customers by operating a Print and Workflow Solutions Programme and methodically looking at how you manage your business with the right people and business models. Also, keeping a close eye on the speed of change, that will affect your business. Training, business models, business guides, and experienced/skilled people of any age that are available to help your business challenge the global impact are the most important investment for your success.
Be positive, have passion to be successful and have a strategy for this rapid change globally.?
What are your views to be a Successful Business?
Now go forward and enjoy the rest of 2025 and beyond with your customers, employees and suppliers.
What are your plans?
To help you in your pursuit for the future, please invest into the following publications;
`To Be Successful in a Thriving Global Digital Economy`
The Hidden Overhead: For Your Success....
Document Management - Cost Savings Solutions`
You can have an awesome future, filled with great achievements and results if you begin today to take action and make it a reality! Remember that you are made for Success!
Success is a journey, not a destination
Our goal is simple…to help you reach yours
Together we can make a difference in life...
Have fun, learn heaps, and enjoy every step of your journey!
The only moment that matters is the one that is happening right now - whatever your desire, go for it and enjoy the moment in your life.
Life is fun; life is hard work, but just look at the success you will?have?in your life.
Enjoy life and be happy.
Together, we can do it one step at a time.
Sharing successful information from many sources for your success.