Print Management Services
The Printroom Group is a print management company that provides solutions to our clients print and communication needs.
We respond quickly and efficiently to our clients changing requirements, with an on-going investment in staff training, print and production technologies and the latest ICT systems so that our clients can benefit from our continued investment
Based on a consultative approach we are able to remove significant cost for our customers.
Our approach has delivered up to 55% savings for our customers.
The Printroom Group is a print management company that provides solutions to our clients print and communication needs.
Our range of services includes:
? Internal Print Room Management
? Marketing Collateral Management
? On Line Web Store Front Systems
? Direct Mail Management
? Corporate Stationery Print and Management
? MFD Fleet Management
? Storage, Fulfilment and Warehousing
With over 80 years combined print knowledge The Printroom Group’s Areas of expertise include:
? Web
? Litho
? Silkscreen
? Large & Small Format Digital
? Document Print
? Direct Mail
? Reprographics
? Print Room Management
? Graphic Design
Benefits to You
Printroom focuses on providing our clients with true quantifiable benefits to their business including:
? Improved profitability
? Improved cash flow
? Reduced stock obsolescence
? Reduced time ordering print
? Brand control
? Reduced lead times
? Company Health Check
? Controlling Print Costs
? In today’s economic climate, companies are under severe pressure to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
Print Procurement efficiency can be achieved by The Printroom and we can save from 25% on print costs.
Company Health Check
Our company Health check focuses on reducing print and graphic design spend throughout your company with an unbiased examination of procurement processes. The Printroom Group can supply your company with as much relevant information as possible on the total cost of print within your company.
Our Health Check Report is carried out with integrity and discretion. Tailored to your exact business needs we will present a full and impartial report covering Print and related spend. Our analysts will account for areas of hidden and unforeseen costs.
Incurred within your company’s total print procurement processes.
The Costs
There is no charge for our company Health Check. A free phone consultation can determine where to move forward on decreasing your current print and Graphics spend.
Consultancy Service
Delivering a consultancy service to clients
? Print Benchmarking and contract Print Procurement Auditing
? Print Room Management
? Desk-top, Multi-Functional Devices (MFD’s) and Print Rooms
? Integrated Print Strategies
? Print and Communications Procurement
Focusing our Industry experience on your unique business needs our consultancy service delivers a strategic plan enabling you to analyse print spend. Ultimately saving costs on both print and reprographic procurement. With practical and suitable advice a plan will be supplied with details on implementing our advice.
To contact us regarding our Print Management Service please e-mail me [email protected]
Please note that all correspondence will be dealt with in the strictest confidence